Chapter 13

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Her eyes felt so heavy, like a tonne of bricks were weighing them down maybe due to all this pain relief she knew was in her body. The dry sensation, almost scraping sensation in her throat was offputting, she eventually opened her eyes and soon the blurry images of the world formed the face of Kian, she smiled slightly and felt his hand wrap around hers, she frowned slightly and turned her head seeing Fletch sitting on the other side of her, she looked down at her body and then back up and Kian hushed her gently as she started to panic, she was scared understandably, no doubt all those memories were in her head and she wanted them gone, Kian could just tell by the look in her eyes that she was in a lot of mental pain and that was more startling compared to the physical pain.

"Hey it's ok Jac" he soothes her and she gulps slowly seeing the small smile on his face, she reaches her arms out to him and he holds her close "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere"


"She's fine" Fletch responds, he didn't want to worry her with the endless nightmares that Emma experienced last night as it was the last thing she needed right now "Sacha wants to speak to you if that's ok? Only if you're up to it"

"Stay" Jac turns to Kian, he nods slowly kissing her on the forehead, his hand wrapping around hers as Fletch leaves to page Sacha and Hanssen

"Always" he murmurs and Jac just looks at him, she gulps slightly and Kian picks up the cup of water and poises it to her lips, she drinks avidly before bringing her hand up to wipe her mouth "Is your throat sore?"

"A bit, headache as well" she nods and Kian smiles at her, he places a hand on her leg and she flinches "Sorry"

"No, I'm sorry, I wish...I wish things were different" he says sadly and Jac shakes her head gently as she sees Sacha through the window, he enters and she looks at him frowning slightly in a state of confused

"Come on then let's hear it, is my leg living or dying" Jac yawns and Kian strokes her hand gently, Sacha sits on the bottom of the bed and smiles

"You'll be fine, we managed to save it obviously we'll have to see how your recovery goes but overall things are looking positive"

"You see, you had nothing to worry about" Kian strokes her hair and she nuzzles her face into his hands "So what now?"

"We monitor you, once the wound has healed enough then we can start physio and then we'll see how you go" Sacha smiles and Jac nods slowly as her eyelids droop "Get some rest ok?"

"I'll look after her," Kian says and Sacha smirks at Fletch who smiles knowing they were so in love even if they were falling out every two seconds, they both leave to give them some privacy, Jac forces her eyes open and Kian smiles at her as he rests his forehead against hers, she kisses him softly on the lips and he reciprocates as she rests her head on his arm...


Jac and peace was something that was magical, Kian carried on stroking her arm, admiring how beautiful she looked even if she was dosed up on numerous drugs and other things. He kissed her softly on the head as she woke, she reached her arm out for some water and he held the cup for her causing a brief smile from her. Her eyes continued to look around and Kian was trying to distract her but there was something odd about this situation that neither of them could put a finger on. It felt odd, very unlike them, Kian was there and he was being all-loving and that thought caused Jac to snap her arm away from his body, he frowned trying to pry information out of her but nothing, absolutely nothing. Jac was in pain, he knew that, physical pain and mental pain and those two things mixing were making her feel uncomfortable, unsteady and more important she was breaking internally over all the thoughts that were in her head. It was a living nightmare watching her transform from her peaceful self mere moments ago to a nervous wreck, comforting her didn't seem enough this time though.

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