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vivi.grants: golden ✨☀️

liked by megdelaluna and 8,392 others

user1: literally so bad.

user2: why are you at the beach in October? isn't it cold?

       vivi.grants: no I live in fl

megdelaluna: in my bikini and everything 😩

megdelaluna: I hate beach captions, like sun's out buns out I guess

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megdelaluna: I hate beach captions, like sun's out buns out I guess. 

liked by cash.cass and 1,293 others

cash.cass: so fine

vivi.grants: lemme spit game at you

user1: bro that's the best caption you could come up with 😪


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cash.cass: feeling tropical

liked by urbanwyatt and 953 others

megdelaluna: okay we all baddies

urbanwyatt: damn wish I was there

       cash.cass: please get out my comments

vivi.grants: that's my best friend 😖

The girls and I lay on our towels in the sand, letting the sun soak into our skin. A peaceful change from our usually busy lives. Cass and Meg have been going harder at the model thing. They're both so beautiful I know that they can do it. I've been trying to juggle my classes with my newfound social media fame. My followers have gone from twenty thousand on TikTok to one hundred thousand and my Instagram went from four thousand to sixty-seven thousand. 

The attention is nerve-wracking. I find myself walking on eggshells ever since the Instagram live fiasco with Jack and Urban a eek ago. Tomorrow we're getting on a flight to St. Louis to go see them. As my mind wanders to what can happen while we're there when a shadow is suddenly cast over my face.

"Are you Genevieve Grants?"

I look up to see a few young girls standing over me and my friends.

"Yes I am, what can I help you with?" I ask cautiously.

"Can we get a picture with you?"

"Oh of course, sure." I stand up and Cass and Meg do as well. I hand the girl's phone to Meg and she begins to take pictures of me and the girls. I take individual pictures with them all as well. We stand there for thirty minutes and finally they're all gone. 

"Yall want to go home before more show up?" Cass asks grabbing her towel and beach bag. We all agree and start heading back to my car.

As we enter the house we all head to our rooms, tired from the short interaction we had with the young girls. I flop onto my bed and open Instagram on my phone. I see that the girls all tagged me in the photos I took with them. I can't help but smile at some of the captions they wrote. 

She was even prettier in person. 

I can't believe we actually met her. 

I ship her and Jack even more now. 

They're all on Jack Harlow fan accounts and TikTok tea pages. I guess this is who I am now. The Jack Harlow girl and a Tiktoker. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Is this really what I want? To have people come up to me and ask to take pictures. To never have any privacy again. I let my eyes fall onto the black Prada shirt handing on my bedpost. I can thank him for the attention being placed on me. I was just a regular girl doing regular things until his lips connected with mine. What would have happened if I hadn't gone that night? if I had just let them take an uber and I had just gone home. I get up and throw the shirt inside of the open luggage sitting on my floor. He can have it back. He can take it all back. I don't want this. I don't want the fame. I want to be who I was a month ago. Just Gen, not vivi.grants. 

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