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"Viv do you think I could bag the photographer," Cassie asks me as she puts gloss on her lips in my mirror.

"Who Urban? Kinda weird that you're going to a concert with the hopes of hooking up with the photographer and not the artist" I inform her from my closet as I try to find something to wear. I am by no means the kind of girl who shaves her entire body before a concert, thinking I have a chance, but it is always best to stand out. "But if you want to I suppose you could."

"I'm going to dm him." She throws herself on top of my bed and pulls her phone out. Her face telling me that she's on a mission. I've known Cassie almost my entire life, and if there's one thing I know about her it's that she's going to get what she wants. She should have no problem with securing a night with Urban Wyatt, she's gorgeous. She's about 5'3" with a slim figure and tawny skin. Her curly hair coming to just above her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. Plus she's confident, confident enough to wear whatever she wants and no one can tell her differently. Currently, she's wearing a black tube top with a leather mini dress on over it. She can get with any man she wants.

"Help me pick something" I huff out at her. "I'm so lost." 

She hops off my bed and stands next to me. She never misses an opportunity to play dress-up with me like a doll. She's always telling me in not expressive enough with my clothes. She throws some of the pieces around and finally shoves some clothes in my arms. 

"Now you won't be dressed like some old ass man."

"My followers like my old man fits."

"Your followers are like twelve."

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vivigrants: funny seeing you here 

vivigrants: funny seeing you here 

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cash.cass: send her home to her boyfriend with my handprint on her ass cheek

"God that concert was great," I say as the post-concert adrenaline rushes through my veins. I slide into the Waffle House booth and Cass sits across from me. "I can't believe we got barricade. And did you see how fine he looked? Cass, I think I'm in love with Jack Harlow."

"You and the thousands of other girls there" she laughs at me. "I never checked to see if Urban DMed me back." She picks up her phone and frowns. The disappointment clearly spread across her face.

"Cass he's Jack Harlow's best friend, can you imagine how many DMs he probably gets in a day. Plus he was on stage all night he probably never even checked his DMs." I know that it's a long shot that he'll see her DM but it's always nice to dream.

"I'm your best friend, your groupies don't dm me."

"I have twenty thousand followers, Jack has like four million."

As the time we spend in the restaurant passes we hear people come and go as we talk, not noticing any of them, stuck in our own little world. We've gone to dozens of concerts together and we always end up at a waffle house for hours after, waiting to come down from our adrenaline highs as we talk. 

Suddenly her phone lights up in between us.

urbanwyatt: yo are you at waffle house right now?

We both look around the restaurant and my eyes land on a table full of men. I recognize almost all of them. The openers, the Private Garden guys, Urban, and most importantly Jack Harlow. 


If you've found this story Welcome! I'm publishing this chapter mainly to see how it is received. I haven't written fanfiction in almost three years so I don't know if this is still something that yall would want. I mainly started writing this when I noticed a lack of Jack Harlow stories. If you think you would like this book please leave a comment and that you would like this story to be. 

Thank you!

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