Chapter 22

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Lan Wangji left the Jingshi with a heavy heart. He really did not want to leave Wei Ying all by himself, even though he had made sure that his beloved would not leave, there was still a possibility that someone would take him away right under the Second Jade's nose. He had to hurry and find his brother before Lan Xichen would have any great ideas of coming to the Jingshi to look for him. He did not trust his brother anymore to be able to protect Wei Ying; he had failed him once and that was exactly one time too many.

Luckily, Lan Wangji stumbled upon his brother just as the First Jade was making his way to the Jingshi, just in time. He almost sighed aloud in relief.

Even as an apprentice of a sect leader and the future one of the Gusu Lan sect, Lan Wangji found Lan Xichen way too careful at times. His brother never wanted to seek conflict and always tried to mediate a compromise. Which would surely be the same if he came to learn about Wei Ying's situation. However, any compromise in this case would not be enough, certainly not when it came to his beloved's safety and sanity.

That was why Lan Wangji bowed to Lan Xichen and did not let him pass through. If his brother was wondering why the Second Jade would not let him into his room when he had never denied him that, he remained silent, a courteous and soft smile on his lips. That smile that Lan Wangji always liked now looked extremely fake to him. He knew his brother could not help him protect his beloved.

"Wangji, good morning," Lan Xichen greeted, the smile still on his lips, "I see you are up and around already. I wanted to go check on you and Young Master Wei. Is he still not feeling any better? I know you are one of the best with your guqin but perhaps it is not helping as it should? I have expected to see Young Master Wei already recovered. It had been a whole day since Young Master Jiang informed us that you will be taking care of him. Should he not go see a healer?"

And here was his brother, with his fake worry for Wei Ying. Or perhaps that worry was not so fake after all, Lan Xichen's eyes seemed sincere, but his intentions were surely not the same as the Second Jade's. Lan Wangji had already understood that Lan Xichen only wanted to make sure that there would not be an incident with the Yunmeng Jiang sect later when they would be asking why their head disciple did not receive all the care available. Was it even possible they would ask for Wei Ying to be send back to Lotus Pier?

Lan Wangji was now getting worried himself. Not because he saw that his brother would not be able to help his beloved, that was no news by now. But by the possibility of losing Wei Ying because Lan Xichen would not stand up to the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader's demand to hand his beloved over. And who knew if Wei Ying had only been abused by Jiang Wanyin and the rest of his family had not seen anything or if the Yunmeng Jiang clan had been closing their eyes on their heir's behaviour or even participating in it.

No, Lan Wangji would not let Wei Ying go back, never. If necessary, he would keep his loved one by his side for the rest of their lives.

Lan Xichen continued to stare at him, apparently waiting for a response because he urged gently: "Wangji?"

The Second Jade gathered his thoughts and dismissed the other's worries: "Brother, Wei Ying is doing better. He still needs some more time to recover." When it seemed like Lan Xichen was about to ask to see the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple with his own eyes, making a step to the side and glancing in the direction of the Jingshi, Lan Wangji shifted his weight so he was blocking his path once again. "He is resting."

Lan Xichen did not seem convinced and he was still trying to see above Lan Wangji's shoulder. There was no question in the Second Jade's mind that he was about to ask to be let inside. He could not let that happen. After a second of careful deliberation, he added: "I will let you know how he feels tomorrow."

His brother's eyes shifted to look at Lan Wangji now and there was something unsettling inside of them. The Second Jade almost squirmed in place to avoid them. But he knew better than that. The long years of training helped him to remain stoic even in a situation like this.

Lan Xichen finally nodded, looking relieved and reassured. He let the matter go, at least for now: "See that you do. We cannot allow to have the Yunmeng Jiang sect doubting our hospitality and care when it comes to one of their own. Go back to his side and see to him. I will inform Uncle that he should not expect Young Master Wei or you for the lectures today."

Lan Wangji nodded and watched his brother leave. He was staring holes into his back discreetly, he did not want anyone else to see him fighting with his brother.

Though, he had to admit that he was thankful to Lan Xichen at the same time. He now had a perfect excuse to stay inside the Jingshi with Wei Ying the whole day. He would not have to attend the guest lectures or do any of his other duties. It would just be him and his beloved. That was something he was very much looking forward to.

He did not wait any longer and he was already all but running back to his room, he wanted to see Wei Ying sooner, even if it would just be half a second. He could not understand from where these thoughts had come from. He certainly had not been this obsessed and worried about his beloved before having him safely hidden away in the Jingshi.

Could it be that he had not been protective of him enough before and was blaming himself for what he had let happen? He did not want to admit it but this was truth. Even though he was not the one who had assaulted Wei Ying and the fault laid entirely with Jiang Wanyin, Lan Wangji could still not stop thinking about what could have happened if he did not wait for help from his family which never came and instead acted sooner. Perhaps then, Wei Ying would never have had to know the pain of being violated in such a horrible way.

But that was the past, something Lan Wangji could not change anymore. All he could do was to assure that Wei Ying would not be hurt like that in the future. He could protect him now.

He stormed inside his room and quickly closed the door behind himself. His beloved was waiting for him with a smile on his lips and Lan Wangji thought that he could never want anything more. He watched Wei Ying for a while longer, admiring his beauty and how prettily and obediently he had been waiting for him.

Then, he went to sit by his guqin and started playing, his eyes never leaving his beloved's body. It would not do if Lan Xichen came back and did not hear that Lan Wangji was doing his best to heal the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple. It was also an additional benefit that Wei Ying could use the songs even now to calm his mind and let him forget his past.

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