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WARNING: This entire chapter is nothing but filth. It has nothing to do with the storyline at all except for the sexy bit. so uhhh if you don't want to read it don't it won't affect your knowledge of the story at all so uhh yuh get into it. 

I follow Jack into the bathroom and start running the bath.

"What are you doing," he says as he takes off his shirt, looking at me with confusion written across his face. 

"I'm going to take a bath." I untie my bikini top and let it fall to the ground. "You can join me if you'd like." I turn my back to him and step out of my swim bottoms and cover-up. I sit inside the tub as the water level rises on my body. I notice his eyes examining my body, hungrily. I stop the water and turn to look at him. "Are you going to get in or not?"

He quickly removes his swim trunks and gets into the tub across from me. as soon as he does I slide myself onto his lap. I look down at him with our chests touching. He looks surprised, but more importantly, he looks turned on. 

"What's got into you?" he asks me as he puts his hands onto my hips, pulling me closer. He kisses my collar bone and up my neck. 

"Nothing I just want to be close to you," I tell him. "I still don't think we're close enough though." 

"The only way we're getting closer is if I'm inside of you," he says. His blue eyes are darker and his voice gets huskier. 

"That's a good idea." I reach down into the water and grab him. I gently stroke my hand up and down and he throws his head back. I pick up the pace as a groan leaves his mouth. I place a kiss on his neck and stop. 

"Why'd you stop," he asks, looking at me like I'd just kicked a puppy. I only offer him a shrug in response. I slide off off lap and back to my original spot. I grab a loofah and soap and begin to scrub my body. Once my entire body is covered in the bubbles I start rubbing Jack's body covering him in the soap as well. I get out of the bath and head over to the large shower to rinse off. I take the showerhead off the wall and begin to wash away all the soap. Jack steps into the shower and I hose him off as well. He takes the showerhead from me and puts it back on the hook. 

"You're just gonna leave me hard?" he asks, pointing down to his erection. I grin at him and begin to get down on my knees. He watches me, ready for more to offer him some relief. I take it in my mouth and begin to bob my head back and forth. I look up at him to make eye contact. His hand goes to my braids, guiding the speed that he wants me to go. I continue for a few more minutes until he stops me. He stands me up and leads me towards the bed we're sharing. He leans me back onto the bed until he's hovering over me. 

"Are you sure you want this?" he asks me greedily. I don't even say anything. I just lean to my bag and pull out a box of Trojan condoms. "Someone was prepared" he jokes as he grabs the box from me. He pulls out a condom and slides it on. He pumps himself before sliding into me. 

I let out a moan as he slowly inserts himself into me. He lowers himself so our chests are almost touching. "Holy shit Gen" he groans into my ear. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he begins to thrust slowly. 

"Faster Harlow," I tell him. He didn't need to be told twice. He immediately picks up the speed and I arch my back in pleasure. I wrap my legs around him hoping to make him go deeper. He takes the hint and stops holding himself back. 

"Cum for me," he says into my ear. He does harder until I can barely hold on. I throw my head back and he takes that as his sign that I've finished. He finishes soon after and slides out of me. He takes the condom off and throws it into the trash next to the bed. He holds me in his arms and places a kiss on top of my head. 

"Can I tell you something?" he asks me. 

"Yeah what is it?"

"I love you, Genevieve."

The words surprise me at first. This is the first time that he's said those words to me. 

"I love you too, Jackman."

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