|17| Calm Before The Storm- Part 1

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|17| Calm Before The Storm- Part 1

July 10, 2012; 3:00 p.m.

"And these are our children," I said, showing Evan the life I made for us on The Sims. Luckily, he didn't think it was creepy. "Maci and Georgie."

"Are they both girls?"

"Yeah, twins, actually."



"That's awesome, I've always wanted to have identical twins before," Evan mumbled. I saw the pain flash in his warm, chocolate brown eyes, before he glanced away. I wanted to know more about his past, but I didn't want to push.

"We have a dog, too. Louie. And we live on the beach. You're a hot shot doctor, and I'm a stay-at-home mom, and a gardener and a writer. I've got the cooler job, here." I giggled. He smirked at me, before looking back down at his book. I think he was reading The Hunger Games. "What do you want to do tonight?"

"Actually, I have reservations at Sapore Italian Cafe for two."

"Oh my gosh, really?" I said, pulling him into a hug. Our first dinner date! We've spent the past few days cuddling in my room, and eating pizza. We've only left to go to the bathroom.

"Great," He closed to the book. "Well, the reservations are at 6. So, I'm going to go home and shower and stuff,"

"Um, okay. See you at 6," I mumbled. He quickly kissed me on the cheek, before leaving my room, in kind of a hurry. I shook it off, even though I knew he doesn't need three hours to get ready. Evan wouldn't cheat on me- he isn't that kind of guy.

I shut off my laptop, before heading to the shower. Might as well just start now and make myself look good.

I took a 20 minute shower, most of it consisting of me shaving my hairy gorilla legs. Gross. I dried my hair, and then curled it. It looked awful, so I just straightened it, instead. By the time I finished, it was around 4:15. I was making good time.

Tonight, I would be shopping from Amaya's closet. I didn't bring any dress clothes, so that was my only option. I put on a black pencil dress, with a lace top. She gave me gorgeous blue earrings, that looked like they were made out of water droplets, and a blue bracelet. Amaya also gave me blue high-heels. Wow- Amaya really liked blue.

Amaya did my make-up, and the whole time, she squealed about the date.

"Oh my gosh! He's taking you to Sapore Italian Cafe? That place is amazing! Logan took me there once, and oh my gosh, Taissa. It was absolutely fantastic. Plus, the sex I got was almost as good as the food. When you're there, my god, you have to get this wine. I forget what it's called, but it was so good. I think it was a red wine. Oh, oh, and their bread is fresh, I think, and when you, like, open it, steam comes out. So, that means it's fresh, right?"

For the makeup, Amaya kept it simple, I guess. I'm not a regular user of makeup. She put on some mascara, and did some shadow technique on my eyes. Amaya covered my face in foundation, I think, and put lipgloss on my lips that tasted like cotton candy.

"My gosh. I did amazing work on you." Amaya admired, looking me up and down.

"Hey- I'm taken!" I joked, looking at myself in the mirror. I thought I actually looked good, for once. As I admired myself in the mirror like a narcissistic prude, I heard the doorbell ring throughout the house. It's definitely Evan, since it's 5:45.

"Wait here!" Amaya demanded, rushing out of the room. Valerie is always near the door, ready to answer it. It was always a race.

"Evan, hey. What's up my man?" I heard Amaya say. Then I heard a slap echo through the house. Smooth, Amaya. Give him a high five.

"I'll go get the lucky lady.. Taissa!" she called from the bottom of the stairs. "Evan is here!" I slowly walked down the stairs, holding onto the railing for support. My legs turned to jello as soon as I saw him. He was wearing a suit, and it made my mouth turn dry. Evan is so handsome.

"Taissa," he smiled, handing me a bouquet of dahlia's. My favorite flower.

"Evan," I said, returning the smile, before inhaling the aroma of the flowers. "Amaya, could you vase these for me, and put them in my room?" I looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Yes, Madam Farmiga," Amaya obeyed. She bowed, and left the room. As she left, Valerie came in. Oh, great.

"Okay, Taissa. You better be home before midnight, or else you're grounded again. No getting into any trouble, missy, or you'll be home for the rest of the summer. Got it?" she hissed, glaring at me. I quickly nodded. I didn't want to make her mad. "Good, have fun you two." She smiled and waved, before exiting the room. Bipolar, much?

"Ready for our date?" Evan smirked, taking my hand in his.

"Why, yes I am." I didn't know this date would change our relationship forever.

 * * *

Authors Note:

 Hello to all of the 'Love Me' readers. I just wanted to let you all know that this book has recently surpassed 500 reads, which is absolutely incredible. I wanted to thank you all so so much for the support.

 For this story, I'm planning on it being from 25-30 chapters. There will be more Parmiga books in the future, that will definitely be longer, and better written. I'm sort of experimenting right now.

 Any thoughts on the book so far? Which character is your favorite? Taissa? Amaya? Evan? Emma? Valerie? Logan? Hardin? Any criticism? Let me know in the comments!

x sami x  

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