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In the middle of the night, a girl was standing in the shadows, planning her attack. She was hired by Quackity to kill Technoblade for a large sum of money. She knew how powerful Technoblade was, but she wasn't going to give up.


I sharpened my sword while waiting for him to show up. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around and saw Quackity.
"Technoblade is at ************ so go there and kill him." He commanded.
"How much am I getting paid for this?" I asked.
"I told you already, 500 netherite and 500 diamonds." He stated.
I nodded and shook his hand, walking towards the location he said.
Once I arrived, I saw Technoblade, chopping down a tree. I sneaked up behind him and kicked him in the back, but he dodged it and grabbed my leg, throwing me meters away from him.

I quickly got back up and started swinging my sword at him. He was easily blocking my attacks. I sliced to the right, and while he was busy deflecting that, I thrusted my dagger into his side. He screamed in pain and kicked me into a tree, making me drop my sword beside me. I picked my sword up off the ground and started running at him again, he blocked my attack with his own sword. I kicked him hard in the leg, making him fall. I put my sword up to his throat, then I kicked his weapons away. He looked up at me, defeated. I was about to put my sword into his throat, but something stopped me. I felt... guilty... I hadn't felt guilty about killing someone in a while... While I was lost in my thoughts, he kicked the sword out of my hand and knocked me down, pinning me to the ground and knocking me out.

I woke up in a cell with no items. I panicked until I realized that there was no use in panicking, it wasn't going to help. I looked around the cell, there was a bed, sink, toilet, and a curtain for me to change behind.
"Ah, so you're awake now." Someone spat. I turned to see who it was.
I saw Technoblade sitting there.
"Listen, I could've killed you right there-"
"I know, that's why I didn't kill you." He cut me off.
I stared at him, I felt my blood boiling.
"Kill me."
"Being dead is better than going back to Quackity empty handed." I yelled.
"Wait.. Quackity?" He asked.

"I'm Y/n, an assassin, he hired me to kill you in return for 500 netherite and 500 diamonds."
"He doesn't even own that many, he lied to you." Technoblade said.
I sighed, of course, Quackity wasn't an honest person, but I didn't think he was that bad.
I took a deep breath and punched the wall.
"Calm down, you'll hurt yourself." Technoblade said.
"Why the hell should you care?" I spat.
He sighed as I continued to punch the wall, my hand started bleeding.
"Stop punching the wall." He said. I ignored him and continued punching it.

"Y/n. Stop." He warned, I ignored him again and my hand was bleeding a lot, but I continued until he entered the cell and grabbed my hands.
"I SAID STOP!" He yelled.
I looked at him in fear. He realized that I was scared and sighed, so he took out some bandages and cleaning equipment. He cleaned my wounds and put bandages on them. I bit my tongue to not scream in pain.
"I'll be back with food." He stated as he left the cell, locking it behind him.
I let out a sigh and leaned back against the cold wall.

I heard the door open and he sat outside the cell with my food, he slid it under the door for me and sat outside the cell. I refused to eat the food in front of him, I wouldn't show him a moment of vulnerability.
"You need to eat Y/n." He said.
"Leave me alone, then I'll eat." I spat.
He let out a loud sigh.
"Listen here, you're my prisoner, if you wanna stay alive, you need to listen."
"Then kill me!" I yelled back at him. He silently left the room. I crawled towards the food and ate it. It was surprisingly good, though I am a prisoner so I was confused as to why he got me good food.

I let out a groan of pain as I accidentally touched my wound. I laid in the bed, trying to get some sleep, but ultimately failing. I heard the door open, I expected Technoblade, but I felt fear rise in me when I saw Quackity.
"You failed, you know what's gonna happen." He smirked.
He broke the cell door and grabbed my arms, forcing me outside. He pushed me into the snow when we got outside. I felt a cold metal against the back of my neck.
...He was gonna chop my head off...
I sighed, at least I wouldn't be in that damned cell anymore. I heard a loud thud and looked up, I saw Technoblade standing in front of me with Quackity running away.

"Why..."I mumbled.
"Why what?" He asked.
"Why did you save me?! Why didn't you let me die?!" I asked.
He rolled his eyes and picked me up, carrying me inside. I would normally fight and not allow anyone to pick me up, but I was too tired. He took me into a new room, he laid me on the bed and I fell asleep immediately. I woke up later in the morning, I felt someone next to me. I turned over and saw Technoblade, with his crown on..?
He sleeps in it? I asked myself. I went to stand up, but something pulled me back down, Technoblade had grabbed me in his sleep.

"Technoblade, let me go." I said.
"It's two in the morning. Go back to sleep." He commanded, still sleepy.
I sighed and felt him put his head on top of mine and his arms around my chest. I knew he was only doing it since he was asleep and not knowing what he was doing, but I still blushed.
I fell asleep a little while after. I opened my eyes slightly once I woke up, so it looked like I was still asleep, because there were three people around us. One had wings and a bucket hat, the other one had a long brown coat and fluffy hair, and the last one had a red and white shirt with blonde hair.

"Techno finally has a girl!" The youngest one said.
"Be quiet Tommy!" The man with the coat said.
"Wilbur, Tommy, both of you be quiet!" The oldest commanded.
"But Philll!" They both complained.
So their names are Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy? I asked myself.
I closed my eyes again, pretending to be asleep.
"Do you think they've done IT yet, Wilbur?" Tommy asked.
"I don't know Tommy, they may have."
"Both of you shut up." Phil said.

Technoblade woke up because of their talking.
It took him a minute to realize that they were there.
"What are you doing in my house?!" He asked them.
"We came to visit you but we see you have a girlfriend now." Phil said.
"She isn't my girlfriend yet!" He yelled.
I felt my face heating, I hid in the blanket and pretended to be waking up.
"Why is there yelling?" I asked, faking being confused.
"No reason, just random people in the house." Technoblade glared.
The three of them laughed and left the house.
"I umm, heard what you yelled." I mumbled. Techno's face went red.
He laughed sheepishly.

"I'm confused, I was hired to assassinate you."
"But you didn't when you had the chance."
I looked over at him, I felt myself blush at his smile.
He stroked my hair, stopping once his hand was at the back of my head, he kept his hand there.
"If you aren't okay with this then just push me away." He said. I looked at him confused, then he pressed his lips against mine. I blushed and kissed back. Once he knew I wasn't uncomfortable, he deepened the kiss, making it more passionate. We pulled away for air and I kissed his nose. He smiled and rubbed my back. I giggled and cuddled into him.

"What is gonna happen if Quackity comes back for me or you..?" I asked.
"I won't let him do anything, he is all talk but no game." I nodded and sighed.
"What if Quackity sets out a search party for us, they know where you live now."
"It'll be fine, trust me." He said. I looked up at him and kissed him.
"If you're certain.."
He giggled and pulled me against him.
I took in all his features, from his scars to his pig ears. He was doing the same to me. My eyes stopped wandering once I met his eyes. They were a deep blood red. I felt like I was lost in his eyes. He put his hand gently on my cheek and leaned his face into mine, kissing me. The kiss was unlike what I would think, the kiss was gentle and sweet.

"I can't believe I fell for the blood god."
"And I can't believe I fell for my attempted murderer."

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