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Yea people, the first one that isn't Ranboo, Phil, Wilbur, or Techno! This was a request from one of my Irl friends so if I don't do good imma get drop kicked-


I had been at Tubbo's house all day, we play Minecraft and talked. He had been my best friend and crush for a few years. But I never had the courage to make the first move, and since he didn't love me back, he wouldn't make the first move either.

I let out a loud sigh and felt my phone vibrate.
I got a text from Tubbo.

🐝: Y/n, can you bring me some water? I've been yelling a lot and I need water.

Me: Yeah! I'm on it!

I smiled as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, I heard someone behind me.
"Hello Y/n!" Tubbos mother exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. She was like the mother I never had. My parents were both guys, I was adopted at 4. But recently, they got into a fatal car crash, the whole situation hadn't set in yet.

"Hello! How are you doing?" I asked.
"Pretty good! How abou-" she was cut off by hearing Tubbo yell. I sighed, reminding myself to bring him water.
"As much as I would love to talk, I have to bring bee boy water." I chuckled. His mother laughed and went to start cooking food.

I walked up the stairs and went into his room, I froze after hearing his words.
"AND THEN THEY STRIPPED OFF THEIR CLOTHES-" He noticed I was standing there.
"UHHHH- I CAN EXPLAIN-" he laughed hysterically. I laughed as well.
"Just take the damn water, I don't wanna hear the explanation." I chuckled, handing him the water. He thanked me and I left the room, opening up him stream.

"Well that was embarrassing." He said, his face going red. A dono was read out loud.

"Yo thank you for the 25 dollars! 'Was that your girlfriend?" He read out loud. His face turned even more red.
"No no no chat! That's my friend, Y/n." He explained, suddenly someone joined his discord chat.
"TUBBO SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET A WOMAN?!" A loud British voice asked, I sighed knowing it was Tommy.

"TOMMY SHUT THE HELL UP!" Tubbo yelled back, I laughed so loud I think his stream heard it.
"If she isn't your woman I'm sure you won't mind me saying that she is HOT!" He yelled. Tubbos face went from a blushing joyful mess to a face that screams 'I will punch you.' I laughed even harder.

"Tommy, I will slap you." He spat out.
I thought he was joking around until I saw the serious look on his face. I felt a chill go down my spine, I've never seen him so serious before.
"You're defending your girlfriend pretty well!" Tommy smirked.
Tubbos face turned deep red.
"She isn't my girlfriend!" He yelled.
I covered my face.

"I'm gonna end stream now, y'all are spamming too much. Bye chat!" Tubbo smiled and waved at the screen. I heard him open the door and walk into the room I was in and sat next to me.
I sighed and leaned against him. He tensed up and then he relaxed shortly after, putting his arm around me.

"Why did you get so protective over me earlier?" I asked.
His face turned red and he turned to face me.
"I uhhh... I guess theirs no point in trying to hide it anymore... I-" he got cut off.
"YY/nn! Tubboo! Come downstairs!" His mother yelled. We stood up and I left the room, Tubbo stayed behind a little bit, sad he didn't get to speak.

I went downstairs and hugged Tubbos mother.
"What is it?"
"Well, we are going to the amusement park for a month, we leave tomorrow!" She smiled. "Also, it's in America! You are going with some of your friends, we are letting you choose which theme park though." She smiled.

Tubbos eyes lit up.
"DISNEY WORLD!!!" He yelled. (It's the only one I've been to-)
I smiled largely and nodded.
"Yesss! Disney World!" I smiled.
She nodded and went onto her phone, telling whomever we were going with.
"So, who are the others?" I asked.

"That's a surprise darling!" She smiled and booped my nose. I laughed and nodded.
"Are my parents okay with it?" I asked, excited. My mood suddenly went down as I remembered... Tubbo took my hand and dragged me upstairs. He took me into his room and locked the door. He looked me in the eyes and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back and sobbed into his shoulder, soaking his shirt with tears.

I pulled my face out of his shirt and looked up at him, he was quite literally one inch taller than me which pissed me off. I smiled.
"Thank you.. I needed that.." he nodded and ruffled my hair.
"Just like I need you." He realized what he said when he saw my face go red. I turned away.
"I- Uh- sorry-" he mumbled.

I giggled and looked him in the eyes.
"I think I should go to sleep now."
"Yeah, we both should, we have to pack tomorrow anyways." He said
I nodded went to leave the room, but he grabbed my arm.
"Could you stay with me tonight..? I don't wanna be alone..." he whispered. I smiled and him and nodded.

I grabbed my pajamas and changed in the restroom, I walked back to Tubbos room and got in the bed. He got in the bed next to me and handed me a pillow. I thanked him and pulled the blanket over me, not facing him. I felt him put his arms around me. I was the little spoon and he was the big spoon. I smiled and nuzzled backwards into him. I turned to face him.
"Goodnight Tubbo!" I said as I kissed his cheek.
His face turned a deep red, I smiled and faced away again.
"G-Goodnight Y/n."

(This will 100% have a part two, and maybe an actual story if I decide to write a book for it!)

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