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"So what happened?" Meg asks me flopping down on our couch. We landed this morning back in our hometown this morning and my two friends haven't stopped grilling me on the events of our short trip. 

"We talked" I answer sitting next to her, kicking my feet up on the table. "And we hooked up." They both let out the most inhumane screeches I've ever heard and start doing their happy dances. 

"And then what happened," Cass asks, joining us on the couch. 

"We exchanged phone numbers, we got dressed, and he left."

"That's it?" Meg asks with her jaw falling open. "Where's the romance? Where's the sappy confession of love?"

"Girl this isn't a romcom I met the man a month ago."

"Urban asked me if I wanted to start going out to Atlanta to see him every once in a while after the tour ends," Cass tells us. The girl has a wide toothy grin splashed across her face. I don't remember ever seeing her this happy. She deserves the world and the stars. 

"Druski said I should hit him up if I'm ever in town," Meg adds.

"I have... a slightly crazy idea" I announce to the girls. "What if we just moved to Atlanta. It would make sense even without them. You guys could get way more modeling gigs out there, and I could use a change of pace. Maybe I'll start pursuing my music and use TikTok to promote myself."

"What about your school?" Cass asks me, a gleam in her eyes telling me she's already made up her mind. 

"I can finish it online."

"Fuck it, let's do it," Meg says with a grin. 

A month has passed and we've finally moved into our place. The house was a decent size, with three beds, two baths, a nice kitchen, and a pool. We all have been booked and busy in the week since we've been here. My follower count is up to five hundred thousand. I've started vocal lessons to hopefully get to the point where I can start releasing my music. Altlanta has been treating us well. On top of that, Jack will be back from the tour tonight. 

The boys invited us to go to a party at some club with them tonight, and naturally, we could never turn down a good party. The girls and I are all getting ready in our house, dancing, and singing, living the life we knew we were meant to have. 


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cash.cass: Atlanta treats us well

tagged: urbanwyatt, vivi.grants

liked by urbanwyatt and 129,392 others

urbanwyatt: why you pick the blurriest one

       cash.cass: aesthetic duh

user1: yall really chased these white boys to atl

       user2: why is that your business?

vivi.grants: sista sista 🤞🏾

megdelaluna: wow where was I when yall was taking these? fake

       vivi.grants: you were macking up on ya boy

megdelaluna: take the girl out the city, never take the city out the girl

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megdelaluna: take the girl out the city, never take the city out the girl

liked by druski and 93,564 others

vivi.grants: bruh, fit looking mad familiar 

       megdelaluna: i did some closet shopping, what about it 

druski: 👀

       megdelaluna: you def gonna be seeing me tonight

cash.cass: gens fit and my bag. bitch you going to JAIL

As we walk into the club the flashing lights and the sweaty bodies immediately overwhelm my senses. Cass pushes people out the way while I and Meg follow closely behind the skinny girl to the VIP section. Once we're there Urban tells the security to let us through. We sit on the round couch together as the boys drink and smoke, except for Jack. 

"You're still on the no liquor streak," I ask Jack, trying my best to be heard over the loud music.

"Haven't had a drop in a year" he tells me. I'm impressed. With the lifestyle, he lives I couldn't imagine doing it all sober. Especially when everyone around me is constantly on something. "It's not too bad. Urban stopped drinking with me. He still smokes though." We both look at the long-haired man as he coughs a little bit, choking on the smoke. 

"I admire the dedication, but you're stronger than I am." I reach to the table in the middle of the section and pour myself a shot. I let the liquid slide down my throat, warming my body as it goes down. "Tonight I'm gonna have fun." 

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