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"Welcome to the Dimar colony, Captain Janeway." The High Councilor's arms stretched outward and he gave a slight bow. But his words were intentionally indignant, mocking the mountain of bodies piled high among the rotting roots and fallen leaves of the dense forest. The Dimar colony was in ruins.

The remnants of the once thriving nomadic community smoldered, the smell of smoke mingling with the distinct smell of death. Flames still licked at the disintegrating frames of makeshift homes, and small fields of crops had been burnt to cinders. The colonists' few possessions lay scattered and broken on the ground. What the flames hadn't destroyed, forceful hands had. Almost nothing remained intact.

"It wasn't that hard to find the Dimar once I started looking outside the city. So I figured you'd eventually arrive here, too. How noble of you to bring home the unholy spawn of this settlement." Zeron pointed at Tayna who looked petrified as she stood clinging tightly to Janeway's hand. "But as you can see, Captain, your quest was sorely misguided and has been completely useless."

Janeway faced Zeron, unflinching.

"I spent half the night scouring the city for you all, piece by piece, before I found this place." Zeron seemed to delight in the revelation. "You see, I was worried you might be in danger. My people don't take well to strangers." He paused and moved in very close. "A thank you would not be inappropriate at this point. You should be flattered, Captain."

Janeway didn't respond; she wouldn't justify his actions with a response.

But Paris stepped forward and his angry voice echoed through the forest.

"What are you doing this for? You have us now. Why prolong the inevitable?"

"And you are?" Zeron asked him.

"Lieutenant Tom Paris."

"Tom Paris. I remember you now. I thought you looked familiar when I was doing the inspection. Then you have a souvenir from your time on Anawa. Though I'd imagine, after everything you must've been through to make your way here on foot, the branding probably seems a little underwhelming."

Janeway gave Paris a stern glare for speaking out of turn.

"And I definitely remember you." Zeron stepped in front of Chakotay. The two men stared unblinking at each other for a few seconds, before Zeron turned back to the captain.

"Captain Janeway, let me explain something to you. As leader of the Anawin people, I am the God of this world. My love for these people knows no boundaries. I'm merciful and utterly forgiving of their weaknesses. But I don't like intruders to my world and unfortunately for you... I'm also a vengeful judge."

He paused again.

"Captain, I know you value life and this must be somewhat abhorrent to you, but sometimes innocent people have to die for the common good. The Dimar for instance." He pointed his hand in the direction of the pile of bodies nearby.

"You killed them to justify your own ends." Chakotay broke the silence this time. "The Dimar are still Anawin, they just don't believe what you tell them to believe!"

Zeron's anger flared with the statement and the trailing end of his purple robe flung out as he swiveled. "You should learn to control your subordinates, Captain. Their outspokenness might not be looked upon so favorably by someone less forgiving."

Janeway gave both Chakotay and Paris cautionary glances and raised her eyebrows at the pair. It was a look that said it would be best if they both stayed quiet. She had learnt a lot about Zeron from their previous encounters. He was self-righteous, unfeeling, intimidating and once again he hovered over her in a stance that was uncomfortably close.

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