Chapter 25

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Lan Wangji only came back to his senses when he heard the evening bell which was calling everyone to the diner hall. He had been staring at Wei Ying for several hours! He could not believe himself. He still wanted to continue admire his beloved longer. However, he had to go fetch them dinner or they would both go on hungry for the night. And he had to hurry too.

Reluctantly, he got up and straightened his robes. It would not do if he walked around in a disarray, that would be a full proof way to attract unwanted attention. He was already opening the door when he heard Wei Ying calling after him: "Lan Zhan, you forgot your forehead ribbon!"

That was true, realized Lan Wangji immediately. His forehead ribbon was still wrapped around Wei Ying's manhood. He could not go out without one, that would be even more suspicious than having his clothes and hair unkempt. After all, every Gusu Lan sect disciple, even the youngest of children, knew that their forehead ribbon could only ever be taken off for the night or to give to their chosen partner. No one else was supposed to touch it and they were certainly not supposed to lose it or forget wearing it.

Lan Wangji was proud he could have given his forehead ribbon to his beloved. However, that was no reason to announce their relationship to the whole cultivation world just yet. For the time being, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple needed time to recover, away from anyone who would want to hurt him or take advantage of him again. Moreover, Lan Wangji did not think he was ready to show his beloved to anyone, he wanted to keep him hidden away so no one would steal him away from him.

He quickly returned to the room and found his spare forehead ribbon. He tied it around his head in practiced motions, he did not even need a mirror to know that it was sitting perfectly straight when he went out of the door again. He grabbed the dinner without anyone stopping him and went back to the Jingshi immediately afterwards. He was already looking forward to a meal shared with his loved one.

Just as he had expected, Wei Ying was waiting for him with a smile again. His eyes sparkling when he saw the food.

Lan Wangji set the tray down on the table and stoop up, considering his options. He could either feed Wei Ying again, just as he had done with the lunch or they could eat together at the table.

Both options were good; in the first one, Lan Wangji would get to give Wei Ying the food himself and care for him, wipe away any crumbs that could fall down, but he would not get to eat at the same time. In the second one however, he would get to eat together with his beloved but would not be able to enjoy his beauty to its fullest. That was truly a dilemma.

After several seconds, he came up with a compromise. He went to the bed and untied the silk ropes. Wei Ying watched him intently with questioning eyes, he remained silent though. Only until Lan Wangji got rid of the last of the restraints and gestured to his beloved to sit up.

"Lan Zhan?"

This time, Wei Ying was properly confused. He sat up with a little groan, probably because of the jade stone still inserted in his backside. He did not complain though. He looked up at Lan Wangji, waiting for new instructions.

"Let us eat together."

Wei Ying's eyes went all sparkly and his smile became a wide, happy grin. He jumped out of the bed and stumbled a bit on his feet. Lan Wangji immediately caught him and supported him with one hand. The Second Jade almost sighed, his beloved had apparently forgotten that his legs must have gone numb from the restraints and had acted as rashly as ever. Not that Lan Wangji did not love this side of him.

He helped Wei Ying to carefully make his way to the table. He however did not let him sit on a cushion on the ground. Instead, he pointed towards the table with his free hand.

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