Chapter 2

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Lan Wangji was sitting in the Library pavilion, waiting for Wei Ying again. Today, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was even more late than usually. What could have happened? Could it be that something had happened between his beloved and Jiang Wanyin? Could it be that the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir had gone through with the threats that Lan Wangji had overheard earlier today?

With a little bit of spying and breaking the rules while eavesdropping, Lan Wangji had learned that Jiang Wanyin was a very hot-tempered person who did not stop at anything when anger took hold over him, which was sadly to say quite often. He had seen the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir hit or harshly push Wei Ying who had always been the closest one to him at several occasions and he did not like it.

He did not know why Jiang Wanyin would ever think of hurting his brother, Lan Wangji surely would not, neither would Lan Xichen. But it seemed like it came naturally to the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir. Once Lan Wangji had caught him in the act – by spying so he could not really reveal himself – he started to pay closer attention to the relationship between Wey Ying and Jiang Wanyin.

Sure enough, once he knew what he was looking for, it was as clear as day. He immediately saw that Jiang Wanyin would often grab his brother just a little too tightly, he would mock fight with him just a tad too often and he would return the playful jabs to the ribs too harshly, making Wei Ying squint in pain as he thought no one would see. At times, Wei Ying would have trouble sitting straight or he would be limping slightly as if he could not walk properly. All those small signs were not enough for him to report anything to his brother or uncle though. He had to catch Jiang Wanyin doing something even more evident.

However, Lan Wangji was not happy that he had to leave Wei Ying with someone who did not treat him well enough. His beloved deserved utmost care and comfort. So Lan Wangji decided that if Wei Ying's family would not offer those, he would. The mere prospects were making him excited already.

His plan just started taking shape when a dishevelled looking Wei Ying with suspiciously red eyes burst into the Library pavilion, not caring about breaking another rule in the process. He was panting heavily when he closed the door behind himself and then turned around and blocked it with his back.

When he noticed Lan Wangji, he tried his best to pretend like nothing had happened but he failed miserably. His smile was not convincing at all and he must have known it because the look he had in his eyes was speaking volumes. He was afraid of something, haunted even, and Lan Wangji was pretty sure he could tell of whom.

"Wei Wuxian!" came a loud screaming from the outside. Jiang Wanyin was already here.

Lan Wangji looked at Wei Ying and saw the younger boy silently begging him with his eyes. He did not need any other prompting and he was already standing and quickly walking to the door. He gestured to Wei Ying to go sit down at his desk and start copying, which his beloved dutifully did. Then, Lan Wangji opened the door and was met with a furious looking Yunmeng Jiang sect heir.

"Jiang Wanyin, shouting is forbidden in Cloud Recesses. Go back to your room and copy the rules one time, I want them to be handed over at dinner."

The Yunmeng Jiang sect heir's face grew several shades more red and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. His eyes were darting between Wei Ying who was sitting at his desk and completing his punishment and Lan Wangji who was making sure to look as stern as he could. The staring match took several seconds but then Jiang Wanyin huffed angrily and stormed away.

As soon as Lan Wangji closed the door behind him and turned around, he saw how Wei Ying's posture slumped into itself and how he wrapped his hands around his torso. It was clear that the younger boy was fighting to not break down. He looked extremely pitiful but at the same time, Lan Wangji had never seen a more beautiful and ethereal sight. If he was not in love already, he would have fallen head over heels for him right at that moment.

However, since his love for Wei Ying could not grow any deeper, he just went to the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple and kneeled beside him. He had always disliked physical contact but right now, he knew that Wei Ying craved it and he was not about to object providing it. The younger boy was not looking at him right now but Lan Wangji still reached his hands and wrapped them around Wei Ying's trembling form.

The Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple flinched upon contact and his body stilled. Lan Wangji did not mind and drew him closer still. He patted Wei Ying's back and waited for him to relax. It did not even take a whole minute and his beloved was already clutching his hands into his robes for dear life and sobbing into his chest. Lan Wangji continued to hold the other and run one of his hands soothingly up and down his back.

At last, Wei Ying calmed down enough for Lan Wangji to be able to speak to him and not fear not being heard: "Wei Ying, what happened? How can I help you?"

"Lan Zhan..." said Wei Ying, still hiccupping a little. His voice was hoarse from the crying but that was not all, his tone was extremely hesitant and somewhat careful, perhaps even a little bit disbelieving and awed. Lan Wangji could not understand what kind of reaction this was.

"You really are too good; do you know that?" Once the barrier broken, Wei Ying was now rambling nonstop, making only little sense. "How can you be this good to me? I am not worth any of that, no one would even love me. I know that but still... I cannot help but hope. Jiang Cheng is nice enough when he wants to but it is not exactly what I want. We are brothers and still... I do not want to do those things with him, I always feels weird...

Still, it is much better than in Lotus Pier, I should be grateful for that. Here at least, I have made several friends. Can you believe I had never had friends before? Did you, Lan Zhan? It is such a wonderful thing; but Jiang Cheng does not like it too much... Though at least now, I have you. It is so nice. Can we stay like this for a little longer? Only until you get tired of me or will find me too hard to deal with and leave."

Lan Wangji could not understand half of what Wei Ying had said. He knew he would have to ask further, but not right now. Not when his beloved was this distressed and clinging to him as if he was about to disappear any second. He wanted to reassure him that he would never leave and that if the younger boy wanted, he would help him to the best of his abilities.

None of his words however made it past his lips. He felt very powerless and angry at himself. How should he convey his feelings to Wei Ying who clearly seemed shaken and did not believe that anyone could love him? How could he convince him that he was the most beautiful being that Lan Wangji had ever seen and he was madly in love with him? How to say that he wanted to snatch him away and hide him where Jiang Wanyin would not be able to find him?

Instead of talking, he chose the only other way he knew. He leaned down and kissed Wei Ying's forehead feather light. The younger boy's head immediately snapped up to look at him, his eyes were impossibly wide and startled. Yet there was also wonder and awe in them.

"Lan Zhan? Do you realize what you have just done?"

"Mn," replied Lan Wangji solemnly, finding his voice at last.

"Do you really? Is it not just some kind or cruel joke? Are you working with Jiang Cheng to tease and punish me?"

Lan Wangji stopped Wei Ying's questions with another kiss, this time on the younger boy's lips. Even when he pulled away slightly, Wei Ying's mouth stayed open and now he was the one at a loss for words. Lan Wangji used this opportunity to finally make himself clear.

"Wei Ying is beautiful. I love Wei Ying."

The younger boy's lips opened even wider away from each other and his eyes were now nearly coming out of their sockets. Lan Wangji could tell that Wei Ying was shocked. If it was a good or a bad kind, he could not tell just yet, he could only hope to not be rejected as he leaned down again and kissed those red and swollen lips once again, holding himself back so the kiss would still stay more or less chaste. 

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