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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm going to be using h.e.r.'s discography for Gen

"You really told that man you just want to be friends?" Meg asks me as she goes through the sweaters at Nordstrom's. "You already fucked, how is that going to work?"

"Simple, we won't do it again and we'll keep all our interactions friendly."

Cass and Meg share a look, tell each other I'm crazy with their eyes. They don't believe that I can keep things platonic with Jack, nor do they want me to since they're getting cozy with his two best friends. I simply don't have time to balance my social media, singing, friendships, and a relationship. I would rather have Jack as a friend than as nothing at all. 

"Well at least get him a Christmas present," Cass says. "Maybe a custom sweater that says sorry for putting it on you and then telling you never mind." I roll my eyes at them as I continue to shop for something for my mom. Maybe since I have some money now I can buy her a nice bag.

We continue to walk around the store until we were satisfied with our purchases. We spent more money than I think we ever could have afforded in the past, and I find myself looking at my friends with pride. We struggled together and now we're coming up together. I grip the straps on the bags knowing that I'll be able to hand these to the people I love with pride. 

After the girls and I parted ways I found myself in the studio. I had been working on some lyrics and I wanted to show my producer so we could maybe turn it into a song. I sit on the couch as he tries to get the instrumental together. I offer some input but he's the expert so I let him work in peace. I check some messages and see that Jack texted me. 

are you in the studio?

yeah , how'd you know

I saw you walk in. what booth are you in 


A few minutes pass and then a knock on the door sounds. I get up and open it, revealing Jack and Urban. They dap up the producer and sit on the couch. I sit next to Jack as he kicks his feet up on the coffee table with my bag on it. 

"What are you two doing here," I ask, moving my stuff away from the bottoms of Jack's shoes. 

"I was finishing up a song. What are you doing here?"

"Starting a song," I tell him, gripping my lyric book in my hands. 

"Since when do you make music?" Jack asks me with curious eyes. The only ones who knew I'd been in the studio recently have been Cass and Meg. I told them to keep it lowkey since I didn't know if I was actually going to pursue it. 

"Since always, I just started taking it seriously."

We all sit and talk for a while longer until the producer tells me that he's ready for me to go into the booth. I put the headphones on and look at the three men through the glass. The instrumental plays and I open my mouth, letting the words fall out.

Set the tone, when it's just me
And you alone, never lonely
In the room, breathin' slowly
Oh, you know me, yeah
Meditate, you can take me
To a place where we can be
All alone, I let you hold me
'Cause you know me, me, yeah

After I finish singing I look towards the producer, he shoots me a thumbs up and I exit the booth. I walk over to him and listen to how we're going to move forward with the song. I nod and let him work his magic on what we have. Waiting for him to ask for the second take.

"That was really good Genny," Urban says. "Cass told me you could sing but not like that." I thank him and sit on the couch next to Jack. "I'm gonna head out, Jack you good here?"

"Yeah I'm good," Jack says dapping up his friend as he leaves. As Urban leaves, Jack pulls my legs into his lap. "Who's that song about?" he asks, already knowing the answer. 

"Nobody in particular" I lie to him, leaning against the arm of the chair. 

"Hard to just be friends when you're writing songs about me." He has that smug look in his eyes. The one he gets when he knows he's right. 

"Nobody said it was about you."

"Then who?"

"You're really aggravating you know that?" I huff out, taking my legs off of him. 

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I'll write a song about you. Then we'll be even."


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vivi.grants: comfortable with you 🎶

liked by jackharlow and 430,328 others

jackharlow: this one a banger 

       vivi.grants: thanks for the help today!

urbanwyatt: shit go hard fr

cash.cass: when can I hear it???

       vivi.grants: soooon, they're still mixing it 

megdelaluna: I wanna be in the video 

user1: hope its better than most tiktoker music

       addisonrae: whats the supposed to mean?

jackharlow: always in the studio

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jackharlow: always in the studio.

liked by vivi.grants and 848,341 others

vivi.grants: all up in my session

       jackharlow: tryna be all up in them guts 😖

       vivi.grants: mad uncalled for 😐

user1: yo is he dating that one girl

       user2: I hope not , ill actually cry 

user3: new music???

       jackharlow: maybe a feature 

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