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Chakotay looked up at the mammoth stone tower. High above him on the turret, there were four sentries keeping watch. He was sure one of them was Masson.

Chakotay kept his anger in check. He was annoyed Masson hadn't shown up to collect Tayna like he'd promised. Unreliability wasn't something he had anticipated from one of Zeron's highest ranking soldiers. He thought about the conversation he'd shared with Masson, while they climbed the stairs from the crypts back up to the top of the tower. The guard was a long-standing member of the Dimar. He knew the exact location of the colony, but Chakotay sensed he was reluctant to part with any information about its whereabouts, although Masson did let him know that most members of the Dimar had relocated outside the city wall in recent months. In fact, it was at that point in their dialogue that Masson volunteered to take Tayna home himself.

Now the plan had been forced to change.

Chakotay approached the camouflaged entrance to the guard tower and pressed the button to slide open the door. He had to speak to Masson. The guard was his only hope for finding out the location of the Dimar colony and for working out a way to get four people safely out of the city.

The winding staircase loomed before him. This time he was aware of the muscle burning potential of the seemingly endless steps and he paced his stride better.

"Hold it right there!" The words sounded in his ears, as he perched on the second last step and pushed on the hatch above his head. Four disrupters protruded under the sides of the hatch. Slowly, Chakotay eased his arms into the same space and gave the guards a glimpse of his bright red sleeves.

"Oh. It's only you," said the young redheaded guard who'd laughed at him the night before, as he flung the hatch wide open.

Once again, Chakotay climbed up into the bright sunlight and picturesque views.

The guard standing closest to Masson was quick to abandon his phaser cannon and Chakotay took over the position.

The hot sun beat down on his back and sent rivulets of sweat trailing down his neck; reflecting inward, Chakotay asked his spirit guide for the gift of endurance to see another day through in the sweltering heat.

The hours passed slowly at the top of the tower. The guardsmen kept a silent watch, while the streets below were crowded but serene. Chakotay took a moment to look at Masson. The guard had been his confidante. The only member of the Anawin population he'd trusted not to reveal his identity as an intruder, or to disclose the location of the other away team members. He had even trusted the guard enough to place Tayna in his care. With the realization, Chakotay understood his anger. He felt betrayed.

"Seven hours. Can you believe it?" Masson suddenly spoke up. "An extra seven hours of tower duty, as penalty for a fifteen second delay in reporting a minor scuffle on the west side. High Councilor Zeron is fuming today. With a punishment like that, you'd think I was personally responsible for the prisoner's escape." Masson's voice was dramatic and loud. "Apparently, the prisoner escaped with the help of friends. The High Councilor scanned their vessel as they moved away from the planet. There were five individuals inside the craft, and one was definitely the prisoner. The child wasn't with them. He sent a few ships after them to keep track of their location, but basically he let them go for now."

Chakotay had wondered how Tuvok and the others had fared traversing Anawin space. Masson had provided him with the answer to his question, as well as explaining the reason why he'd been unable to collect Tayna. He had been confined to the turret.

"Zeron knows there are intruders still lingering in the city somewhere," Masson continued. "One is the impure child. Another, he suspects, is a female called Captain Janeway. Zeron has offered a significant reward for her capture."

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