Chapter 10

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"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan!"

A very excited Wei Ying run into the Library pavilion, completely disregarding any rules or propriety and grinning widely. After the conversation with Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji's heart had been heavy but right now, it felt lighter than a feather. It was liberating to see his beloved smiled happily like this, it gave the Second Jade hope that everything would be alright and that Wei Ying was not suffering nor being abused by his own brother. He could almost forget everything and just watch and smile in return.

He waited on the spot for Wei Ying to run to him and to throw himself into his arms. He caught his loved one effortlessly and kissed him as a greeting. Wei Ying continued to smile even as their lips touched and Lan Wangji started wondering what could have made him this excited. It was quite a rare sight too since Wei Ying usually held himself back just in case Jiang Wanyin was anywhere near, watching them.

Luckily, things have somewhat settled into a routine once again, Wei Ying's supposed illness and the supervision he had been under after that long forgotten. With the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple by his side, Lan Wangji did not find it too hard to forget anything and everything but the warm and perfect body in his arms and the sweet lips that he was allowed to kiss.

Wei Ying squirmed a little bit and the Second Jade immediately let go of him, observing him intently and with curiosity. From his beloved's face, he could tell that the other was just dying to tell him why he had run to him like this. And sure enough, Wei Ying's explanation came only a heartbeat later, his smile becoming ever brighter if that was even possible. Lan Wangji felt blinded watching it but he could not tear his eyes away.

"Lan Zhan! Look, I have brought something! I think you will like it." With a little mischievous glint to his eyes, he added: "It is very educative."

Wei Ying reached into his sleeve and took out a book. It looked like any other book in the Cloud Recesses library and Lan Wangji's eyebrows rose in a silent question, he could not tell what was so special about it. The Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple would have surely not been this excited with just normal everyday study materials.

And sure enough. When Wei Ying pushed the book closer to him and Lan Wangji opened it, it was not a normal book at all.

The Second Jade was watching the picture inside which was quite illustrative and especially detailed and artistic. Just from one glance, he knew immediately just what kind of book this was. The two men in the picture were unmistakably making love, both naked and in a revealing position.

Everything was pictured to the last detail and despite the fact that Lan Wangji had often imagined doing this kind of thing with Wei Ying, his ears became bright red. It was one thing thinking about it and it was another thing entirely seeing a revealing picture to illustrate his fantasies. Lan Wangji became very aware that it would for certain be yet another experience to actually touch Wei Ying's naked skin and to be able to finally fully appreciate his beloved's beauty.

Lan Wangji's head snapped up from the book at once when Wei Ying continued talking, still as excitable as ever: "So, how do you like it, Lan Zhan? Let me tell you, I have never known just how much two man can do. I think I would like to try doing some of them. I am sure it will feel hundred times better with someone I actually like..."

Lan Wangji's mind became completely blank and he could not even tell if Wei Ying was still talking or perhaps watching him and waiting for his reply. He was still stuck on the "someone I like" bit, replaying it in his head nonstop, his mind hardly took in the rest of what Wei Ying had just said.

After at least a hundredth repetition, he slowly started thinking again. He realized only then that this was the first time Wei Ying had told him he loved him. Until today, it had only been Lan Wangji initiating all their more intimate physical contact, one-sidedly assuming that since Wei Ying had not protested, he must have returned his feelings. But it was only now that this assumption of his had gotten a clear confirmation.

Lan Wangji wanted to jump out of pure joy, he wanted to immediately whisk his loved one to the Jingshi and proceed with demonstration of what he had seen in the book. He knew he was blushing but he did not mind. Today was the happiest day of his life.

He was at a loss for words and about what to do. He looked Wei Ying deep into his silvery eyes and got his breath stolen for a second. His beloved was blushing as well and smiling at him brightly, and this smile belonged to Lan Wangji exclusively, to no one else. In the Second Jade's eyes, Wei Ying was the most beautiful human being that had ever walked this earth, beautiful both inside and out. And the best thing was that he was just offering himself to be Lan Wangji's.

Something broke in the Second Jade's chest, something which he had been keeping at bay all this while. He could not hold back anymore and started hungrily devouring Wei Ying's lips, completely forgetting where they were and that someone – namely Jiang Wanyin, or any other disciple or elder really, the door was still wide open – could walk in on them and they would be in serious trouble. He just wanted to show his beloved that he too returned his feelings and just how happy he was that Wei Ying had confessed his.

Almost unconsciously, his hands started travelling lower from where they had been cupping the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's face until now. The only restraint that was kept in place was to not be too harsh, to keep his touch gentle so he would not hurt the other.

Aside for that, his hands seemed to have their own will, caressing the exposed and fair skin of Wei Ying's chin, tracing the sweet curve. Then they moved even lower, gently searching for the other's pulse to confirm that his beloved's heart was racing just like his own. The fabric of Wei Ying's collar was a little bit in the way but Lan Wangji remembered just in time how adamant his loved one had been about not taking his clothes off and he did only continue caressing him thought it. They would figure out the best way to get rid of their clothes later, for now, the Second Jade would content himself with this much. His hands finished their explorative journey wrapped around Wei Ying's waist and supporting him as it seemed like the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple had a hard time to keep even sitting straight at this point. Lan Wangji had not noticed when they had fallen down and sat on the ground, Wei Ying in his lap.

Lan Wangji pulled the other closer to him and devoured his lips again. He could not get enough of that sweetness he had so missed when Wei Ying would not let him kiss him anymore. He really wanted to just push his beloved down and tear off his clothes, however, he was not sure the younger boy was ready for it just yet. After all, it had not even been an hour since he had responded to his feelings and admitted that he loved Lan Wangji in turn.

He did not know how long had passed, they were now both out of breath and blushing furiously, both with arousal and because of sheer happiness. Lan Wangji would have been satisfied if he could stay like this forever, with a panting and a little dazed Wei Ying in his arms.

That was however not what the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple had in mind it would seem. Once Wei Ying's eyes cleared, he pushed Lan Wangji away gently with an apologetic smile: "Lan Zhan, not here. Jiang Cheng will be coming to check on me."

"Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji already missed the other's lips and the warmth against him which was now getting further and further away from him. They stared at each other, and the Second Jade was trying to see if it was because Wei Ying had not liked his approach or because he was just scared of Jiang Wanyin.

He decided that it was the latter and nodded his head gravely, accepting to postpone their activities for later, once the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir's inspection would be over for the day.
They should not tempt their luck too much, perhaps they should not even do it in Cloud Recesses at all to avoid the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir completely. Jiang Wanyin was seriously getting in Lan Wangji's way now and he wondered if anyone would miss him should he perhaps have an accident and disappear.

"Mn," he relented in the end, "we can plan another trip to Caiyi town soon."

Wei Ying nodded enthusiastically at the proposition, grinning widely once again. After one last short peck on Lan Wangji's lips, he went to sit at his table and started dutifully copying the rules. 

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