Chapter 26

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"Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji asked worried to the core.

His beloved was sitting on the low table and the hands he had put into his lap were trembling slightly, just as the muscles of his stomach. Lan Wangji was confused as to what had happened. Wei Ying had seemed excited by the prospects of a shared dinner but now he looked in pain.

Lan Wangji sighed internally, admittedly, he would never be able to understand his beloved fully. All he could do now was to heed to the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's wishes and help him to go lay back in bed. First however, he would have to take him to the bathroom and give him a bath so Wei Ying would not feel too uncomfortable during the night.

When his beloved still did not react in any way, seemingly catching his breath and fighting with his upset stomach, Lan Wangji reached out his hand and pulled the other into a standing position. Without another word, he supported the other to the bathroom and when they reached the bath tub he had already prepared and let be warmed by talismans earlier in the day, he gently pushed Wei Ying's back, making the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple bend forward.

Lan Wangji started to gently remove the jade stone and Wei Ying grabbed the rim of the bath tub to keep himself balanced. The Second Jade then reached further down between his beloved's spread legs and untied the forehead ribbon, folding it neatly and putting it to the side for later use.

"Use the bathroom," Lan Wangji suggested, knowing fully well that his beloved did not want to have another accident either.

Wei Ying gave out a relieved sigh and nodded. Lan Wangji turned around to give him some privacy. He did not however leave the room as he did not want to be separated from his loved one for even a second. He only turned back when he heard the sound of a body sliding into water. Wei Ying was just getting into the bath.

Lan Wangji quickly fetched a towel and went to wash Wei Ying. He took care to be very thorough. He was happy that the tense and cramping muscles had relaxed, at least a bit. Wei Ying now also looked a lot healthier and calmer. He was smiling again when Lan Wangji started washing his hair and massaging scented oils into it.

The Second Jade believed that if his beloved was a cat, he would have been purring right now. And true to his prediction, Wei Ying started humming a gentle tune the next second. He let his beloved relax in the bath tub until the curfew approached. It was time to prepare for bed.

"Wei Ying, we need to go to sleep," he reminded the other and the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple opened his eyes, his head tilted backwards to be able to look at Lan Wangji and he smiled as he nodded.

He stood up and let the Second Jade dry him with the prepared towel. Lan Wangji then patted his lower back and made Wei Ying bend over again. He had to put the jade stone back. He followed the instructions easily enough and also seemed to have already gotten used to having the jade stone inserted, he did neither flinch nor gasp for breath this time. After that, Lan Wangji prompted his beloved to turn around so he would be able to tie the forehead ribbon as well.

He however frowned a little bit when he saw that Wei Ying was no longer hard. It would not be nearly as beautiful if he was not. Only half knowing what he was doing and not controlling his body as he probably should, he gave Wei Ying's length a few strokes to wake it up from its sleep. Wei Ying staggered slightly and put his hands onto the Second Jade's shoulders to keep himself steady. Needless to say, Lan Wangji did not mind.

He stroked until there Wei Ying's member sprang to life and started oozing. He stopped himself from continuing. It would not do if he made Wei Ying come and would have to start all over again. It had however been hard as his beloved was making the most beautiful sounds which stopped as soon as Lan Wangji had let go.

For a moment, the Second Jade was considering going on and pleasuring his beloved a little bit more. The sound he had heard were not ones that someone in distress would make. But he opted against it. There was not much time before the curfew and they had to be in bed by then. It did not matter too much, he had Wei Ying all to himself and they could continue whenever they would like to.

He tied the forehead ribbon in the same way as previously and caressed the material with one of his fingers to make sure it was wrapped tightly enough and would not come undone during the night. It was and Lan Wangji felt satisfied.

He stood up and took Wei Ying's hand into his own and helped him to the bed. When he was about to gently push his beloved to sit down, Wei Ying opposed him for the first time.

An alarm sounded inside Lan Wangji's head. He was afraid that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple had had finally enough and was about to leave him. Luckily, his beloved must have sensed his distress and quickly explained with an apologetic smile, averting his eyes from Lan Wangji's face.

"Lan Zhan, my back hurts. Could I perhaps use another position? Please..."

It hurt Lan Wangji to both hear that Wei Ying was not comfortable and that his voice was apologetic and careful, as if he thought that he would be reprimanded for his wish. As long as he did not ask to not be tied up, Lan Wangji did not mind him choosing another position, not in the slightest. He was confident that he would be able to arrange him beautifully in a way that his beloved would also be able to feel comfortable enough to sleep.

"Mn," he nodded and Wei Ying beamed at him, happy all of a sudden for no reason at all. It was not like he was asking to be handed the moon and the stars. Lan Wangji found himself once again at a loss about if he would ever understand his beloved at all.

He watched as the still smiling Wei Ying got carefully into the bed and laid down on his stomach. He spread his hands and legs to let himself be tied to the bed frame. He was being so good for Lan Wangji that he had to smile as well. The Second Jade went and tied all the silk ropes to his beloved's limbs. He looked perfect also from behind and Lan Wangji did not mind the change of position too much.

"Is it good like this?" Wei Ying asked, a little teasing note to his voice.

Lan Wangji hummed noncommittally, he was still missing something.

When the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple was like this, he could no longer see the perfectly tied up forehead ribbon between his legs, it was hidden in the sheets. That was why Lan Wangji grabbed a pillow and lifted Wei Ying's hips, making him yelp a little in surprise, he then stuffed the pillow under him, lifting his backside above the bed sheets. Now everything was perfect, Lan Wangji could see all Wei Ying's beauty again.

Because his hand was between his beloved's legs anyway, he traced the forehead ribbon with his fingers and observed how it made Wei Ying shudder. Something inside of him was urging him to continue and get even more sounds out of his beloved.

At that exact moment the evening bell rang though and it was time to put out the lights. Lan Wangji willed himself to retract his hand and lay down in the bed. Just as the night before, he was so close to his beloved that their sides were touching, he could feel Wei Ying breathing and that motion lulled him to sleep in no time at all.

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