|18| Calm Before The Storm-Part 2

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|18| Calm Before The Storm- Part 2

July 10, 2012; 6:15 p.m.

"This is your table," the waitress introduced, flashing a pearly white smile our way. We were eating our luxurious meal at Sapore Italian Cafe. This was Evan and I's first real date-alone-as a couple. The waitress set down our menus at the bistro table we were sitting at, which had a lovely white table cloth and a vanilla scented candle. "Your server will be right with you."

"Thanks," I mumbled, sitting down. I opened the menu, and my eyes scanned the numerous appetizers, entrees, desserts, and drinks. I wanted all of them. Is that wrong?

"Anything catch your eye?" Evan asked as he glanced up from his menu.

"It's all so.. expensive." I sighed.

"Hey," he said, "Don't worry about it. Trust me, I can easily pay for it." He reached over, and took my hand in his. The spark that I felt when he first touched me was still there, after so long.

"Okay," I giggled, pulling my hand back. I was still looking at the appetizers. I'm still stuck between two that sound amazing- a Caprese salad with pesto sauce, or panzenella.

"Hello, welcome to Sapore Italian Cafe. May I take your order?" another waitress, a different one from before, asked.

"We'll have your most expensive wine, thank you. I'll have the panzenella, for an appetizer," Evan ordered, smiling back at the waitress. Looks like I'm getting the Caprese salad.

"Yeah, um, and I'll have the Caprese salad with pesto sauce." I said. I looked over the entrees for the 3rd time, and decided on the Chicken Marsala. My stomach growled.

"So, I think we should get to know each other more," Evan suggested once the kind waitress left our table.

"I agree," I said. Nobody really spoke for a few seconds, which was really awkward.

"What's your favorite color?" Evan asked, trying to break the silence.

"Green, what about you?" My favorite color was actually mint green, but I didn't want to sound weird. Nobody I know has the specific shade of the color they like picked out, except me.

"Green is my favorite color, too." Evan grinned. One thing in common, so far. The waitress came back over with a bottle of wine in her hand, and poured a small amount in each of our glasses.

"More, please." I requested. She filled it up, like, only a little bit more, so I just told her to fill it to the rim. And she did, her face turning a deep red. When she left, Evan burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh, you are such a alcoholic," he laughed, wiping the tears off of his face.

"I can't help it," I giggled, before taking a sip. The wine was extremely good- and I bet it cost a lot of money. How could Evan pay for all of this?

"What do you do for a living?" I asked. Wow, how sad. I never realized I didn't know what my boyfriend does for a job.

"Well, I work at a library. But, I'm in university to be a doctor. What about you?" he explained. My boyfriend is a med student. Holy cow.

"I am only 17. Almost 18, actually. I don't really know what I want to do," I shrugged, taking another sip of wine to end that conversation. Everyone else that I went to high school with at least had some idea of what they wanted to do. I had no clue at all. It made me depressed to think about that they were all moving on with their lives while I was still stuck.

"Anyways, am I your first boyfriend?" Evan raised an eyebrow. Why is he so blunt all of the time?

"You're not the first person I've had sexual encounters with."

"Wait, wha..? No, I mean, gah.. I mean, am I your first, real boyfriend?"

"Yes, you are my first boyfriend." I could feel my face heat up, just like the waitresses did. I was probably his 50th girlfriend, or something.

"Oh. Sorry to say, but you aren't my first girlfriend." Evan laughed. I laughed along with him, but my heart was aching. He was just so perfect, and could probably get anyone in this room to date him. Me, on the other hand, is a completely different story.

"Here are your appetizers," the waitress said, handing me Evan's appetizer and Evan mine. "What would you like for you entree?"

"I'll have the Chicken Marsala," I said. My stomach rumbled yet again. I was so hungry- I haven't eaten anything all day.

"And I will have the Pasta Con Pomodoro E Basilico," Evan ordered, saying it perfectly. The waitress scribbled down our orders, before scrambling away. Evan and I quickly switched plates, before we dug in. The mozzarella cheese melted in my mouth, and tasted amazing with the pesto sauce. I moaned. It was just so good. Evan was digging into his salad, which looked pretty good, too. We ate our appetizers in silence, just simply enjoying ourselves. That's when Evan made the comment that ruined everything.

"Tai," he said, sounding panicked.

"What?" I replied back.

"Your wrists, the scars, they're fresh." he noticed. I felt all of the blood drain from my face. I guess Amaya's bracelet didn't cover up the scars well enough. When I first did it after our first fight, I regretted it instantly. But, after that, I couldn't stop. I cut again and again, until I couldn't feel my arm. I never picked up a blade after that, but the scars keep reopening.

"N..no, they aren't." I quickly said. I drank the rest of my wine in one gulp, and my head started to spin.

"Tai, why would you do that?" Evan's eyes were filled with hurt and anger. But, how could he be angry. "How could you do this to me?"

"Me? Do this to you? How could you not tell me that Emma was pregnant with your baby?" I hissed. I covered my mouth as soon as I said it. Why did I just say that? I'm the biggest bitch in the world.

Evan pulled a stash of money, and slammed it on the table. Then, he left. He just, walked right out of the restaurant. I didn't bother to follow him, because he was right to leave.

"Um, excuse me?" I said, getting the attention of our waitress. I wanted to crawl under the table, because everyone's eyes were on me. "I'd like to take the entrees in a to-go box, and I'd like the rest of the wine in a to-go cup."

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