Chapter 6

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It had been already four days and there was still no sign of Wei Ying anywhere, moreover, Jiang Wanyin continued begrudgingly and hastily informing Lan Wangji that his brother had yet to get better and that was why he had to hurry back to his room. In the end, Lan Wangji barely saw any of the Yunmeng Jiang sect brothers. It had been concerning him in the beginning but by now, he was out of his mind, his thoughts spiralling in very dark directions when he imagined how bad Wei Ying's illness must be. When one had such a strong golden core as his beloved, a heavy cold was dealt with in a matter of hours. What could be wrong with Wei Ying?

Lan Wangji decided that this was getting way too suspicious. Jiang Wanyin was avoiding his questions and also Lan Qiren was starting to get worried, demanding that Wei Ying would be brought to the infirmary. Lan Wangji had clearly seen the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir's minute expression of displeasure and fear at hearing those words.

He was hoping that his uncle would be unyielding in this aspect as in any other but apparently he had been mistaken. Lan Qiren only shook his head and told Jiang Wanyin to relay get well wishes to Wei Ying. Needless to say, the Second Jade was furious. It was just like his uncle to be happy that a troublemaker who had caused him several headaches was now perfectly subdued and incapable of breaking any more rules.

Lan Wangji was burning with anger but he did not dare to confront Lan Qiren, after all, he still respected his uncle very much and he was one of the Gusu Lan sect elders too. He decided with a heavy heart that he would wait just one more day and if Wei Ying would not appear by then he would seek advice with his brother. He was not sure they could meddle into another great sect's affairs like this, but he could clearly see that his loved one was suffering.

No matter if he did not have enough proof of Jiang Wanyin abusing his brother, he would just beg for Wei Ying to be brought to the infirmary, hopefully they would see everything then. And he would finally be able to hide the younger boy away from the whole world and protect him. Just the two of them, his beautiful Wei Ying and him, no one else would be allowed to see his beloved ever again and hurt him.

However, it never came to that.

The very next day, Wei Ying appeared in the lectures as if everything was perfectly normal and as if he had not been missing for over four days. Lan Wangji could not help an immense relief wash over him. At least now he knew that his beloved was alright, safe and sound, and more importantly healthy again.

He wanted to stand up and run to him as soon as he had spotted him in between the doors of the Lecture hall. He was already half standing when the noticed that Jiang Wanyin was walking in right behind his brother, very close to him, closer than it would be socially acceptable and keeping one hand on the back of Wei Ying's elbow. Someone other than Lan Wangji could perhaps think that he was merely supporting him, but the Second Jade suspected that was not the case, at least not entirely.

There was an uncomfortable and almost smug grin on the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir's lips and Lan Wangji just knew that he had done something to Wei Ying. Now that he was looking more closely, his loved one actually did not look all that healthy at all. Wei Ying's lips were chapped and his complexion looked very pale and unhealthy; there were deep black circles under his eyes as well. His back was slumped and it seemed like he was barely able to walk, faltering slightly with every step. And the most painful was seeing the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple without a smile on his face. His eyes were tired and somewhat glassy when he took in the room but seemed barely aware of anything and anyone in it. He was definitely not alright.

Their eyes met but there was no recognition there, they looked completely dead and resigned. Wei Ying also did not seem like he wanted to be there at all and the Second Jade suspected that it was only Jiang Wanyin's hand holding him back from either running away or breaking down on the spot.

At that exact moment, Lan Wangji decided that he could not do nothing anymore, he had to intervene. This was not something he should neither tolerate nor let happen behind everyone's backs. Whatever that something happening was. He was still not sure what exactly Jiang Wanyin was doing to Wei Ying, he only knew for a fact that it was hurting Wei Ying and breaking him inside little by little every time he saw him.

He finished his motion and stood up, heading towards the door, pretending to just go greet the two Yunmeng Jiang sect brothers. Well, not pretending as per say, he actually went to greet them, he realized. He had no plan in mind and it was not as if he could just snatch Wei Ying away in the middle of the Lecture hall and run with him to hide him somewhere. That would surely cause an inter-sect conflict.

His thoughts were running hundred miles a second in his head as he bowed slightly in greeting and addressed his beloved: "Wei Ying, I am glad you are well again."

It was only then that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's eyes cleared a little bit and he blinked, recognizing who was standing in front of him at last. There was a very desperate look in his eyes and Lan Wangji could swear that he was trying to beg for help. It was only a second however before the pleading was replaced by horror as his eyes darted in the direction of Jiang Wanyin who was standing by his side. Then, all that remained was unexpected coldness and restraint.

"Second Young Master Lan," Wei Ying started and it was like a dagger had been run thought Lan Wangji's chest. The first reason was that his beloved's voice was barely more than a whisper, his voice unnaturally raspy and raw. It was painful to listen to and from the expression which flashed over Wei Ying's face a moment later, it must have been painful to produce it as well. Did he still have a cold and was his throat sore? It certainly sounded like that to the Second Jade. Lan Wangji decided to not think about other possibilities as they were one more horrible than the other.

There was also another aspect of that addressing which froze the Second Jade to his bones. Wei Ying had never talked to him this politely and coldly before. He had never used his title, not even in the beginning. This was certainly not how his beloved spoke, not at all. Something was very wrong here but Lan Wangji could not put his hand on it.

Before he could however think about this more, Wei Ying continued, still with that painful sounding voice, his words carefully chosen. It sounded like he was walking on eggshells and feared to make a wrong move and destroy everything. Lan Wangji almost cringed at how over-played this all was.

"Thank you for your concern. I am alright now. Please do not worry about me anymore."

Lan Wangji glared in Jiang Wanyin's way, very sure that ha was the one to blame for Wei Ying's weird behaviour. And sure enough, Jiang Wanyin was standing there, looking proud of himself – if Lan Wangji was not mistaken in his expression but he highly doubted that –, his hold on his brother's elbow tightened visibly. Wei Ying flinched a little at that but quickly found his balance again. He bowed to Lan Wangji as if there had never been anything between them and let his brother lead him away to his seat.

Lan Wangji's heart was breaking. It was clear to him that Wei Ying was only acting like this now because Jiang Wanyin had threatened him into it, whatever means he had used, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was terrified by him. He wanted to help his beloved but he did not know how. It was truly mortifying.

Before he could do anything else, something perhaps foolish or something he would regret later on, Lan Qiren made his entrance and the lectures started. He had no other option but to sit down and play his role of a perfect Gusu Lan sect disciple all the while everything was boiling and turning inside of him. He had never felt anger this intense in his life, and surely not directed at one person specifically. Jiang Wanyin did not deserve to spend another day in Wei Ying's company; if everything else remained unclear, that much was certain to him.

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