Chapter 17

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All the way to the Jingshi, Lan Wangji was steadily speeding up, his worries only growing until he could not think of anything but his urge to check on Wei Ying. His fears were now getting completely out of hand and the image of an empty bed he could find upon opening the door to his quarters was gaining more and more place in his mind.

He all but run the rest of the way, luckily, there were no disciples nor servants around these parts of the Cloud Recesses and he was glad for that. It would not do if anyone stopped him right now to reprimand him.

He arrived to the Jingshi and he threw the door open without any delay. He had to make sure that Wei Ying was still where he had left him, hopefully sleeping and not trying to free himself out of the restraints. Lan Wangji realized fully well that he would have to let him out of them soon; but what could he do when Wei Ying looked so beautiful in them?

Sure enough, and to his immediate and breath-taking relief, he was greeted by the most enticing picture he could ever imagine. Although he doubted that his uncle or brother would see it the same as he did which worried him but he shoved these thoughts away quickly. He had to will himself to make the last step which would take his body inside so he would be able to close the door behind himself. He did not want to share this with anyone.

Just as when he had left, Wei Ying was laying on his bed, his arms and legs fastened to the bed frame and spread prettily, leaving his whole bare body for Lan Wangji to see. Even though the Second Jade knew that he should probably not succumb to his desire, he could not help himself, his eyes were immediately drawn to the most beautiful part of his Wei Ying: the light pink jade stone and the little bit darker muscles clenched around it. It was exquisite, it was enticing; it was dangerous and forbidden but it did not keep Lan Wangji from staring.

He wondered if he could touch that rosy entrance and perhaps leave his own fingerprints around it. He had not liked seeing Jiang Wanyin's claims on his beloved's body, but right now, he believed that he could understand the urge to touch. Wei Ying was like a piece of art now and he wanted to enjoy it in any way he could. He however had to hold himself back, he would not do something as cruel and barbaric as the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir had done.

Lan Wangji did not know how long he had been standing there, just admiring his beautiful Wei Ying. He did not even realize that he was still holding the tray with food until there was a little bit worried shout from the bed: "Lan Zhan, careful!"

He immediately snapped out of his fantasies. He had not realized that Wei Ying was already awake, for it had been his voice which sounded in the silent Jingshi, immediately bringing light and liveliness into it. Lan Wangji controlled his hand just as his eyes – a little unwillingly – left his beloved's backside and travelled along his body to look at his face.

Sure enough; Wei Ying's eyes were open and looking at him, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was awake. Lan Wangji did not know what he had expected to see. Perhaps fear or tears, or disgust and panic, something negative after the traumatizing event his beloved had just gone through only hours before.

He had however not even imagined the possibility that Wei Ying would be just fine. Although there was no smile on his lips right now and there was surprise and relief in his eyes, his beloved looked calm and collected. Lan Wangji's heart melted, his Wei Ying was so strong and beautiful! The bruises which had been ruining his face were by now entirely gone. If he did not know any better, Lan Wangji would not have even been able to say that anything bad had happened at all.

"Wei Ying," he responded calmly to the other and went to set the food down on the bedside table.

His beloved's body was tense as he was approaching. It was very subtle but the way his limbs strained a little bit against the restrains and his fingers twitched to ball into fists were telling enough. Wei Ying only relaxed when Lan Wangji sat on the bed next to him but made no move to touch him. He even smiled a little bit. Finally. Still, it was nowhere near his usual bright smiles, but Lan Wangji was sure they will get there eventually now that Jiang Wanyin was out of the picture and he had Wei Ying only for himself.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying breathed out and his previous relief was nothing compared to the one Lan Wangji could hear in his voice now, "I am glad it is you."

"Mn," replied the Second Jade. He did not know how to reassure his beloved that he was now safe and that Jiang Wanyin would never get his hands on him, never again.

Wei Ying smiled now, and here it was, his usual bright smile. Though his eyes were still a little cautious but Lan Wangji supposed it could not be helped at a moment like this. He could tell that his beloved was hiding his true pain, just as he had been this whole time. He could only hope that over time, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple would forget the assault and the abuse and would be able to confide in Lan Wangji.

The silence was becoming longer and Lan Wangji wondered if Wei Ying was not waiting for him to start the conversation. He should explain to his beloved why he was still being tied up and why the Second Jade would not release him, at least not yet.

Lan Wangji had been planning to release the restrains as soon as he came back but one look at how they befitted his beloved made him change his mind. Surely Wei Ying would not object to showing him how beautiful he was for a while longer. He wanted to touch his smooth skin all over and remember just how silky and warm it had been when he had been cleaning the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's body. Once again, he had to make a conscious effort to hold back. Even though Wei Ying was calm and smiling now, he did not want to trigger him.

He apparently hesitated too long because it was his beloved who spoke first, his voice cautious deep down but cheerful on the surface. It was only now that Lan Wangji was starting to understand these small notions. He was learning how to read Wei Ying even if the other was trying to hide everything from him. It was very satisfying and would certainly prove useful in the future.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying was hesitant and Lan Wangji already dreaded what he would request. Although he would not deny his beloved almost anything, this was one of the things that Wei Ying should not ask from him. "Can you untie me please?"

Here it was, the question that Lan Wangji so feared. He was terrified that once Wei Ying would not be tied to him like this, he would disappear. Perhaps he would even go back to Jiang Wanyin's side for all that the Second Jade knew. And he could not let that happen, over his dead body. He was so scared that his tone was even more glacial than normally.


Wei Ying flinched and Lan Wangji winced. He did not want to shout at him. He lowered his voice's volume and tried to explain: "Protection."

His beloved's eyes went wide and Lan Wangji could not interpret the expression on his face too well.

Before the silence could get too uncomfortable, he moved closer to his beloved and lifted his head a bit, positioning it on a pillow. Since Wei Ying was tied up, he figured he would have to feed him his dinner and that it would be less awkward if Wei Ying was not laying down entirely. It would be safer too, he would hopefully not choke. Lan Wangji picked up the food from the bedside table and started feeding his beloved.

Wei Ying seemed surprised at first and hesitated with opening his mouth, but Lan Wangji was patient. When his beloved's lips finally parted – Wei Ying took a breath and it seemed like he was about to object to being fed and demand to be freed which Lan Wangji did not want to hear from him again – the Second Jade pushed a mouthful of food into his mouth.

"Do not talk while eating," he reminded Wei Ying for a good measure. He really did not want to hear it from his beloved's lips that he wanted to leave him. If necessary, Lan Wangji would keep him in the Jingshi by force. It was all for his own protection.

Wei Ying nodded and obediently followed his instructions. Lan Wangji felt relieved, at least for now, his beloved agreed to stay with him like this.

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