Chapter 4

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It had already been a few weeks since Lan Wangji started taking Wei Ying to the back mountains in secret. The younger boy still insisted they should not be seen by anyone, and Lan Wangji knew he was talking mainly about Jiang Wanyin even though that name had never been mentioned. It was very frustrating and the Second Jade was slowly but surely reaching the limit of his patience.

He would not have said a word if he was convinced that Wei Ying only wanted to spend time with his brother, but that was clearly not the case. For that, Jiang Wanyin behaved way too possessively and Wei Ying was way too scared of him and nervous whenever Lan Wangji came closer to him in his brother's presence. His beloved was hiding secrets from him and the Second Jade did not like it. Or more like he was infuriated by that fact.

Over the last few weeks, he had grown even more protective of Wei Ying in response to Jiang Wanyin's change of behaviour. The Yunmeng Jiang sect heir was now barely hiding his abusive ways. Unfortunately for Lan Wangji, it was still not enough to convince even his brother, never mind his uncle or the rest of the Gusu Lan sect elders about the wrongdoings which were happening right under their noses. He still needed that one act too many to be able to denounce him.

Wei Ying's behaviour had also changed. He had become more fearful and more easily startled, always looking over his shoulder and everywhere around to see if his brother was anywhere near to them. He only relaxed slightly when they were alone in the back mountains, laying on the ground covered with soft grass, his head in Lan Wangji's lap and a small fluffy bunny on his chest. At least Lan Wangji had found something which could calm him down and those were the rabbits living more or less wildly in these parts of the forest.

Just like today. They had snuck away from the Library pavilion after making sure that they stayed there long enough for Jiang Wanyin to already finish his inspection. Even though Lan Wangji had never seen the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir spying on Wei Ying, he had been warned by several Gusu Lan sect disciples who had seen him walking around and suspiciously scrunching down to peek into the room where he and Wei Ying always were.

At first, he had considered to move the punishments to a different room where Jiang Wanyin would not be able to see from the outside but in the end, he had decided not to. It was better this way actually since like this, Lan Wangji had learned that the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir came at the same time every day. That meant that if he and Wei Ying behaved until the inspection was over, and only then indulged themselves, either directly in the Library pavilion – they had never went beyond kissing and more or less innocent touches anyway which annoyed the Second Jade to no end but Wei Ying had refused to let him take his clothes off and there was only so much they could do like that – or in the back mountains.

He could not have restrained himself today and he had kissed Wei Ying with passion as soon as the younger boy had stepped inside the Library pavilion. Then he had to behave in time for Jiang Wanyin to not see anything else but Wei Ying obediently taking his punishment. After the supposed inspection had passed, at least time-wise, it had finally been the right moment to steal Wei Ying away and let them have a good moment together.

And now they were here, his beloved's head in his lap, and Lan Wangji could finally touch the younger boy without any restrains; well, aside for not removing any pieces of the other's robes of course. It was peaceful and quiet and soon, Wei Ying's eyes started to close on their own will. Lan Wangji had already noticed that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple had been extremely tired there last few days so he made sure not to wake him up in any way.

It did not however take long and Wei Ying started to frown and seemed to be in distress, he must have been having a nightmare. He was whimpering quietly as well and his head was moving from one side to another as if he wanted to avoid something.

Lan Wangji did not know what to do. He wanted to help him but the only way he could think of was to wake the other up. That could however easily backfire as the younger boy could be startled and could start panicking, not knowing where he was or who was there with him. After another five seconds of musing, Lan Wangji decided that it was a better approach after all. There were now tears flowing out of Wei Ying's eyes and the younger boy was groaning in what the Second Jade could only identify as pain.

He did not hesitate any longer and shook his beloved's shoulder gently. "Wei Ying!" he called him softly as not to startle him too much.

It seemed to have worked, at least to some degree. The younger boy's eyes immediately shot open, he was awake. However, just as Lan Wangji had predicted, he was disoriented and quickly drew himself away from the Second Jade, wrapping his hands around himself in a feeble attempt to protect his body.

Lan Wangji did not want anything more but to reach out and take Wei Ying into his arms to sooth him. Though, instead, he remained in place, not moving at all and waiting for his beloved to calm down. He would have been more distressed and shaken if this was the first time he witnessed Wei Ying crumble. Unfortunately, it was not. By now, he knew he should give the other more space and should only approach when the younger boy would be of a clear enough mind to recognize him.

It was truly heart-breaking seeing Wei Ying like this and yet being unable to help him. Lan Wangji really wanted to catch Jiang Wanyin in the act and be able to prove he was abusing his brother. Maybe if his beloved showed him what he always hid under his robes, the case would be an easier one but he really did not want to distress Wei Ying even more. And it would also uncover Lan Wangji's deep hidden desires and he could do something he would regret. He was not certain he would be able to resist his beloved's naked body. It was for sure that the younger boy would stop trusting him immediately and perhaps even never want to spend any time with him again.

It took several minutes for Wei Ying to calm down enough for him to look at Lan Wangji with recognition in his eyes. The Second Jade took his clue and relaxed as well, they were past the worst. Lan Wangji would never forget how he had tried to touch Wei Ying while the other was in his most distressed state and how the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple became rigid and un-responding altogether. Lan Wangji had almost had a panic attack himself at that time.

"Wei Ying?" he double-checked just to be sure that he would not cause more harm than good when he approached.

"Lan Zhan..." came a barely audible reply followed by a sob.

Lan Wangji quickly stood up and just as he was doing so, Wei Ying spoke again, his voice broken and begging, it was breaking Lan Wangji's heart all over again to see him pleading like this. Still in tears and gasping for breath because of his sobbing.

"Lan Zhan, will you hold me?"

Lan Wangji did not wait for anything anymore and he was already on his knees, cradling Wei Ying as close to his chest as he possibly could. In moments like these, the younger boy seemed very small and fragile, so very unlike his usual loud and energetic self. Something inside Lan Wangji liked that he was the only one who was permitted to see him like that, that the younger boy trusted him enough to open up a little bit.

Even though it was not enough by far because he had never explained anything to Lan Wangji, he only ever endured and hid things from him. That was making the Second Jade angry. He tried to reign in his emotions, but he found it harder and harder with each day that Wei Ying kept his lips sealed about everything that was hurting him. Once again, Lan Wangji swore to himself that he would find out what was going on for sure.

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