|16| Everything Seems Okay

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|16| Everything Seems Okay

July 4, 2012; 11:00 a.m.

"Evan, hey. You finally picked up." After almost 100 calls within the past few days.

"Yeah. What do you want?" he barked. Rude.

"I just wanted to apologize."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"For, um, hanging out with Hardin."

"You shouldn't be apologizing- I should."

"Then do it then," I hissed. I just wanted to throw my phone out my window. This was unbelievable.

"I'm sorry." he said.


"Are we good now?"

"I guess so." I just wanted our little fight to be over. I was sick and tired of it all- the ignored calls, the jealousy.

"In that case, want to go to the fireworks tonight? I'll pick you up at around 8-ish?"

"It's a date." I was now able to leave the house. My punishment was now no longer. I'M FREE!

"Awesome. See you later," he said, before quickly hanging up. Our first real date. I suddenly got extremely excited. My first date. With a boy. Wow, I felt like a typical teenager. Getting excited over boys. I quickly dismissed his rudeness in the call, and ran to Amaya's room. I had to tell her- she was like my best friend now.

I pushed open her door, which apparently startled her, so she jumped. She had a short orange tube in her hand, which she dropped. Little white pills scattered to the floor, spilling everywhere. Amaya scrambled to the floor, picking them up.

"Amaya, what the hell?" My heart started pounding. I know she smokes weed, but I hope she doesn't do anything else.

"They.. they're nothing. Just leave it be." I swiftly picked up a few, and examined them. I instantly recognized what they were.

"Depression pills?" I choked. Amaya stopped scrambling for the pills, but kept looking at the dark hardwood of her bedroom floor.

"Yes. Depression pills. Are you happy now?" I looked at her wrists, and noticed fading scars. I've known her for almost a whole month, and just saw them now. I'm a shitty friend. I fell to the ground, and crawled towards her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not really a big deal," she sobbed, burying her face in her hands.

"It is a big deal, Amaya." She collapsed in my arms, and let out the tears.

July 4, 2012; 8-ish ;)

"Hey," I smiled, running towards Evan, and pulling him into an embrace. I've missed his touch.

"I've missed you, babe." My body warmed up once he called me babe.

"And I, you." He pulled away, and took my hand in his.

"Amaya, you ready?" I called. She was upstairs getting dressed with Logan. After she finished sobbing, I confessed to her about my battle with depression. We both became closer after that.

She hopped down the stairs, holding Logan's hand. Amaya was wearing a black tank top, black jeans, and black Converse. Her hair was in a messy bun. I was wearing almost the same thing. If we were going someplace public, shouldn't we wear brighter colors so we don't get hit by a car? Oh well.

"Wait, wait!" Valerie called, running out from down the hallway. She had one can of bug spray in each hand, ready to spray us all, most likely. I hate bug spray. It never works on me, and it smells awful. "I need to spray everyone!"

"Mom," Amaya groaned, rolling her eyes, and folding her arms over her chest.

"Amaya Nicole Wolff, I am not having you get bitten by any mosquitoes, or any bugs at all for that matter. Same as your friends."

"Spray me up, then." She closed her mouth and eyes, and stood with her body shaped like a star. Valerie sprayed her, up and down, twice. Everyone did the same thing, and was sprayed by the nasty, non-functioning bug repellent. By the time she was done, it was almost 8:30.

"We gotta go, or else we won't get good seats." Evan suggested, pulling his metal keys out of his pocket. I nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Have fun. Be safe, no drinking, no drugs, no-"

"I know the rules, Mother." Amaya interrupted, rolling her eyes yet again.

"Oh, alright. Actually come back this time!" she called out, as we left the house. We all climbed into Evan's Jeep, which apparently he kept, and started to drive to, well, wherever we were going to watch the fireworks.

20 Minutes Later;

We pulled up in front of a lake house, that looked like it costs a couple million dollars.

"No offense, Evan, but this is definitely not your house." Logan joked. It was the first time I've heard him speak all night. He usually answered questions with the nod or shake of his head.

"It's not, it's Emma's." Evan coughed, getting out of the car. Emma's house? He seriously took me here? Of all places?

The rest of us got out of the car, and in silence, awkwardly walked to Emma's stupid front door of her stupid fancy lake house. Evan pulled a key out of his pocket, and unlocked the door, which made me even more upset. Why would he keep the key?

Once he flicked on the dumb lights, my jaw dropped. The interior design was just so beautiful. It had that modern design I've always wanted in my house, one that I'll never ever be able to afford. It was white and clean everywhere.

"Holy shit," Amaya marveled, admiring the stupid beautiful house.

"Come on, guys. We can watch from the dock. The people here are freaking rich, so they put on the best fireworks," Evan said. "Also, to make this party more fun, we have this." He went to the wine cooler, and pulled out a bottle of what looks like red wine.

"Sweet," Logan smiled, grabbing the bottle. We all headed outside. We put the blankets over the rough wood of the docks, and sat on them. I took off my black flip flops, and dipped my feet into the blue water.

"I hope your not mad at me," Evan said, his voice hushed.

"I kind of am, Evan. How could you bring me here?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to have a good first date with you, Tai."

"I know, and I appreciate that."

"You know I love you."

"Yeah, I know. And I love you." I leaned up against him, just as the fireworks started. They shot up in the sky, portraying patterns of red, white, and blue. I heard Logan take a swig of the alcohol, and I heard Amaya giggle. Evan kissed the top of my head, and for once, everything seemed okay. For now.

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