Chapter 14

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Note: This chapter contains mild description of treating injuries after a rape, please be warned and proceed at your own discretion

Lan Wangji took several minutes to find his composure after entering the Jingshi. He had not realized how tense and scared he had been this whole time until all that tension went away and his knees almost gave out under him from the relief that everything went without a hitch. He was here, and Wei Ying was as well. Safe and sound in his arms. Lan Wangji was not about to ever let anyone come near him because they could hurt him again. His beloved had already suffered enough for a lifetime.

After calming his heart and breathing and making sure that Wei Ying was still either sleeping or unconscious, he made his way to his own bed and gently laid his change on top of it, still bundled in the blanket like in a protective cocoon. He stood up straight again and contemplated what he should do now. His plan was kind of a long term one and he had not truly thought what to do as an immediate action, his mind only worked through the first part of the nearest future, and that had been already accomplished.

He looked at Wei Ying's face; he was so peaceful looking and beautiful with his eyes closed. Not that Lan Wangji wanted him to never open them again, he was already missing those silver orbs which would sparkle with happiness and love only for him, but this was a great view as well.

His eyes were attracted to the still red and blue cheeks. Yes, he remembered now, the next step should definitely be to treat Wei Ying's injuries for him. It would not do it his beloved would be in pain once he would wake up. Even though his strong golden core would most probably take care of the majority of them in a few hours' time, it would be wise to help the process by cleaning the wounds and adding healing salve. Luckily, Lan Wangji had some available in the Jingshi so he would not have to go out to get some.

He stepped closer to the bed again and slowly and carefully unwrapped the blanket which had been shielding Wei Ying from anyone else's eyes but his own. Just like before, he was completely smitten by the look of the naked skin underneath it. He could still not understand that someone this beautiful ever existed and that he had been blessed enough to be able to see it, much less have all that beauty that was Wei Ying only for himself now.

He shook his head; he could admire his beloved once he would be done with treating his injuries. He got the salve from a drawer and he sat down on the bed again.

He started with Wei Ying's face, then the burn marks from the bindings and the bruises on his torso and legs. He could see that his assumption about his beloved's golden core healing him easily had been correct; the bruises were already fading and the small cuts from fingernails and bite marks were closing as well. Soon, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's skin would be as good as new. Lan Wangji was glad for that.

He however frowned deeply and was cursing Jiang Wanyin when he got to the more intimate parts of Wei Ying's body. He barely noticed how good looking and enticing those areas were and how great it would feel to touch them and have Wei Ying's manhood react to his hands. There was another more urgent matter which he had to take care of.

Lan Wangji had already assumed that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple must have been hurt quite badly down there from the amount of blood he had seen on the bed sheets in his room, but it had not prepared him for the true extent of Jiang Wanyin's cruelty. Wei Ying's backside was torn, that much he had been prepared to see, but there was something inserted into it too. When Lan Wangji touched the object, it made the younger boy whimper.

He quickly retracted his hand and took a better look. It seemed to be a jade stone, a nice pink one too. Something which would look good if worn as a jewellery or used as a decorative object. Not something to be inserted into those particular part of human body, or any parts of it for that matter. Yet, Lan Wangji found it extremely fitting when he was watching how the light gently touched the jade stone. It actually looked right at home, as if it was meant to decorate Wei Ying and made him even more beautiful just for Lan Wangji.

Perhaps those thoughts should have alerted him that he was not behaving quite like himself. However, the Second Jade's mind was in so much turmoil right now that he barely noticed anything out of the ordinary. He just wanted to admire Wei Ying's beauty, that was all. And if a pink jade stone inside his backside looked good, then it would stay there for his viewing pleasure.

Still, it had to be taken out now, at least for a little bit so Lan Wangji could treat his beloved's wounds down there. He did not hesitate anymore even if taking it out made Wei Ying groan in pain once again, no matter how hard Lan Wangji had been trying to make the process as gentle as possible.

The Second Jade saw red when a thick white slick came out of the now empty backside and dirtied his hand. Embarrassingly, it took him almost a minute during which he was staring at it in utter bewilderment to understand what it was. After the realization hit him, he had a strong urge to take his sword and go pay Jiang Wanyin a visit.

At that exact moment, Wei Ying stirred a little bit in place and groaned again, effectively pulling Lan Wangji out of his murderous thoughts. Jiang Wanyin would have to wait, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was more important at the moment.

Lan Wangji fetched a basin of water which he used for his morning toilette and a new towel and cleaned Wei Ying as best as he could without giving him a proper bath. He was cursing the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir all the while, imagining all possible ways of how he could make him suffer the same pain that Wei Ying had had to go through in his hands. Luckily, the younger boy did not wake up during the process although he whimpered several more times. Lan Wangji was thinking that he was possibly slowly waking up.

He quickly finished cleaning him and taking care of his wounds. Wei Ying's golden core was hard at work it seemed because the torn part had already mended itself. Good, Lan Wangji thought, at least some small mercies. The burn marks on his wrists, ankles and knees were now also getting better, they were not bleeding anymore and the skin looked less bruised already.

Lan Wangji hoped that his beloved would wake up only after being fully healed. It would be enough for him to have to deal with the shock after the event, he did not need to be reminded of it by his body's discomfort.

He put all his utensils away and sat at the younger boy's side again, watching him in awe. It was only now that he could fully appreciate the treasure he had rescued. Although he just etched to touch his beloved, to slowly discover every inch of his skin and every lovely curve of his figure, he had to restrain himself still. He did not want to disturb his sleep any more. He was sure that Wei Ying needed all the rest he could get to heal properly.

That left Lan Wangji with only watching him. He was devouring him with his eyes and had to gulp down multiple times. He was horny, more so than he ever remembered being. He could not wait to have Wei Ying moaning in his arms already.

Suddenly, Lan Wangji felt like there was something missing. He took in his beloved's form in once again, trying to pinpoint what exactly was making him this uncomfortable. He discovered it soon enough, he had forgotten to put the decorative jade stone back and Wei Ying's backside looked too empty to him. He quickly corrected him omission.

Now Wei Ying looked perfect and absolutely stunning. Lan Wangji felt like he could spend hours just watching him sleep like this. There was nothing to do today, Nie Huisang has surely told his uncle that he would not be attending the lectures for the day so he had all the time he wanted to just admire Wei Ying and wait for him to wake up. 

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