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I look down at my phone and see the text notification pop up on my phone. A smile creeps onto my face as I see who it's from. 

Genny ❤️‍🩹

I know you should hate me by now but I'll
admit that i do have feelings for you i have
for a while now. i just dont want to be hurt by
you jack. I'm willing to put in some of the
work for us to potentially be a thing if you're
 willing to meet me in the middle. I just hate
seeing you surrounded by random girls and
 then you say you want to be serious with me.
 you cant have your cake and eat it too.
 stop by tomorrow if you really want to
 take it seriously

I look up and see what she means by the random girls. Some of my boys brought a bunch of girls to the studio trying to get my mind off of her. They told me once I had another girl she'd be off my mind but they were wrong. Every time I look at any of these girls all I can think about is how they're not her. I lean over to my security and tell him to get all these girls out of here. 

Jackharlow: focused and dedicated

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Jackharlow: focused and dedicated

liked by vivi.grants and 932,382 others

user1: gen liked !!!

user2: is our favorite ship making a comeback

druski: gripping that bag mad hard

       jackharlow: wish i was gripping you 

       user3: aye bro, that's a lil sus 

lilnasx: wish i was that bag 😋

       jackharlow: you know where i stay 🤪

groupie1: bro jack harlow really just kicked me and my girls out his studio

3,293 likes 49 retweets


user1: vivi.grants your man got hoes


user2: are they really his hoes if he kicking them out??

Genevieve's Pov:

I open the door and find the rapper standing on my doorstep with flowers in his hands. 

"I heard you had to kick out some groupies last night," I say with my arms folded over my chest. 

"Yeah they just weren't you," he tells me with a smirk. He walks into my house and puts the flowers next to the ones he bought me last time. He walks over to my couch and makes himself comfortable. "Before I get my hopes up Gen are you serious about letting your walls down this time?"

"I am," I say as I sit next to him. I fold my hands in my laps and look down at them as I twirl my fingers. "It's going to take a while but I'm going to try to let all my walls down."

He grabs my face and makes me look at him. The blue of his eyes look darker and are cutting right through me. "I know what I want Gen. I want you. I only want to do this if you're sure. You looking at your hands telling me you'll try doesn't tell me that you're confident in this. I'm going to ask one more time. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

He looks pleased with that answer and leans back on the couch. He puts his arms up on the back of the couch and looks at me like he's waiting for me. I allow myself to get closer to him and I put my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and I immediately begin to feel my nerves unraveling. His familiar scent reminds me of why I caught feelings for him to begin with.  

"Can I be honest with you Jack?" I ask him and he nods his head yes. "This last week has been absolute hell without you in my life. I thought that I was doing the right thing and that at some point down the road we'd be able to be friends and we'd laugh at the idea of us ever being a couple. And then I realized that if you weren't with me you'd be with someone else. You'd be sitting like this with someone else and feeling the way you feel about me for someone else. It made me realize that I don't want you as a friend. I want you to be more than that."

"I couldn't imagine myself feeling like this about anyone else but you. I've never been this willing to commit to someone before. I only want you."

We sit in silence for a while longer, simply enjoying each other's company. I lean my head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. He wraps one of my curls around his finger and watches it return to its natural shape once he lets it go. 

"So when are you going to let me hear these songs you wrote about me?" he asks, finally breaking the twenty-minute silence. 

"You can hear them next week just like everybody else. Just because they're about you doesn't make you special."

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