Chapter 27

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Lan Wangji woke up in the morning, perfectly refreshed. He could still fell Wei Ying breathing next to him and when he turned his head to look that way, a smile appeared on his lips at once. Wei Ying's head was laying on the pillow and he faced Lan Wangji. His eyes were still closed but his expression was very serene and relaxed. He must have been having good dreams.

Lan Wangji continued to stare for a good of an hour, until the morning bell once again chased him out of the bed and to go fetch breakfast. Just as the day before, he turned around in the door and looked at his beloved one last time before closing it. He had a perfect view of the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's backside. His butt cheeks were rosy and round and the entrance was a perfect pink. It was the best sight he could wish for to help Lan Wangji get through the day. This was already becoming a kind of a routine for him.

He picked up their breakfast, happy that his brother had not come to see him today and insist on asking about Wei Ying's health which he did not really care about. He then hurried back to the Jingshi, already missing his beloved.

Wei Ying greeted him with a smile and a cheerful yet adorably sleepily slurred: "Morning, Lan Zhan." He was looking back at the door, his neck craned at an awkward angle so he would be able to see it.

Lan Zhan's expression melted when he greeted back: "Good morning, Wei Ying, I brought breakfast."

"Mn, hm, thank you..." hummed his beloved, still half asleep.

Lan Wangji did to wait any longer and he went to sit by the bed, preparing to feed the other. Wei Ying had just lifted his head lazily to take the offered bite when the door to the Jingshi sounded under hasty knocking.

Both Lan Wangji and Wei Ying flinched and looked towards it. The Second Jade knew who had been knocking from the sound alone and he did not like it in the slightest.

Just as he had predicted, it was his brother: "Wangji, Young Master Wei, please pardon the intrusion, we are coming in."

Lan Wangji had to admit to his shame that he outright panicked after hearing those words. He had not even considered the possibility that not seeking his brother out during the breakfast time would resort into a situation like this. He knew that since Lan Xichen had announced that he was coming in, the door would be opened before he would be able to do anything. And had his brother also said that he had not come alone? What should Lan Wangji do right now?

He did not have any time to tell Lan Xichen to not come in as the door was already opening and there were several people behind it.

The First Jade and Lan Qiren came inside and then stilled completely, as if frozen in place, the sight of Lan Wangji and Wei Ying must have shocked them. The same could be said about several other people who were still standing outside; from what the Second Jade could see there were two healers and at least three helpers or Gusu Lan sect disciples.

Everyone was just standing there. They were staring at each other in utter shock, although both sides for a different reason. The spell was only broken when Wei Ying grunted a bit and turned his head so it would be hidden in the pillow, his cheeks and his neck were both burning bright red. It was however, too late. If he had been hoping that no one recognized him, he had no luck.

Lan Wangji shot to his feet and stepped between the newcomers and his beloved, intending to shield him with his own body. He did not appreciate the intrusion in the slightest. He was not even too surprised when his uncle frowned seeing him protecting Wei Ying like that, he had never liked the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple after all. Lan Xichen on the other hand had a sad expression and Lan Wangji could not figure why. Only until his brother spoke however while shaking his head in something akin to disbelief and deep disappointment:

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