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I was sitting on a bench, today as the day I was getting married. I didn't want to.. It seemed so boring to sit in a court all day, waiting for someone to marry me. It sucked, but I saw a little blonde rabbit, it was leading me somewhere. I knew I was just imagining it being there, but I was curious.

I followed it into a rabbit hole, I didn't enter it though, it looked deep. But someone pushed me inside, I was falling for what felt like hours. Finally I fell onto a mushroom top. I looked around and saw the rabbit again, with a puff of smoke it turned into a human. He had blonde hair and a red and white suit. He grabbed my arm.

"Come on woman, we must head to the tea party before we're late!"
I nodded and we were running towards a forest.
"Anyways, my name is Tommy, what is yours?"
"I'm Y/N!"
"I wish I could say it's nice to meet you but you made me late!"

We arrived at what I assumed was the tea party. I saw two people sitting there. I saw a black and white rabbit creature, it was honestly beautiful. Next to it sat a blonde man with a green and white top hat, he had large wings. They grabbed my arms and made me sit down.

"Care for some tea?" the man with the hat asked.
"I'd love some. What's your name?"
"I'm Phil, and this is my friend Ranboo!" they waved at me, I waved back.
I had one sip of the tea before they took it away and kicked me out. I walked away from the tea party, scared but mostly confused.

I saw a cat on a tree. It turned into a human with a long coat and brown hair.
"Hello miss, I see you have met my father and brother. The name is Wilbur."
"Ah, hello Wilbur, I'm Y/n!"
"Pleasure to meet you. Anyways, where are you headed?"
"I'm not sure honestly, just trying to find a safe place to stay."

He laughed. He came out of the tree and grabbed my hand. He was so tall.. He took me to some caterpillar type thing. It shook my hand.
"I'm gonna drop you off here, have fun!" Wilbur said as he walked away.

This place was so weird, nobody likes having conversations or spending time with new people, they all seemed in a hurry to be rid of me.
I looked at the caterpillar, it also turned into a human. But it was short with brown hair and a

blue outfit.
"Hello ma'am! You can call me Tubbo!"
I shook his hand.
"Hello Tubbo, I'm Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you!"
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, what are you doing here?"
"I'm trying to figure that out as well.."
"I know someone who can help! He is the only person who knows how to get out of here!"
"Who is he?"
"I could just take you to him!"
Before I could respond he had grabbed my
hand and was leading me to whomever it was.

"Are you an orphan?"
"What the- no?"
"You should be fine then."
I looked at him confused and we walked towards a large castle.
"Is he a king?!"
"I'm not dressed well enough for this!"

He handed me a dress and told me not to worry about it. I put the dress on, it was quite pretty, other than the blood on it. It had some symbols and a white apron over a blue dress. I also had some striped socks to go with it. He then handed me a weapon.

"Use this only in self defence or when necessary." I nodded and I walked into the palace. But Tubbo grabbed my arm.
"Two more things. One, don't just ask him about it, gain his trust first. And second, stay safe!" He hugged me and I hugged him back.

He stood still as I entered the building and the doors shut behind me. I took a deep breath and started walking in more. I was eventually stopped by two guards, who grabbed my arms and led me into a throne room. There I saw him, the king who was my only shot at getting home.

"Who are you?" He asked.
"I-I'm Y/n, your grace."
"Step forward."
I nodded and kept stepping closer until I was right in front of him. He patted his lap and I looked at him confused. But he then pulled me onto his lap and turned me away from him. He whispered in my ear."
"Just play along, trust me." I nodded and two girls walked in. They looked pissed when they saw me.

"Who is she?" One of them asked, angered.
"My future bride." My eyes widened. But I quickly moved on and played my part.
"Prove it! She isn't wearing a ring so it could be a lie!"
He made me face him and he put a hand under my chin.

"Sorry-" He said before kissing me. Normally I would pull away, but I didn't want him to stop. We pulled away gasping for air shortly after. I looked to see one of the girls crying and the other one burning with rage.
"Guards, escort them out. Me and my bride have things to talk about."

The guards grabbed the girls and kicked them out. Then the king grabbed my hand and led me upstairs and into what I assumed was his room.
"I'm sorry about earlier." He said.
"It's fine! Really, I didn't care." I smiled at him. It's kinda sad to say this was the longest conversation I've had since I arrived.

I looked at his face that had a sheepish smile, god I wanted to kiss him so bad.. Wait what?! I just met this guy!
He put his hand under my chin again, then made me look up at him.

"May I?" he asked.
I nodded, a bit confused on what he meant, but then he kissed me again. I was very confused, but happy. He pulled away and apologized again, but I cut him off by kissing him. I had literally just met this man, what had gotten into me?!

"Would you like to stay here for a while?" he asked. I nodded and smiled.
I was closer to going home than I thought I would get in one day. I wanted to go home and see my family again! But the marriage...


I told the king that I was gonna get some fresh air outside. He nodded and led me to the balcony. I overheard a conversation.

"I still can't believe that Technoblade, the king of hearts, fell in love!"
"Same here! With a girl like that nonetheless, we all thought it would at least be a royal, but no." I blushed, had he really fallen in love with me? If so, it could be easier or harder to leave this place. I had to tell him where I'm actually from. I went out to find him.

He was in his room, reading. I smiled and sat next to him.
"Hey.. I have something to tell you.."
He nodded and closed the book, putting his attention on me.
"I'm not from here.. At all.."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm from outside of this place..."
"Outside of wonderland?!"

He held my hand and smiled sadly at me.
"I.. uh.. Guess I should get you home.."
I nodded, a bit sad as well. I didn't want to leave him... But I had to... He led me to a portal.
"Step through this and you'll be by the rabbit hole you fell into to get here." I nodded and looked at the portal, then turned around and looked at him.

"Come with me!"
"Come with me to my world, we can live together and be happy!"
"I'd love to.. But I have a job as king here, and that's to not abandon my people.."
"I understand.." I kissed him on the cheek and stepped into the portal.

He was right, I was laying down near the rabbit hole. I looked back into the rabbit hole, sad. It was just a rabbit hole now, no portal to the other world. I would never see them again.. I stood up and walked to my house. My parents hugged me tight.
"You've been gone for a year! Where have you been?!"
I looked at them in shock. I guess a few weeks in Wonderland is a year here.. I started crying.

My parents put me in my room and I saw the wedding dress. They were still forcing me to get married?! It's been a year! I started crying even more. I didn't want to do it, but I didn't have a choice. I put on the dress and left my room, walking towards the chapel. I walked down the aisle by myself, not wanting my father there because he forced me to do this.

I stood in front of my future husband, he forced himself to smile at me and I forced myself to smile as well, neither of us wanted to do this, we were like siblings to each other. I zoned out and completely ignored what the priest was saying. I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone yelled.

I turned to see who it was.. It was Technoblade.. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, he kissed me and I smiled. My father pulled me away from him, I fought back and tried to get him off, but he wouldn't let me. I felt myself crying.

Technoblade punched my father in the face, knocking him out. I smiled and ran into his arms. My arranged husband ran over to Technoblade and thanked him for objecting. I smiled and Technoblade took my hand. I looked him in the eyes.

"I wanna live in wonderland, with you." I said. He smiled and we ran to the rabbit hole. It was a portal again. We jumped into it, hand in hand, forever.

I finally updated it with better spelling and spacing.

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