|08| Mother Nature Loves Us Dearly

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|08| Mother Nature Loves Us Dearly

June 27, 2012; 1:30 p.m. 

I sat on the grassy shore, and dipped my toes into the cool water. I felt awkward. Dirty. I felt like I've seen something I shouldn't have. I heard Amaya splashing in the lake, and Emma basically flirting with other guys that were here. I realized then I was alone. Evan and Emma had each other. Amaya was very content with her quirky self. I sighed. A little fish swam up to my feet, and started nibbling on my big toe. I giggled.

"Hey, Taissa!" Evan called. I looked up from the little fish, who swam away. My sadness deepened. He was standing on the dock, with a fishing rod in his hand. "Want to fish?"

I guess. I got up, and, wrapping my oversized cardigan tighter around me, I started walked towards the docks. The happy blue sky was turning gray and sad. I hope it doesn't rain. I walked across the dock, the splintery wood pierced the bottom of my feet.

"Hey," I greeted, giving him a week smile. He was sitting on the edge of the dock, fishing. I sat down next to him.

"Hi," I smiled. Should I confront him about what happened in the bathroom? Yes? No? I'm lost.

"Hi, Taissa."

"The sky's getting darker. Do you think it's going to rain?"

"I would hope not. That would be a wet ride back."

"Yeah." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sensing something was up. Something was up. I was sad. Even though I've only known him for a week, I knew loved him. So freaking much. But I couldn't have him. He was taken, and I wasn't going to steal him from Emma, no matter how much I wanted to.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah Evan," I fake giggled, punching his arm. He laughed, and returned to his fishing. Like he believed me. His eyes were dark. Just as he caught something, rain droplets started to fall from the sky.

"No freaking way!" I screamed. It started coming down in sheets. I heard Emma make a high-pitched scream.

"Taissa, come on!" Evan yelled, jumping up. He took my hand in his. Even though the rain was ice cold, my hand was warm from his touch. Hand in hand, we jogged down the dock. Once we got to where we had set up all of our stuff, we started shoving all of our now soaked towels in our bags. Emma just stood there, holding a towel over her head.

"Move it! I can't get my hair wet or it'll friz!" Emma screeched.

"Honey, go start the Jeep!" Evan said, folding up Emma's beach chair. She did as told, and ran to the car. That's when I realized it. Their Jeep was covered with a tarp. It wouldn't hold. It'll probably be soaking wet in there. Great.

"Guys, let's go!" Amaya yelled. We all starting running to the Jeep. We tossed our bags in the back, which was basically filled with water, and jumped in. Emma pulled out, and sped away.

"We need to stop some place!" I yelled over the rain.

10 Minutes Later...

We ended up stopping at a motel that wasn't too far from the lake. There wasn't any other cars, and the guy that checked us in was super creepy. Whatever, though. We weren't in a horror movie. I was soaking wet, and tired. We all shared a room, paid for by my parents wet credit card. We had no spare clothes, no food, and five dollars. Plus my parent's credit card- but I didn't want to use it.

"I'm going to set out the clothes we have." Emma said. She rummaged through the bags, searching for any clothes we had. She started setting them by the windows. What good would that do, since it's raining? There's no sunlight. Amaya went to go look for a vending machine, taking the little money we had. I curled up in a ball onto the bed.

"Hi," Evan said, climbing next to me. Why can't he just leave me alone? Everytime I look at him, it makes it harder to try and fight my feelings towards him.

"Hey," I sighed, trying to discreetly slide away from him.

"What's up with you, Taissa?" Evan asked, putting his hand on my arm. I yanked my arm out of his reach. "You've been acting strange, distant."

"No I have not!" I whispered, afraid that Emma would hear me.

"Tai, yes you have. I'll leave you alone, if that's what you want."

"No, Evan, that's not what it is."

"Then what is it then?"

I paused. "I walked in."

"Walked in on what?"

"You and Emma.. you know.. being.. intimate."


"You know.. back at the lake." His face turned red.

"Emma and I haven't been.. 'intimate' in six months."

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