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"Sweltering hot days, freezing nights and black rain. What next? A plague of mosquitoes, perhaps?" Paris stared suspiciously up into the heavens as the rain pelted down, leaving little soot marks on his clothes.

The early morning sunlight was masked by heavy, thunderous clouds that had rapidly gathered. The party of four ran to take cover under a tree. However, their haven barely provided enough cover for one, and the raindrops, which were black with the smoke and ash from the west end inferno, fell through the skimpy branches of their chosen shelter, soaking them once again to the skin.

"Be careful what you wish for, Lieutenant," Chakotay said, ducking in unison with a nearby lightning flash, while he tried not to slip on the dirt track that was fast becoming mud under his feet. His native beliefs included a healthier respect for nature than most species and had always led him toward erring on the side of caution.

From the moment the group moved away from the cave, Chakotay had led them along the sandy beach, continually visualizing Masson's map in his mind to make sure they were heading the right way. He knew at some point they'd have to scale the mountain that loomed high above them, but it didn't look at all inviting.

It was only after eliminating every other option, and reaching another watery impasse, that they decided to tackle the rocky wall.

"There's no way Tayna can make that climb," Janeway said, gazing up at the mountain. "Someone will have to carry her."

"I'll take her," Paris volunteered. He borrowed Chakotay's belt and tied Tayna to his back.

"Tom, are you sure you can do this?" Janeway asked, as she checked Tayna was tightly fastened to him and wrapped the child's arms around his neck.

"Captain, believe me, I have no intention of falling, but like you said before, if something goes horribly wrong at least we'll go together."

Starfleet Academy had taught them all basic mountaineering. Paris had even done some more difficult scrambles. Still they could see this climb was going to be perilous.

Chakotay took the lead, looking for the least steep route as he climbed over the mountainous terrain, the others following close behind him. Some parts were fairly easy to scale, but in places they had to tackle inclines that were almost vertical. He wished he had some basic equipment, even a rope would have made things easier.

About half-way up the mountain, Chakotay repositioned his hands and transferred his weight to a new foothold. Without warning, the rocks underneath him gave way. His boots slipped and he dangled in air, his hands taking his full body weight.

"Look out!" he called, as he searched for somewhere new to put his feet, eventually locating a firm footing, while Janeway and Paris shifted their bodies to avoid the sudden landslide of falling rocks.

Paris watched the rocks cascade down the mountainside and splash in the ocean far below, making tiny ripples. Instantly, he tightened his hold on Tayna.

Reaching a large, stable ledge, they stood and rested together, gazing down at the ocean and up at the escarpment above their heads mapping out their route, until they were ready to continue on.

Again they clutched at handholds and balanced on footings. At one point, they even had to stand on each other's shoulders.

Finally, Chakotay reached the top. He brushed his grazed, bleeding hands over his trousers. Then he lay down on his stomach and eased his torso back over the imposing ridge.

Janeway held tight to his hands. She dangled momentarily above the sheer drop, before he lifted her up and over the ledge. Then she grasped his ankles to give him the extra support he'd need to pull Tom and Tayna over the precipice together and reduce the chance of him careening over the ledge from their combined weight.

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