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"Gen! There's a delivery for you" Megan yells up the stairs. I drag myself out of my bed to see what could possibly be so important that she's hollering for me. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Meg putting a large bouquet of flowers on our hall table, with a card in her hand. She hands me the card with a grin on her face. "Someone thinks you're pretty great." I open the card as she walks off.

I'm going to do whatever it takes. - J.H.

I stare at white roses in shock. Never in my life has a man taken the time to send me flowers. A simple gesture in itself but enough to make my eyes water. I admire the flowers for a few more moments and pull out my phone. 

thank you jack.

what are you doing tonight?


I'm taking you out. be ready by six. 


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vivi.grants: fall for me 

liked by druski and 302,463 others

user1: that looks so good on you

user2: woah

cash.cass: my bestie so bad

megdelaluna: ok purrr

Just as expected Jack pulled into my driveway at six o'clock sharp in his Jeep. I quickly walk over to the car to avoid being questioned by my friends. I can see them watching from the window as Jack and I pull away. 

"You look really good," Jack says, taking quick glances at me as he drives. 

"Yeah yeah. Look at the road, not me" I tell him jokingly. He smiles at me and puts his hand on my thigh. My heart skips a beat as he runs his thumb along my exposed skin. Any girl knows the feeling that that kind of touch creates. "Where are we going anyway?" I ask him as we make a left turn down a street that I've never been before.

"We're going to my favorite spot to chill."

"Your favorite spot to chill is the drive-in?"

"Yep, watch a movie, people watch, the whole thing is therapeutic."

"This is way more normal than what I expected from you."

"It that bad?"

"It's the best."

We watched the movie they were showing, which just happened to be Iron-Man 2. We eat the popcorn and snacks jack brought with him. Talking about the movie and our favorite scenes. It was almost like I wasn't me and he wasn't him. It makes me forget about all the stress that's waiting for me when I have to be myself again. 

"Thank you for tonight," I say to him as he smiles down at me. "It's been a while since anyone has tried to actually take me out instead of just 'chilling.'" He takes his right hand off the steering wheel and puts it on my thigh again. 

"Well, I think you're worth more than that." His words make the butterflies in my stomach go crazy, but I try to hide it. "I want to show you that I don't think you're like every other girl I've met. You're different. Not only are you beautiful but you're caring, loyal, an amazing friend, everything. I know you think that I can't change my ways but I'm doing it for you. I want there to be an us."

"Jack, I've loved tonight but I'm just not ready for there to be an us yet."

He sighs and puts both of his hands back on the wheel. "I don't know what else I can do, Gen."

He drops me back off at the house and waits for me to get to the front door before driving off. I watch as his car retreats until I can't see the tail lights anymore. I notice that the house is particularly quiet, meaning I'm home alone. I drag myself to my bedroom and throw myself down onto my bed. I look at the ceiling trying to figure out why I can't just let myself be happy with him. He's nice, respectful, talented, and not to mention attractive. I just refuse to get hurt again. 


yall this boy has me losing my mind

cash: bro if you don't just date him already

megatron: literally, even drew tells me
how geeked this man is for you

cash: urban stay complaining about
the way jack talks about you

I just don't think I'm ready for all that yet

megatron: you wouldn't be telling us 
about it if you weren't catching feelings
for him

I'm not denying I have feelings for him
I'm just saying I don't think I want to 
be with him

cash: well stop stringing him along
if you arent gonna be w him
he don't deserve all that

I guess so

Jack Harlow

can I talk to you

yeah whats up

I don't think we should see
each other anymore

that's a joke right?
cause I'm not laughing 

no, I'm dead ass
its not right for me to act like
we're gonna be something if 
I know im not ready for it with you
I really do care about you but
I don't want to be hurt and I dont
want to hurt you so I think this
is for the best

maybe one day we can actually be friends

bro don't do that can we
actually talk about this 
read 11:13 pm

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