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I know that some of you already ready 3.1 and 3.2 but I decided I hated them and I'm replacing them with this chapter. I'm sorry for any confusion but I just think the other two were BAD.

"Hi everyone," I say trying to be as cheerful as possible. I look to see how many people are in the Instagram live. The number rises steadily and evens out at around five hundred. "I think today I'm going to bake a pie and you guys can ask me whatever you want." I stand in front of my phone and start combining the ingredients in a bowl as some of my most loyal followers ask me questions in the comments. 

user1: what kind of pie are you making 

user2: how was the jack harlow concert you went to?

"I'm making a pumpkin pie. The jack harlow show was alright, that was like a month ago." My mind begins to wander back to Jack's lips on mine. I shake my head, trying to think of anything else. 

user3: do you do onlyfans?

user4: how tall are you 

user5: what's your favorite emoji

urbanwyatt: alright?? kinda fucked up

I laugh at the sight of Urban's comment. I choose to ignore it and hope that the live viewers wont make a big deal out of the man being in my live. "No to the onlyfans, I've been getting that a lot recently though. Y'all think I should make one? I'm like 5'8. My favorite emoji is the little pouty crying one." I look to the comments to see that it doesn't matter what I say, all they care about is Urban's comments and he's loving it.

user6: are you dating urban????

urbanwyatt: yo we arent dating, her friend fire tho

Cass walks into the room and sits at the island across from me. "What ya doing?"

"Urban is high jacking my live. He said you're fire though." Her face goes red as she pops some of the chips on the counter into her mouth. 

urbanwyatt: cass is there? add me to the live.

Considering this is his live now I don't argue with Urban and allow him to join the Instagram live.

"Yooo" he says with a bright smile. "Where my girl at."

Cass rushes to my side and angles the phone at herself "Aye stop telling people I'm your girl."

"You can wear my shirt on insta but I cant say you, my girl? Thats fucked up." Her face starts to go pink and I can hear Urban laugh through my phone.  "And stop dodging my dms I know you see them." I look at the viewer count and its up to three thousand. The comments are going my so fast that I cant even read one before the next one shows up. All of Urban's followers are now in the live watching him and Cass go back and forth. I let them do they're thing while I finish making my pie. 

As I slide the pumpkin pie into the oven Cass calls me over to the live with a wicked grin on her face. As I approach I can hear the familiar voice of Mr. Harlow. I sit next to Cass and offer a simple wave and smile. The viewer count is up to sixteen thousand. 

"So what made the show alright?"

"Honestly, the openers had way to much time on the stage. Like who were those two little shirtless niggas? They did not need to be there. Also when the white stage lights were on for mad long and we could all see each other in the crowd? Did not need to be that self aware."

"Well next time yall can just come back stage" Jack says with that cocky grin spread across his face. 

"Like a groupie" I ask faking disgust. "You gonna get me in trouble will all your fans."

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