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Janeway and Paris had extensively explored the west sector of the Anawin City before they began the long walk back to the east side. They hadn't drawn as much attention traveling without Tayna and had covered a lot more ground in a much shorter time. Once they reached the east side, they were again amazed at the difference in living standard.

The west side was so overcrowded. The streets and buildings overflowed with people. Makeshift homes had been set up at the ends of alleys or under the eaves of the multi-level residencies. The strong wind sent litter and dust clouds flying down the poorly constructed streets. The air carried the smell of decay, possibly from all the homeless or from the occasional dead body that had been left to rot in the sun.

But the east side of the city was so very different. It reflected the elitist nature of its residents. It comprised large and small individual dwellings and some modern apartment style housing. Most of the buildings seemed to belong to guards, vendors and the wealthy. Intertwined through the buildings were fields of crops and beautifully landscaped gardens, comprising a variety of trees and shrubs, fountains and statues, none of which were remotely familiar to Janeway or Paris, although they did provide an interesting diversion from their endless hiking around the city.

Not far away, perched on a hill, was a long, freestone building, set in an exquisite garden. Janeway and Paris walked around the perimeter. Members of the clergy came and went from the building continually. Then they noticed the building was actually divided into two sections. Janeway overhead somebody mention one part was living quarters for priests, while the other section housed the priests' family members.

The streets on the east side of the city were lined with colonial style lamps, kept alight even during the day, and any vacant patches of the naturally dusty ground had been sowed with lush grass.

"If we have to camp overnight, I say we stay here," Paris said.

"Do as you like, Lieutenant," Janeway replied. "Personally, I'd rather take my chances with the beggars on the west side than sleep under the watchful eye of priests and guards."


"You'd think in a city this overcrowded, we'd find at least one person who could help us," B'Elanna said heatedly.

She and Harry had walked Tayna around the city for hours, tracing and retracing their steps, while the child gave them a run down on her daily activities and taught them how to act more priest-like.

They had been hopeful Tayna would eventually spot someone from the Dimar, but Tayna hadn't spied anyone familiar, at least not anyone she trusted enough to approach and ask about the location of the colony.

Eventually, they'd climbed the grass-covered hillside and circled the long, freestone building set amid a beautiful garden. It was the place Tayna told them she'd spent a large part of her life, while she lived with Kylani. Except again their efforts didn't achieve anything, other than bumping into Janeway and Paris who were checking out the same location.

"So, what do we do now? Any new ideas about where we should be looking?" B'Elanna asked Janeway. She glanced down at the child, who stood with her arms clasped around the captain's legs. Tayna was obviously happy to be back in her company.

"It feels like we're running around in circles," Janeway replied. "Although from listening in on numerous conversations, we're beginning to suspect the Dimar have been leaving the city in small groups for a few months now. Evacuating to a new location. Don't ask me how!" Janeway said staring up at the massive stone wall that enclosed the city. "But the general feeling we're getting is there are very few members of the Dimar left in the Anawin City, which could also be the reason why Tayna can't find anyone familiar."

Janeway picked up the child who was hanging off her legs. Tayna put her head down on her shoulder.

"And if we can't find anyone from the Dimar? What then?" B'Elanna asked, but Janeway simply shook her head to signal they hadn't come up with an alternate plan. "At least we know Tuvok's here, somewhere," B'Elanna said recognizing their two-fold mission might soon become one goal.

She looked at the captain and the little girl who was resting in her arms. She wondered if Janeway was open to the notion of parenthood being thrust upon her.

"She's been good," B'Elanna commented, brushing her hand over Tayna's hair. "We've been walking for hours. She must be exhausted."

"Not like she had any option," Harry joined in. "Tayna's much better at this charade than we are. She knows a priest can't be seen carrying her around. Life is so different here, compared to Voyager. Now Tayna knows both, I wonder which she'd prefer, if she had a choice."

"It looks like she's already made her choice," Paris said, without any hint of subtlety, as he pointed to the little girl who was fast asleep in Janeway's arms.

B'Elanna saw Janeway shift uncomfortably with the words.

"Have you heard anything from Chakotay?" B'Elanna asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Not yet," Janeway replied.

"Harry and I saw him standing on the tower, only one minute he was there and the next he was gone. He's been missing for almost thirty minutes. Aren't you just a little concerned he hasn't reported in?"

Her question was met with silence and B'Elanna knew in that quiet moment, that Janeway was indeed worried she hadn't heard anything from him.

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