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"Rise and shine!" Merlin's voice rang out as he ripped the curtains opened revealing the bright rays of the sun right onto Arthur's face. Arthur groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. He goes to glare at Merlin but when he looks at him something strange happens. His body seems to disconnect from his mind and his mouth his moving without his permission.

"Goodmorning gorgeous!" What the hell? Arthur thinks I didn't mean that.

"Uhhmm, what? Are you okay Arthur?"

"I am now that you're here, darling." His voice says while his body stands up and walks towards Merlin. No no I didn't say that! I am not trying to walk! Sit down! But his body disobeyed him and continued to walk towards Merlin till he has him pinned against the wall.

"Er, I brought your breakfast, Arthur." He says as he leans as far as he can into the wall.

"I'd like to have you for breakfast." He says seductively and carresses his face. Arthur screams inside his head but Merlin, thankfully, still has his head.

"Okay," He says slapping Arthur's hand away. "You've been enchanted." He pushes him away from him and walks over to his bed.

"I like where this is going." No I don't!

Merlin doesn't respond as he pulls back Arthur's blankets and pushes his pillows aside. "Aha!" he exclaims, holding something up.

Stop moving. Stop right now! Arthur tries to command his body as he stalks towards Merlin.

His friend turns around and points at him, "Don't make me use magic on you Arthur."

"Please do." He purrs out. I actually agree. Please do. Please stop me!

Merlin sighs and his eyes flash gold and Arthur's body is stuck in place. Thank God.

"Are you going to have your dirty way with me now, baby?"

Merlin blushes but doesn't comment as he continues to examine the thing that was found under his bed.

I am going to kill whoever did this.

"Alright I am going to have to resort to some of my books." He looks up at him and squints, "Can I trust you to stay here......No I better not. Okay, Arthur, I am going to let you go and we are going to Giaus's so BEHAVE!" He shouts and his eyes flash gold again and he is dressed.

"How can I behave when you look like that babe."

"Oh my god." Merlin groans in annoyance as he leaves the room. Arthur's body runs after him and pinches his buttcheek. Merlin yelped and spins around to point at him warningly.

"Arthur Pendragon," his cheeks beautifully flushed, "I will turn you into a frog." He feels his hands go up in surrender. "Good."

He continues to walk towards Giaus's, "I can't know for sure but I think it's an enchantment to make to fall for whoever you first lay eyes on. I'm guessing a servent did this and was expecting to be the one to bring you breakfast but since you insisted that I bring it to you today even though I am your court sorcerer I am the lucky target of your unwavering affection."

Well thank god for that, otherwise I would probably be in bed with some smitten servent.

"Honestly, what an immature enchantment with so many ways to go wrong. They should have done a drink or a direct enchantment with a strand of their hair or something. Of course that would be worse for you but still. Let's hope this is an easy reversal spell and I don't have to worry about you attempting to seduce me for more than the next 20 minutes."

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