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I looked around my dark room. I have had sleep paralysis for a few years. My birthday was a few days ago and I turned 18, and on that day, the sleep paralysis vanished without a trace. I smiled as I went to sleep. I woke up to a thud noise. I looked around my room and saw nothing since it was dark. I grabbed the flashlight next to my bed and turned it on, I saw my closet door move out of the corner of my eye. I slowly walked towards it and opened the door, I stumbled backwards as I saw a black and white creature in there. The creature grabbed my arm so I didn't hit the floor.

"It's alright! Don't be scared!" It said.
"Y-You're not real!" I yelled.
"Y/n, look at me. I am Ranboo, I was hired to scare you, but I never did since you already had a sleep paralysis demon." He explained.
"Wait.. are you why I haven't had sleep paralysis recently?" I asked.
He nodded.
"You've gone through too much so I made him quit."
I smiled

"You're welcome!" He smiled.
"Wait... what are you..?" I asked, scared again.
"I'm not sure, I think I'm a demon-" I screamed and backed away from him until I hit the wall.
"Hey! Calm dow-"
"Please.. Leave me alone.. I just want to sleep..." I mumbled.
He sighed and went under my bed, vanishing.
I laid back down and tried to sleep but I wasn't able to. I kept thinking about him and how upset he looked when he left. I ignored it though.
He was a demon, they always seemed nice at first, then their true colors showed. I had met a demon before, his name was Schlatt. He was kind and caring at first, then he tried to kill me.
I was never going to let that happen again.

I groaned and punched my pillow over and over. This was the worst.
I just wanted to be normal. I started crying into the pillow, I felt someone rubbing my back. I turned around and saw the monster. He wiped a tear from my eye. It burned his hand.
"Are you... part enderman..?" I asked. He nodded.
I looked at him more, noticing all of his features.
He was incredibly tall and skinny, had pointy ears, wearing a suit, he had large horns with rings on them, he was half black and half white with green and red glowing eyes, and he had fangs.

I quickly threw myself under the covers. If he was a monster from under my bed, he should go away when I do this. I got out from the covers and saw that he was gone. I smiled and fell asleep.
I woke up to my alarm, I had to get ready for school.
I threw myself out of my bed and got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair. I grabbed my ID and backpack and left the house. I had been bullied for a few years because I wasn't very social. I arrived at the school and saw my bullies, I covered my face and ran into the school and into my class. I took a seat and took out my notes.


I left the classroom and got pinned to the lockers.


"Where do you think you're going?" One of my bullies smirked.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled.
They laughed and I got punched in the stomach, I groaned in pain as they kicked me in the side. They pushed me to the ground and kicked me over and over.


Suddenly, there was a loud yell.
The bullies ran away, scared. I tried to look at the man who saved me but I couldn't move my head up. The only thing I could see was that he was tall. He picked me up and I closed my eyes. Suddenly, we were at my house. I was confused. I was set on my bed and I looked at the man who saved me.

"Ranboo..?" I asked.
"Hey Y/n, are you alright..?"
"I don't think I am..."
He sighed and summoned an ice bag and put it on my head.
"Stay here, try not to move, I'll get you some medicine and water." He said.
"How? My parents would try to kill you!" I exclaimed.
Suddenly, purple smoke surrounded him and when it faded away, it revealed a human boy with black and white hair with green and red glasses, pale skin, a white dress shirt and black dress pants with matching gloves and a matching mask.
"I could just say I'm your friend." He smiled and left my room.
I sighed and let my head sink into the pillow.

Ranboo entered my room with the medicine and a water bottle. He handed it to me and I took the medicine and drank the water. He sighed and sat next to my bed, turning back into his normal form.
"I'm sorry for scaring you the first time we met.." He mumbled
"It's fine! I didn't know what you were like." I responded.
He smiled and hugged me. I felt myself blush. He looked at my cheeks.
"Wait.. are you blushing? Did I make you blush?!" He smirked.
"Ranboo hush!" I laughed.
He giggled and kissed my forehead.
"Goodnight Y/n." He smiled.
"Wait! Ranboo!" I said.

"Yes Y/n?"
"I don't wanna be here anymore.." I mumbled.
"You want to move away?"
"You want to kill yourself?!"
"What do you mean then? Wait, do you wanna live with me?"
"Yes." I smiled sheepishly.
He blushed and hugged me.
"Umm, you can live with me, but first you need to become a demon as well.."
"How do I do that?" I asked.
He handed me a vile.
"Is this.. Poison?" I asked. He nodded.
"The only way to become one is to die by this specific poison."
I looked down at the vile of poison. He held my hands in his.
"You need to trust me, I don't wish to harm you." He whispered.
I sighed and downed the vile of poison in one go. He held my body as it went limp.

"It'll be alright, I'll see you very soon." He smiled sweetly.
I let my eyes close and I smiled.
When I opened my eyes, I was in a little cabin. I felt someone wrap their arms tightly around me, I turned and saw Ranboo.
"You're okay! Thank XD! You're... not wearing clothes-" He immediately looked away. He left the room and threw a cloak at me. I put it on and he entered the room again.
"L-Let's get you some actual clothes." He mumbled. His cheeks were bright red. He held my hand and took us to a shop.
I found black battle pants with a purple tunic and black battle shirt. I put it on and smiled. Ranboo saw what I was wearing and his ears perked up. He hugged me.
"You look beautiful!"
I blushed.

"Thank you Ranboo." I smiled.
He paid for the clothing and put his arm around my waist, taking us back to the cabin. He ruffled my hair and kissed my head. I blushed a lot.
"You like me, don't you?" He smirked.
I looked at him in shock, I knew my feelings for him had grown recently, but did I like him?
He giggled and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled and kissed back.
He smiled once we pulled away, I was glad that he loved me back. I nuzzled into his neck.

"My little demon." He cooed.
"I'm not little! You're just freaking huge!"

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