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"Tayna thinks we'll find Tuvok in a prison cell somewhere inside, or perhaps under, the guard tower," Paris said to Chakotay. He described his close up encounter with the tall stone tower and its impassable adjoining wall.

"And you think I should volunteer for guard duty on the turret," Chakotay guessed. He shaded his eyes to get a better look at the tower. He wasn't keen to further explore the threatening power of being a guard. To him, the guards stationed at the very top of the tower looked the most menacing of all, with their gaze directed permanently over the four corners of the city.

Janeway took her first officer aside.

"You're not under orders for this one, Commander," she instructed him. "If you say no, then we'll find another way."

"There may not be another way," Chakotay replied.

He could picture himself up on the turret. Although physically, he would be among others, mentally he'd be alone, his thoughts elsewhere - walking the dusty streets with the away team and looking for any opportunity that might let him do a quick search for Tuvok.

He could feel his heart thumping. The sound echoed in his ears and grew louder with each second he mulled over the decision. He wondered whether the captain could hear it, whether she could see the concern in his eyes as she looked at him. But if she did notice, she didn't let on and her face remained unchanged from the confident look she always wore. Chakotay valued that look of assuredness. It eased the choice. He lifted his shoulders a little straighter and with an assertive nod, affirmed he would go.

He looked around at his little band of friends. They were all uniquely dressed and painted. Outwardly, they appeared to be quelling any fears they had for his safety. He spoke with Tayna for a few minutes, to try and get a better idea of where he might find Tuvok, then he turned and strutted toward the tower.

Not long after, he stood in the same place Paris and Janeway had been only a short while before. He stared up at the tall stone tower. The bricks of the tower appeared as if they were getting smaller the higher his eyes climbed, and gazing at the very top, it looked like the brilliant rays of the afternoon sun were lapping at the turret.

Chakotay took a few steps back to search for an entrance. There had to be a way in, he just wasn't sure where it was. Suddenly one of the guards covered his mouth and shouted down from his roost.

Chakotay couldn't hear what he was saying; he was too far away. So the guard used hand signals to indicate he'd be willing to swap places. Chakotay nodded. The guard disappeared from his post and a short while later exited the tower through a well-camouflaged door in the base, which was made to look like the surrounding stone.

"Glad to see you," the guard said and patted Chakotay cordially on the back. "I haven't had a break in almost nine hours."

Chakotay was suddenly angry that he had thought this part of the mission might be successful. There was only limited time left until the Delta Flyer would be piloted back to retrieve the away team. Judging by the guard's comment, he figured he'd most likely spend the rest of his time in the Anawin City accomplishing nothing more than keeping watch over the people. With a sigh of frustration, he entered the tower through the camouflaged door.

The inside of the tower was dimly lit and smelt musty, but there were definitely no prison cells lining the walls and no access point in the solid floor to suggest there might be something underneath it. In fact, the tower was just a huge stone shell, housing a staircase like no other Chakotay had ever seen in his life.

The muscles in his legs stiffened at the thought of climbing over a thousand closely spaced steps. At that moment, he was thankful for the intensity of his Starfleet Academy training. The seconds sped by, while Chakotay stared up at the seemingly endless staircase that followed the curvature of the wall. He didn't want to create any suspicion in the guards mounted on the top of the tower and placing his solid black boot on the first step, he steadily began to climb.

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