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I was walking through the forest, I kept hearing twigs snapping around me. But my stupid self thought nothing of it. I decided to camp for the night, I set my bag down and made a campfire. I used my flint and steel to set the campfire aflame. I sat near the campfire and warmed up. I heard another twig snap, but it was very close this time. I looked around the area, panicked. I saw my fire start going out. I ran towards it.
"No no no no no!"

I ran into something, it had teleported in front of me. I backed away from it and looked at it. It was half enderman and half.. Something.. I felt myself starting to shake in fear. It was towering over me. I backed away slowly, avoiding eye contact. I looked at my bag, I knew that I couldn't get it, this creature was in the way.

I quickly turned around and ran as fast as I could, hoping it wouldn't chase me. I heard some twigs snap directly behind me. It was way too close for comfort, why was it chasing me?! I found a small hole and crawled into it, the creature was way too tall to enter it. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

The creature went away and I got out of the hole. I knew I would never see my bag or anything in it again. I sighed and headed back home. While walking I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I heard a twig snap and I ran for my life. I didn't know if it was the creature, but I wasn't gonna wait to find out.

I entered my house and shut the door, thankfully mobs weren't smart enough to open doors. So when my door opened I was very terrified. This wasn't a normal mob... I was in a corner and it got closer to me, to the point where I couldn't run away to escape. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to kill me, but it didn't.

When I opened my eyes its arms were out, asking for a hug. I slowly moved closer and hugged it, it happily hugged me back.
"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier." It said with a rather deep voice.
I looked at it again.

"It's fine, I've just never seen any mob like you before."
"Mob? I'm not a mob." He sounded a bit annoyed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were since you were chasing me."
"It's alright, you didn't know."
We stood in awkward silence for a few minutes. Until he spoke again.

"You're kinda short."
"Oh haha, very funny." I said sarcastically.
"I find it kind of cute!" He said while his tail was wagging. I chuckled and looked at it.
"I have a few questions for you."
"Ask away, friend!"
"What gender are you? Like, pronouns and stuff."

"Isn't that what gender is?"
"I- Nevermind. What's your name?"
"But- What- Im so confused."
"How old are you?"
"I'm a minor!"
"At least you didn't say Ranboo.." I mumbled so it didn't hear.
"Do you refer to yourself as He, her, them, or something else?"

I groaned loudly.
I took out my communication device.
"I found this person named Ranboo, do you know them?"
"Yeah, he's a friend, why?"

"So they're a he?"
"Okay thank you, he kept saying his gender was 'Ranboo'."
"Yeah, he doesn't understand what pronouns and gender are."

"Ah, alright then. Well thank you! Bye Tubbo!"
"Bye Y/n!"
I put my device away and looked back at Ranboo.
"Do you have a house?"
"Uhhh, it got blown up."
My eyes opened wide with shock.
"L'manburg I'm assuming?"
He nodded. I sighed.
"I'll help you build one soon."
"Really?!" His tail wagged again and I laughed.
"Yes, now we should make you a makeshift house for the night."

I left my house and walked into the rain. But Ranboo didn't follow. He was curled into a ball in my house. I remembered he was part enderman. I went back inside.
"I guess you can stay in my home for the night."
He smiled largely and jumped up, then tackled me in a hug.

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