Chapter 21

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Lan Wangji finished preparing the bed with new sheets and then went to join Wei Ying at the table and eat his share of the breakfast. He had been hoping that his beloved would at least greet him, or start talking, telling jokes and chatting away as he used to. But Wei Ying remained silent, his eyes never leaving his plate.

If it was anyone else, Lan Wangji would have been happy that a troublemaker and a rule breaker was finally coming around. Not when it came to the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple. It was very unusual to have Wei Ying this quiet and looking this disheartened and tired. Then again, Lan Wangji mused, perhaps his beloved only needed some time to process everything. After all, the last few days had been a lot to take in even for him and he had not been assaulted by his own brother and hurt horribly both body and soul.

Because of this realization, Lan Wangji decided to leave Wei Ying alone for a while. He had to get in terms with his own thoughts as well.

He was wondering what he should do about their current situation. It was not like he could keep Wei Ying in the Jingshi like this for the rest of their lives, no matter how much he liked that option. Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren would surely not allow him, they have both not liked Wei Ying, each in their own way. While Lan Qiren saw a troublemaker that he wanted to reform by all means, Lan Xichen did care only about the reputation of the Gusu Lan sect and the inter-sect relations, he would not stand up for the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple if he could help it. That much was clear to Lan Wangji at this point.

There was also the question of Jiang Wanyin. The Second Jade assumed that the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir had been intimidated by him – he had already followed his instructions to tell everyone that Wei Ying was ill again after all – but he was certain it would not stay this way for too long. Jiang Wanyin was not a person who would let go of his grudges. And it was unquestionable that he was now holding one against Lan Wangji with all his might. The Second Jade would not be too surprised if the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir went to talk to someone and complain about his brother being taken away; all taken into account, Wei Ying was now basically healed and it would be very hard to convince anyone that it had not been Lan Wangji who had acted out of his mind with the consequences of the assault gone.

He would have to come up with a better excuse than this, or Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren could come barging on the door of the Jingshi soon.

Although not just yet. Wei Ying just finished his breakfast and put his chopsticks down. He did not look at Lan Wangji nor spoken to him, he only folded his hands in his lap and sat there with his head down. Lan Wangji was lamenting seeing him like this, he did not like it. His beloved's beautiful face and lips were invisible to him, hidden behind the curtain of his hair.

"Wei Ying," he called out, hoping that his loved one would at last look at him so he would be able to tell what was wrong. He did not want to admit it, but he was afraid to see rejection or fear in the other's eyes. Fear directed at him specifically because Wei Ying would resent him for being tied up.

Just as he had wanted, his beloved lifted his head and looked at Lan Wangji. An immense relief flooded the Second Jade's heart; Wei Ying was looking at him with surprise and anticipation etched into his every feature. There was no fear to be found, he was not afraid of Lan Wangji. The Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple's head was slightly tilted to one side as if he was wondering whether to ask something or not, he looked adorable that way.

That was good, great even. The Second Jade would not have known what to do if his beloved would come to hate him. He was reassured now.

"Wei Ying, do you need anything?" he asked, taking note of his previous neglectful behaviour, he did not want to embarrass or inconvenience his beloved again.

For a second, there was something akin to surprise and perhaps even bordering confusion in the other's eyes. However, it was gone just as quickly as it had come to be and Wei Ying was smiling at him sweetly and shaking his head. Lan Wangji was a little sad that he did not get to hear Wei Ying's voice but this reply was just as good. He would make sure to ask this question frequently, in this way, his beloved could be comfortable even when he would have to be restrained.

Lan Wangji stood up and went to the bed, Wei Ying's eyes were following him in the utter silence of the Jingshi. The Second Jade should have probably found it stuffy or uncomfortable, but in reality, this silence felt soothing and very domestic. After all, he had his beautiful Wei Ying all to himself and he knew he was loved.

He picked up one of the silk restrains from the bed where he had prepared them and looked at his beloved expectantly. "Wei Ying," he prompted and lifted the makeshift silk robe higher so there would be no question of his intentions.

He was relieved this time when the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple remained silent, still watching him with those inquiring eyes. But there was no rejection on his part and Lan Wangji was glad for that. He would not be able to take it if his beloved would tell him that he would not let himself be tied up while the Second Jade would go out.

"I need to go talk to brother," he explained. Yes, he had to report about Wei Ying's progress in recovery before Lan Xichen would start suspecting anything and demand his beloved to be brought to the infirmary.

Luckily, Wei Ying seemed to have understood and nodded. Then, he stood up slowly and went to join him next to the bed. His eyes never left Lan Wangji as he removed his clothes and laid down, reaching his hand up so Lan Wangji would be able to put the silk rope around his wrist. He was cooperating.

Lan Wangji could feel his beloved's eyes on him the whole time. He finished tying the restrains to the bed frame so Wei Ying would once again be arranged in that special, most beautiful position. He tugged on the ropes one last time to make sure they were sturdy and tight enough for Wei Ying not to free himself. He was almost sure that his beloved would not escape after he had agreed to be tied up, but only almost. And it was not enough for comfort.

Wei Ying was now beautifully spread in front of him and Lan Wangji never wanted to look at anything else even again. This was the perfect sight and he wanted to preserve it for the whole eternity. He took two steps back to admire the whole picture. His beloved was still looking at him and there was now a small smile on his lips.

But there was still something missing. This time, Lan Wangji knew exactly what and he quickly went to fetch the light pink jade stone. That was the final touch that was needed for Wei Ying to truly become a living and breathing piece of art.

Wei Ying watched him come back to the bed and his eyes were now glued to the jade stone. His smile was no longer there and Lan Wangji wondered if he had done something to displease him. Was his position comfortable enough? Did he need anything?

"Wei Ying, do you need anything?" he asked, just to be sure that he had not overlooked something this time.

It took a second for Wei Ying to shake his head, his eyes still on the item which Lan Wangji was holding. He seemed nervous. The Second Jade tried to sooth him: "Wei Ying will be very beautiful."

His beloved's eyes shot up and were now staring right into Lan Wangji's. The Second Jade tried to put all the reassurance and love he could into his look. He had to make Wei Ying understand that he was not about to hurt him but instead, he just wanted to make him even more beautiful. Seconds came and went and Wei Ying did not move at all.

Finally, after a whole life time when Lan Wangji had enough space to start considering his life choices, Wei Ying closed his eyes and gave a small nod. Lan Wangji took it as his permission and inserted the jade stone into his beloved's backside as gently as he could.

Wei Ying gave out a small gasp for air and Lan Wangji apologized: "Sorry." He was not sure if he had not been gentle enough but he would get better with time, he was certain of that.

He then took two steps back again and admired his work. Just as the evening before, his beloved looked beautiful and stunning. Lan Wangji smiled to himself before schooling his expression and turning around with a lot of effort, he really had to go see his brother to get permission to keep Wei Ying with him for longer. For a lifetime preferably. 

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