|Epilogue| Evan

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|Epilogue| Evan

August 17, 2015; 3:45 a.m.

"Damn, Emma. Can you please just get him this time? I need my sleep." I groaned, pressing the soft pillow against my face. This was the 2nd time tonight that he woke up screaming, and I needed my sleep as I have an important surgery to perform early in the morning.

"Evan," Emma said, her voice quivering. Here we go. Pulling the waterworks. "I thought this was a co-parent thing. Not just me doing all of the hard stuff."

I rolled my eyes. Her doing the hard stuff? Bullshit. The only hard stuff she does with Luke is pick out really expensive outfits for him. I feed him formula because she finds breastfeeding 'gross', I change his smelly diapers, I play with him- I just make sure he's a happy and healthy baby. Emma just dresses him in the most costly clothes she can find. Better than nothing?

"Fine," I grunted. I was not going to fight her again. Not about something so small like this.

When I got into his room, Luke was standing up in his crib, and gripping the rails with his chubby little fingers. His face was a deep red as he let out a blood curdling scream.

"Sh, buddy." I cooed, picking him up. I ruffled his curly blonde hair with my free hand. I knew he was my child; Luke looked just like me. He had my hair color, eye color, eye shape, nose lips, and even my dimples. If I compared my baby picture to his face, you would think the picture is of him.

"Dada!" Luke howled, gripping my shirt tightly. I could smell his diaper already. The shit he took has probably been in there for hours. Emma forgot to change him. Again.

As I changed Luke's diaper, a thought popped into my head. It's Taissas 21st birthday. I have been sending her cards on her birthday ever since she left. I never get a response, and most likely never will, but I'll probably continue to do it. Behind Emma's back, of course.

I wonder what she did with her life. Did she go to college? Or get a career? Does she have another boyfriend? I had no clue about Taissa's life now. What she decided to do. She blocked me on all of the social media accounts she has. I wouldn't blame her, either. I made a huge mistake that I will never be able to fix.

Once I changed Luke's diaper and fed him a bottle, he was calm again. But, by the time he was asleep, it was 5 a.m. I had to be at the hospital at 6. Looks like I'll be exhausted for yet another surgery. One that can make or break my career.

I took one of the quickest showers I've ever taken, before I made coffee and a bagel. I ate breakfast in a record time of 10 minutes. Whoop-tee-do. I kissed Luke on the cheek, and shut the door to his room. Emma would sleep until 10, which was apart of her daily routine, and take 3 hours to get ready, leaving Luke basically by himself.

I want to leave her. So bad. Her parents forced us to get married once they found out about the pregnancy. It's been one miserable marriage, I can say that much about it. If Tai were to call me right now, and tell me that she loved me, I would take Luke and leave Emma in a heartbeat. Honestly.

When I got to the hospital, I was greeted by all of my fellow co-workers. They treated me with respect, which was why I loved it here so much. I think this is where I wanted to stay to work; I would not transfer (unless Taissa was far away- I would do anything for her).

Just as I was about to scrub in, my phone started buzzing. Without looking at the Caller I.D, I answered, thinking it was Emma.

"Hello?" I asked. Why would Emma call me if she knew I had an important surgery? It's like she wants me to get fired.


"Hello? Who's there?" I asked again. I was getting impatient.

"E..Ev.. Evan?" someone, a female, muttered, from the other line. My heart started pounding, and my legs felt like Jello.

"Who is this?" I queried. I knew the answer, but I just wanted my suspicions confirmed.

"Um, it's Taissa. You do remember me, right?" she said, half-giggling.


hey everyone-

sorry i didn't update in a while. i was on my school trip to washington d.c.. anyways, here it is! the first epilogue. the next chapter is from taissa's point of view, which is the second to last chapter. :(

 oh, and this story just reached 800 reads, and 100 votes! omg, guys! i love you all so much, and appreciate your support. if there's anything you want me to write, request it in the comments. thank you all so much,

sami x

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