|19| Dr. Love

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|19| Dr. Love

"Tell me everything." Amaya said, hugging one of my bed pillows. She sat cross-legged on my bed, looking at me with curiosity. I took another bite of my garlic bread, which was really good.

"We got there, ordered, chatted a little bit. You know, the usual first date stuff. Then he said somethings, and I said somethings, and he left." I skipped over the specific details, mostly to protect myself from being hated by another person in my life.

"So, that's it? You're just going to give up?"

"Yes? I don't know. Every single time we hang out, we end up fighting. We're dysfunctional, I guess." I cried, between sobs. I spooned more Marsala into my mouth.

"If you want a good relationship, you have to work for it!" she screamed, which made me flinch. "Gosh, Taissa, do you know anything about how dating works?!"

I started to cry even more. Wet tears fell down my face, and onto my food. Amaya's eyes went wide, before she started patting my back. I know nothing about how dating works, or about how love works.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know.. that you've never been on a date before." Amaya mumbled. She apologized several times, before I told her to leave. I just wanted to be alone for now, and eat my food, and drink my wine. I devoured the rest of the food- Evan's and mine, and I drank the rest of wine. I ended up vomiting, but it was worth it. That was the best food I've ever eaten in my whole life.

Late The Next Morning...

"Agh!" I screamed as my whole body slammed against the hardwood floors of my room. I banged my head extremely hard. Ouch. "Shit," I sat up, rubbing the back of my head, where there was undoubtedly going to be a lump.

"What happened?" Valerie asked, rushing into my room with a large spoon in her hand.

"I just fell, Valerie. I'm fine."

"You used to call me Val," she sighed, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Things change."

Valerie then left, leaving me alone. I'm a bitch, I know that. But, I can't stand Valerie most of the time. Her crappy cooking, and her bitterness towards men, and her harshness towards fun. Valerie was so uptight, and I hated that. I tried to be nice, but she just gets on my nerves.

"Yo," Amaya said, waving her hand in front of my face, breaking me from my trance. "Meet me downstairs in 15- be dressed." Then, she left, too.

I took off my dress from last night (yes, I never changed), and put on white shorts and a light green tank top. I brushed my teeth, and combed my hair a few times. I lathered on deodorant, only it was hot. I was planning on spending the whole day in Amaya's unexpectedly comfy dress, and playing the Sims. Looks like that's not happening now.

love me; parmiga [major editing]Where stories live. Discover now