Chapter 12

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Lan Wangji startled when the kiss he had given Wei Ying had made the other stir in place, only a little since the restraints were not giving him much space, and whimper quietly. It was just a lonely and barely audible sound. Yet to Lan Wangji's ears, it was deafening. It felt like a dagger had just been run through his heart and it was now being twisted in place by guilt. He should not be taking advantage at a moment like this.

He immediately drew back from Wei Ying, still shooting him one last appreciative look, taking all his beauty in. He did not wait for anything anymore and started untying the ropes, making sure to not rub them against the burned and raw skin any more than necessary. When his beloved was finally free, Lan Wangji looked around, at a loss to what do next.

He could not leave Wei Ying here with Jiang Wanyin for another second, who knew what the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir would be capable of still doing to him. Nor could he take his loved one to the infirmary like this, stark naked and unconscious. And, he realized just as he was thinking about what kind of treatment Wei Ying would need, he did not even want to take him to see anyone other than him at all.

He wanted to keep the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple all to himself and not cause him any unnecessary stress if someone else would see him in this state. Perhaps it was selfish of him or biased, he did not know anymore, but he could not stand the thought that someone else would be touching the younger boy, not anymore. He would not be able to bear to share the beautiful sight he had seen just seconds ago with anyone at all. No, he would treat Wei Ying himself, out of everyone's sight. He would take him to the Jingshi.

Decision made, he looked around to find something in which he could wrap the younger boy for the transport. He did not want him to be seen in this state. There were robes discarded on the ground, on a single pile there were both Wei Ying's and Jiang Wanyin's colours mixed together. That disgusted Lan Wangji, he would never allow his beloved to have anything in common with the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir anymore. Moreover, getting him inside the robes would be a hard task while the other was unconscious, he would surely hurt him in the process.

No robes then, he had to look for something better. Something large with which he would be able to cover the whole body of his loved one. His eyes fell on the bed; the sheets would have been the perfect choice, only they were soaked in blood and soiled in other bodily fluids and Lan Wangji could not imagine putting those around his beautiful Wei Ying, it would ruin the whole beautiful picture.

That left only the blanket which had been pushed out of the bed at some point and was now laying next to it, spared from the blood and other liquids which were covering the sheets and Wei Ying's body. Lan Wangji did not hesitate anymore, he grabbed the blanket and put it over his lap. Then he lifted the younger boy from the bed and gently placed him onto the blanket.

His eyes lingered on Wei Ying's lips again for a heartbeat before the Second Jade shook his head. He had promised himself to not take advantage of the other right now, and he would stand by that vow. It took all his self-restraint to not continue scanning the beautiful uncovered skin but instead cover with in the blanket. He made sure to wrap Wei Ying completely, he now looked like a baby in their swaddle blanket, sleeping soundly, safe and taken care of.

Once he made sure that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was as comfortable as he could get given the circumstances, he unglued his eyes from his face and looked at Jiang Wanyin. The Yunmeng Jiang sect heir was still laying on the ground. He was now however returning Lan Wangji's glare with his own and opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

If stares could kill, they would both be dead by now. Lan Wangji saw that Jiang Wanyin had anger in his eyes and his lips were parted in a snarl. He looked like a wild beast; and perhaps he indeed was one, judging by what he had just done to his own brother.

Lan Wangji made sure to channel all his own hatred into his eyes for Jiang Wanyin to see and understand that he should stay down. He was not sure what he would do if the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir did anything at all right now. The only thing which had saved him from taking Bichen into his guts was the fact that Lan Wangji was holding Wei Ying in his arms and did not want to let go even for a second.

He stopped their staring match only once he knew he had won. Jiang Wanyin was now reduced to a shivering mess and Lan Wangji's heart was roaring in satisfaction. This was good, he should get to know at least a portion of fear that Wei Ying had been feeling for the longest time, for Lan Wangji did not doubt that the abusive behaviour had not started only after their arrival to the Cloud Recesses.

He stood up, glancing down to see if he had not caused his beloved unwanted discomfort. Reassured as no muscle moved on the younger boy's face – the only place which was left free of the blanket –, his eyes found Jiang Wanyin again. He made sure that the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir could read all the disgust and anger he was feeling. He deserved to fear for his life.

"I am taking Wei Ying with me." Lan Wangji informed him in the end and was unhealthily proud of himself for keeping his voice down. He did not want to wake Wei Ying up, not until they would be in the safety of the Jingshi, just the two of them and there would be nothing for him to fear anymore.

He allowed himself one last satisfaction. He kissed Wei Ying's forehead feather-light and observed Jiang Wanyin's reaction. Just as he had expected, the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir was looking at them with an almost blank stare, apparently he did not know how to feel anymore about his brother being taken away from him. His expression however betrayed his true feelings, it looked as If he had just taken a huge bite of a very sour lemon.

"Wei Ying is mine." Lan Wangji whispered, not even sure if he was talking to Jiang Wanyin still. Perhaps not, he just wanted to reassure himself of this fact. And maybe he also wanted Wei Ying to hear this despite being unconscious. His beloved needed to know that his brother had no more claims on him and that Lan Wangji would now take care of him.

And Jiang Wanyin had to know that his reign over his brother had come to an end. Lan Wangji would never let him come anywhere close to Wei Ying ever again, much less talk to him or touch him. He wanted the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir to feel the same despair he had been the prisoner of all this while when he saw how Wei Ying would abandon him in favour of being by his brother's side. 

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