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Before either of us can even comprehend the situation Urban stands up to walk over to us. I pick my jaw up off the floor as he slides into the booth next to us with a grin on his face.

"How are you ladies doing tonight," he asks, with a cocky look in his eyes.

"Better now that you're here" Cass flirts back. I roll my eyes at the two as they continue to shamelessly flirt across from me. I turn to look at the table Urban abandoned. I lock eyes with Jack and quickly turn back around. I can feel my face go hot in embarrassment. I avert my gaze to the half-eaten hash browns in front of me. Suddenly some slides into the booth next to me. I look up to see a pair of stunning blue eyes looking back down at me.

"Hi I'm Jack," he says with a smile holding his hand out for me to shake it.

"Gen," I respond, shaking his hand with a polite smile. He looks at me as though he's studying my face. 

"Were you in the front row in front of the DJ?"

"Oh god that's so embarrassing" I laugh out and cover my face with my hands. The embarrassment radiating off of my body.

"Nah you're good, I remember seeing you during the show. I thought you looked good." I can feel his eyes on me, my skin tingling as his eyes graze over my exposed shoulders and stomach. Suddenly feeling self-conscious of myself I cross my arms over my stomach, trying to hide my post-meal bloating.

"Y'all should come back to the hotel with us" Urban announces.

Before I can even say no Cass agrees excitedly. Urban kindly pays for our meal.  Cass, Jack, Urban, and I pile into my car and the rest of their boys stay at the restaurant. Cass and Urban sit in the backseat talking and laughing while jack sits in the passenger seat, playing music as I drive the twenty minutes to the hotel. A song that I don't recognize starts playing and the sound of Jack's voice fills the car. I bop my head along to the beat and smile at the song. 

"What do you think?" he asks turning down the volume on the next song. 

"I liked it, it was different from the last album. It reminded me of Thru the Night."

"You're the first people to hear that song besides my boys."

"Well were honored." I shoot him a quick smile and continue driving down the dark roads to the hotel

"I don't drink anymore so I don't really got drinks in here," Jack tells me as I sit on his bed. "I got water and tea though."

"I'll take a water thanks." 

As he hands me the bottle his hand brushes mine and my heart does a backflip in my chest. I don't know what's wrong with me. I thank him again as he sits on the bed next to me.

"So what do you do?" he asks, leaning against his headboard.

"I'm a business major," I tell him, twisting my rings around to try to control the nerves. "I do some social media on the side."

"Like onlyfans social media or tiktok?"

I laugh at the question and shake my head. "TikTok, I don't think I could do Onlyfans."

"I think you could." He leans close enough to me that our noses are almost touching. "You definitely got the looks."

The closeness is setting me on fire. I can see the blue of his eyes. I can see how his eyelashes touch his cheeks when he blinks. I can see the pink of his lips. His warm breath grazes my face, sending chills down my back.

Fuck it. 

I lean forward connecting my lips to his. One of his hands goes to the back of my head and the other one braces our fall as I fall back onto his bed. His lips collide with my neck and my hands grasp at his shoulders. He backs away from me and peels his shirt off. His chest is strong but not overly muscular. I let my manicured fingers touch his stomach. Reaches down and unties the front of my shirt, allowing my chest to be exposed. He leans back down and lets his lips crash against mine once again. He takes my shirt off fully and throws it to the corner of the room.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and jack looks down at me.

"Ignore it," he says.

Thirty seconds pass and someone begins to bang on the door. Jack sighs and stands up handing me his shirt to put. He opens the door shirtless, showing that I did a number on his back. He's whispering to someone that I cant see. I begin to see the more serious businessman side of Jack. he closes the door and walks back over to me. 

"I have to go handle something," he huffs out. "You can wait here for your friend if you want." he grabs a shirt from a backpack sitting on the nightstand. "Sorry we had to cut this short. Maybe next time we can finish what we started." all I can do is nod my head. He leaves the room as I sit there on his bed watching his back retreat. 

Thirty minutes pass and there's another knock on the door. I look through the peephole and see Cassie standing in the hallway with Urban.  I open it and step into the hallway still wearing Jack's shirt, mine shoved into my purse. 

"Where's Jack" Urban asks me, seeing I was alone in the room.

"He had to leave, he said he had to handle something."

"Well I guess ill go find him," he leans down and gives a quick kiss to Cass. He gives me a quick goodbye and walks off to find his friend.

"Nice shirt," Cassie says with a grin on her face.

"Yeah, you too."


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cash.cass: this ain't even my shirt 👀

liked by urbanwyatt, megdelaluna, and 2,394 others

vivi.grnats: lets trade stolen shirts

user1: whoring yourself out i see

user2: okayyy stunt on em

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