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AUTHOR'S NOTE: the couple i use in this chapter is who I will try to use in all jack and gen posts from now on

vivi.grants is going live.

"Hey, guys," I say with a smile on my face. "What are we gonna talk about today?" I'm going live because my new publicist has been saying that I haven't been connecting with my audience enough. I don't know how, I give them every part of my life. 

User1: are you dating jack Harlow??

user2: collab with doja 

user3: make a song with jack

user4: are you friends with jack harlow?

"Yes, I'm friends with Jack. He's actually a really good friend he's helping me get a better grasp on my music."

user5: yall don't look like friends

user2: wheres cass and meg

"Cass and Meg are out with their boyfriends," I tell the audience. 

user1: weird your besties are dating jack's besties

jackharlow: wanna hang out?


user7: NOTICE ME!!!

user8: it's my birthday, say happy birthday to me jack

"You guys are mad concerned about Mr. Harlow for this to be my live." I roll my eyes, slightly annoyed as more comments directed at Jack pour into my live. 

jackharlow: accept my request. 

I accept his request knowing that I would never hear the end of it if I didn't. His face loads onto my screen with a bright smile splashed across his face. 

"That's my girlfriend y'all" he announces with confidence. 

"Don't say that. I am very much so single."

"Lemme change that."

"You gonna set me up with one of your homeboys?" I joke. His smile immediately drops. 

"Don't play with me." 

user9: they know this ain't a ft right

user10: no way they ain't fucking 

user11: so they're saying is they're in love

"Bye Jackman" I say and kick him off the live. For the next thirty minutes, I answer questions in the comments. I try my best to ignore the ones about Jack but there are so many. I begin to make myself a pot of tea until there's a knock at my door. 

"We have a visitor y'all" I announce, picking up my phone and carrying it to my front door. I open it and my mouth falls open. 

"I cannot believe you had the audacity to kick me from the live."

"So you showed up at my house?" He doesn't even say anything. He just walks inside and makes himself comfortable on my couch. "Well entertain my live while I go get my tea." I hand him the phone and walk off towards my kitchen. 

"Can I have one with honey? Please and thank you." I find myself rolling my eyes again but still make his tea. I put both of our cups on a serving tray and walk back to the living room while he talks to my followers. 

"She's a great singer. I'm really excited for her to start releasing music. Maybe we can do features on each other's songs one day" he says as I place our cups in front of him. "She's back now, I'm giving the phone back. 

"I'm going to end this live here but I'll probably be going live again tomorrow." I wave at the camera, blow them a kiss and end the live. I plop down onto the couch next to Jack and throw my head back. 

"Long day?" he asks, grabbing his tea and handing me mine. I take it from him and take a long sip, letting the hot liquid warm my chest. 

"Meetings after meetings. They want me to do a sponsorship with Converse."

"A shoe deal already? You're moving fast."

"I feel like it's too fast," I tell him with a groan. "I didn't even expect this to happen to me, let alone so quickly. If I had never met you I would still be sitting at home eating chicken nuggets off a paper plate. Now I have people coming up to me asking for pictures and brand deals. I enjoy it don't get me wrong, but it's like there's never any time for me to stop and appreciate what's happening around me."

"I get it." He puts his arm around me pulling me in for a hug. "I get the feeling that everything is moving so fast that you can't keep up. Sometimes I have to remind myself to slow down because I'm always chasing bigger and better things. You need to remember that you're here because you deserve it. Sure I gave you a little bit of a push, but you're the one who decided to keep running with it."

I look up at him and my brown eyes meet his blue ones. This moment of serious conversation is a rarity for me with him. No jokes, just him telling me I deserve everything that I have. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, savoring the fleeting moment. 

"Thank you, Jack. I really needed a friend after today."

"I will always be there when you need it." He places a kiss on top of my head and rubs small circles on my back. "Can I ask you a question without you getting upset?" I nod not lifting my head. "What's the real reason that you wanna stay friends? Don't give me any of that 'you're too busy' bullshit though. I wanna know what's really up?"

I sigh and lift my head from his shoulder. He looks at me with intense eyes, waiting for my answer. "I've just been burned so bad before Jack. I don't want to end up that hurt again. I know you're not like the guys I've been with but your reputation really scares me. I don't want to end up looking dumb trying to be with a guy who doesn't do relationships."

"You can talk about my reputation all you want but you know me. I'm sitting in front of you drinking tea with you, talking about real shit. I'm not gonna do anything to hurt you, it almost hurts me knowing that you think I would. I'm not gonna press you about it anymore, but I'm going to show you I want this for real."


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vivi.grants: thank you for being a friend!

tagged: jackharlow

liked by jackharlow and 203,843 others

user1: they're so cute 😭

jackharlow: anytime homie 

user2: jack crying and throwing up right now
liked by druski and urbanwyatt 

user3: he looks so happy 🥺 I wish they would date
liked by cash.cass and megdelaluna

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