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Merlin has a divider in his closet; the left side is the clothes he can wear out to anything, the right side is the clothes that he can only wear at home, his comfy clothes. They usually consist of a big shirt or hoodie and boxers. He keeps pants by the door incase there is a knock and he has to go answer it but other than that, he doesn't wear pants in his house unless it's cold, which it rarely is. The problem is, sometimes, his mother or his sister Freya forget to tell him that people are over and he can't just waltz around like that.....


A delicious scent wafts up to Merlin's room that he recognizes as his mother's mexican casserole. He pauses his TV and jumps up to happily walk downstairs only to find himself frozen in place at the bottom of the stairs. Freya is a lot more extroverted than Merlin and has a lot more friends, but usually she is at other people's houses but apparently not today. There is a about 8 of her friends here, all of whom he sees at school. Some in his grade, some in the grade below with Freya.

"Freya for the love of- You have to tell me when you have people here!" His face going red from embarressment as all of them look at him, some of them very attractive boys. The girls giggle and some of the guys laugh but two of the guys wave with a smirk.

"Hey." They both say before everyone starts busting up laughing again. Merlin stares in belwilderment. Freya smothers her laughter and points to his shirt. He looks down and tugs at the bottom of his shirt to read the writing on it before his face flames red again.


Merlin face palms with a groan. He continues to blush as he enters the kitchen to get some mexican casserole. He hears struggling and then a bump followed by an grunt of pain before the thumping of hurrying footsteps into the kitchen. He turns around to see a flushed faced blond boy who is panting from exertion, "Hey." He says again.

Merlin tries to contain his snicker but doesn't succeed fully. He peeks around the blonds shoulder and sees the other guy who said 'hey' getting up the from the ground mumbling.

"Hey." He says back.

"I'm Arthur."


"Merlin." He rushes out before flushing again slightly. Merlin grins and tries to think of something to say. "We have some classes together." Arthur says.

"Yeah." Merlin tries. He isn't very good at the conversation thing. "Sorry, I'm not good at talking. To people! To strangers I mean, I can talk! Well you arn't a stranger but you are and gaah." He blithers before squeezing his eyes shut.

Arthur smiles wider and fishes something out of his pocket, "Maybe this will make it easier."

Merlin takes the crumbled up piece of paper that is slightly torn and dull, like it has been in his pocket awhile. Arthur's number is scribbled as neatly as he could on there with a 'Text me, Merlin? -Arthur P.' the wrinkles in the page make it so fragile that he has to hold it delicately as possible.

"How long have you had this?"

"Oh, uhm, " Arthur stutters, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "I don't know, awhile, I could never find a time to give it to you. I just keep putting it in my pocket everywhere I go like I will run into you or something."

Merlin couldn't surpress the nervous giggle that bubbled up inside him and he smiled sheepishly, "Worked out today didn't it?"

"Yeah." He chuckled nervously.

Merlin bites his lip for a moment while he gathers his courage. "I'll text you." He rushed out before kissing his cheek and sprinting up the stairs, without any food. He lay on his bed with a grin on his face and his cheeks burning before he punches the numbers into his phone and texts him.


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