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The first Chakotay knew that he'd reached the end of the tunnel, was the huge splash he made as the ground underneath him gave way and he dived headlong into the freezing ocean. Masson's plan had omitted the possibility of high tide.

Tayna stopped still at the sound of the splash and froze on her hands and knees.

Forced to halt behind the child, Janeway shouted Chakotay's name in the direction of the pale evening starlight that streamed into the end of the tunnel.

Chakotay rapidly stood up in the icy salt water. The waves splashed at his back and instinctively he placed his hands under his armpits to conserve some heat. The water was almost up to his shoulders, not too deep but very cold, and because he'd dived in headfirst, his forehead pounded. His red uniform was soaked through and he shivered as he responded to the captain's call.

"I'm fine. Just keep moving ahead slowly."

Chakotay watched the exit to the tunnel and saw the top of Tayna's head appear. Carefully, he eased the little girl down from the hole before calling out to the captain that she should stay put.

Hurrying as fast as he could toward shore, he placed Tayna down on a sandbank and waded back into the water.

Unwittingly, Janeway smiled at her first view of the drenched commander, although she didn't let him see. He had sounded so bold in the stairwell, but now he didn't look so bold, soaked to the skin, with the white crested waves lapping at his back.

Raising his arms, Chakotay helped her to slide out of the tunnel. The ocean was so cold, he could feel it draining his strength. He'd lost all feeling in his lower legs and his fingers were slowly turning numb. No longer sure he could carry her safely through the water, he stood still with his arms raised, suspending her in mid-air.

"Put me down, Commander. That's an order!" Janeway said.

As Chakotay lowered her into the sea, Janeway's eyes widened in shock as the icy water contacted with her skin. Chakotay saw her shiver, while the waves rolled around her and soaked through her dress. The ocean spray snuffed out the lantern in her hand and the sea turned black under the darkness of night. Slowly, she made her way to the shore. Her cream dress clung to her legs as she exited the waves, until she stood on the sandy beach beside Tayna and squeezed the water out of the sopping material with her hands.

"Take it easy, Tom!" Chakotay yelled.

Paris' feet hastily exited the tunnel, followed by his thrashing legs which were kicking out at the earth that was steadily disappearing from under him. Tom was obviously eager to be free of the cramped space. He flung his legs around in search of a foothold, but didn't find one. His escape from the tunnel was very rapid as he sailed right past Chakotay's outstretched hands and landed in the ocean with a huge splash.

Tom scrambled to his feet, spitting out the seawater in his mouth. Then he caught Chakotay smiling broadly.

"Hey, that wasn't funny. Anyway, you don't look too dignified either, Chakotay."

"Glad to see you made it through without getting stuck." Chakotay's reply was laden with sarcasm.

Together they waded to the shore.

Tom pulled off his wet shirt and wrung the water out.

Chakotay stood on the beach and let his uniform drip-dry.

The sun had disappeared over the ocean crest. Sunset was gone and a dark, cold night had taken its place. The away team sat on the sand, shivering, and stared off into the horizon, while Tayna ran up and down the beach in front of them playing chase with the waves. It had been a very traumatic day and Chakotay was glad to be sitting with his back against the other side of the huge stone wall that encapsulated the Anawin City. He could clearly see the white floodlight on top of the guard tower. Picking up the knapsack that had been deposited on the ground, he slung it over his shoulder.

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