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B'Elanna pulled her purple hood down onto her shoulders and uncovered her face, clutching her aching ribs as she worked her station.

"I'm picking up a polaron beam. We're being scanned," Seven said, reading the data spilling out on the monitor in front of her.

Tuvok unconsciously lifted his hands from the console in front of him, as if wondering whether he was about to be plunged back into the crypts. His breathing was still ragged.

Ensign Hamilton counted down the remaining seconds aloud as he took them to warp. The Delta Flyer cleared the firing range of the plasma emitter and sped off into the distance. Eventually they were able to shake off the three bronze ships in pursuit.

Almost an hour later, Ensign Hamilton piloted them into a nebula and they all caught a glimpse of Voyager.

"Welcome home," said Hamilton, as the Delta Flyer entered the shuttle bay.

"It's good to be back," Harry and B'Elanna replied, almost in unison.

Only then did B'Elanna take the time to ponder what Tom's existence might be like for the next twenty-four hours, the time he still had to spend in that wretched Anawin City.


It had been hard to watch Harry say goodbye. Too many emotions displayed so close to the surface. So few suitable words to say. The encounter had definitely affected her and she'd had to swallow hard before giving the order to transport the others.

Silently, Kathryn Janeway tapped the tips of her fingers against her lips. She didn't like goodbyes; another twenty-four hours could make it even harder. She leaned back against the wall in their new location. They'd moved quickly after the transport, changing places and spending time blending with the Anawin population until they felt it was safe to regroup.

Janeway slid her back down the wall and sat on the ground beside Tayna and Chakotay. She allowed Tayna to put her head down on her knees. Gently, she stroked the child's wavy red hair.

"You were right," she conceded, not looking at him. "I have thought about it. But I don't think it would be in her best interest."

"Okay, that's your call," Chakotay replied. "I'm sorry I overstepped the mark, but you made your feelings on the matter pretty clear. It didn't leave a lot of options. Someone had to stay and take responsibility for her when Masson didn't show up. I would've stayed here alone."

"I know," Janeway returned. "And Tuvok would have become my First Officer."

"You mightn't have so many arguments with Tuvok."

"Probably so," she replied, smiling at him. She wanted to mention something about the conversation and the view not being so interesting, if she had to sit beside Tuvok for an eight-hour shift, but thought better of it. Lately, it seemed, they'd been sparring a lot more than usual.

"So why did you stay?" Chakotay asked.

"I didn't want you to be negligent in your responsibilities as my First Officer. I mean, how could you protect me if I was on Voyager and you were on some distant planet?" Janeway smiled slyly as she reminded him of his words.

Chakotay chuckled.

"I should've guessed that was going to come back and bite me some day."

"So we're in for another freezing night. Tayna, does it ever snow here?" Janeway asked more relaxed.

"Sometimes," Tayna replied looking up at her.

"Well, let's hope it doesn't tonight."

Snow seemed very unlikely as the morning temperature began to climb. Along with the sweltering heat, the strong wind sent hot dust clouds swirling into the air, splintering exposed skin and giving the landscape a hazy appearance. It was going to be another uncomfortably hot and gusty day.

Paris wiped his sweaty brow and tossed his woolen jacket on the ground, before sitting down beside the others. Together the officers discussed the options. This part of their mission was unplanned. They hadn't anticipated Masson might not show up to collect Tayna.

"I'm sure I saw Masson on the tower. I'm going to have to go back up there," Chakotay said.

"Why don't you just wait for him to come down to find out what happened?" Paris suggested.

"Tower shifts can last all day. We can't afford the time."

"So we don't want you stuck up there all day either," Paris said.

"I'll make up some excuse to go down to the crypts and sneak out through the priory, when I think it's safe."

"Then we'll keep an eye on you from down here and meet up with you outside the priory," Janeway said.

Chakotay stood up. "I guess this is where we part company, again. Sorry to leave the three of you alone and susceptible to the prying questions of every gossipmonger in the Anawin City." The smirk on his face said he wasn't sorry at all. "Oh... and if you want my opinion, I agree with Tom. It wouldn't be fair for Tayna to go through life without a sibling. Enjoy your day." Chakotay shielded his smiling eyes from the swirling dust and hurriedly walked away.

"That just leaves you, me and Tayna again," Paris said with a sigh. "Ready for the next round of twenty questions, Captain?"

Janeway struggled to dispel the wry smile lingering on her lips. Finally she turned to face him.

"Lieutenant, I'm sure staying on Anawa wasn't what you had in mind for today, but I appreciate you being here."

Paris returned her smile. It seemed like he was going to leave the conversation alone. Then he changed his mind.

"You handled the situation skillfully, Captain," Paris said. He was being very diplomatic with his choice of words. She'd initiated the little chat, but he made it obvious he was wary of tripping on potentially sacred ground. "Chakotay backed you into a corner and you still came out champion. I guess that's why you're the captain."

Janeway thought about steering the conversation in another direction.

"Chakotay was adamant he was going to remain behind. That meant, ultimately, you were staying too," Tom continued. "I figured you might want someone else to stay, but you worked through the options much quicker than I did. B'Elanna and Tuvok were both injured. Harry had been discovered in the crypts. That only left me. You had to think on your feet. It took me a while to catch up with you. Though I really think I've got my work cut out for me this time, Captain. Making sure you don't put yourself in any more danger than usual. Umpiring your arguments with the Commander. Heading off situations that too closely resemble playing happy families. You and me - that's a bit of fun. You and Chakotay... I get it. That's why you asked me to stay, isn't it?"

Tom looked pretty smug.

Janeway gazed at him, not quite sure how to respond. Actually, she was proud of him and his detective work. Somehow he'd evaded all her usual warning signs and managed to get his final point across without her cutting him off.

"Hmm... Something like that," she offered with a slight eyebrow raise and an alluring grin that instantly validated his suspicions. It meant, indirectly, either she didn't entirely trust Chakotay to stay at arm's length while they were on Anawa, or she didn't entirely trust herself to keep him there. Either way, Tom's betting pool was about to get a huge injection of funds.

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