Chapter 24

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Lan Wangji was still gathering himself after coming in Wei Ying's hand. His head felt a little fuzzy, both because of the pleasure and the after waves of it coursing through his veins and because of his beloved's suggestion that they should do this again. Wei Ying had even promised him to take him into his mouth and Lan Wangji could not wait to find out just how good it would feel. It was already hard to describe how great this time had been and he was sure the next one would be even better.

He stood up with his legs still a little shaky and went behind a privacy screen. His robes were soiled from the inside and they were sticking to his skin uncomfortably. It felt a little disgusting and he wanted to change into clean clothing. He went through the motions automatically and his mind was wandering.

He wondered from where Wei Ying knew such techniques. Lan Wangji was sure he would not have been able to make his beloved feel that good; if he had the courage to even touch him in this way after what Jiang Wanyin had done to him. He wondered whether Wei Ying had even felt such pleasure himself. If his brother had touched him in this way or had forced him to touch his own body like that.

The though was distressing the Second Jade greatly. If Wei Ying had been used to pleasure Jiang Wanyin like this, was his affection for Lan Wangji genuine? Was he not just doing the same thing as the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir had been doing all this time and taking advantage of Wei Ying's conditioning?

Lan Wangji shook his head violently. He did not even want to start walking this path of thoughts. He had to keep telling himself that he was nothing like Jiang Wanyin. He had not forced Wei Ying to do anything. His beloved did those things of his own free will. He had even teased him and had gotten him that aroused in the first place, he must have been taking responsibility and wanting to pleasure him. There was no other option in Lan Wangji's mind, he managed to supress all other voices and worries.

Once he was done changing, he came out from behind the privacy screen and stood frozen solid on the spot. He saw Wei Ying squirming on the bed, moving his backside against the bed sheets in very enticing and sensual movements. What however shocked Lan Wangji even more was that Wei Ying was hard himself. His member was standing proud, facing the ceiling, and there was wetness to the tip. Wei Ying was aroused.

Lan Wangji was taking in the new sight. He had though previously that his beloved was beautiful like that, but now he knew better. There had been something missing all that while and he had just failed to notice. This was the ultimate beauty that Wei Ying was capable of.

As if he was in a dream, with his movements sluggish and his hands moving through a thick syrup, Lan Wangji was attracted towards his beloved despite himself. Almost unknowingly, he reached up and untied his forehead ribbon. The beautiful gift of gods that Wei Ying was needed proper wrapping.

He held the forehead ribbon in his arms and he did not see anything else but that sweetest and most beautiful part of Wei Ying standing tall. He licked his lips, considering if the juices coming out of the tip were just as sweet as his loved one himself. He wanted to have a taste.

Still in a trance, caught like a fly attracted to the light, he crawled onto the bed and lowered his lips towards that sweet spot. He licked and indeed, it was just as he had imagined. Sweet and intoxicating. He thought that he would perhaps become hard once again himself. Though they have already done it once this time, he should probably not test his luck and Wei Ying's patience. He did not want to be seen as a horny dog in heat.

And there was also his promise that was on the line. Although he had never said it aloud, he did not want to make Wei Ying remember what he had went through. He was calm now but Lan Wangji was sure that those memories were just being repressed, ready to come out and bite and scratch with all their might. He had to wait for a little longer, at least until the wounds on his beloved's mind would scab over and there would not be any danger for Wei Ying's soul to start bleeding the moment Lan Wangji touched him in a wrong way.

He stopped licking and sat back on his heels, admiring the close-up view. No matter if he looked from afar or from this distance, Wei Ying was beautiful. And he was only his to see too. Lan Wangji felt like the luckiest man in the world right now.

There was only that last touch missing. He smoothed his forehead ribbon which had been a bit crumbled in his hand from how he had been clutching it while tasting his beloved. Then he wrapped it around the base of the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's manhood and gently and carefully continued going around and around all the way to the tip. And then back down, making sure to make the ribbon tight enough to not slip in place but not too tight so it would not hurt his beloved. To finish up his gift wrapping, he made two loops around Wei Ying's balls as well. He ended his efforts with a neat bow that he made between the sad body part and the base of the standing length.

It looked stunning and he was wondering why he had not thought of it before this. It really was the final touch; he was sure that his beloved could not be any prettier no matter what he would do.

"Beautiful," he whispered in awe.

He stayed sitting on the bed between Wei Ying's spread legs and admired his work. Wei Ying was decidedly the most beautiful creature in the whole cultivation world. Lan Wangji never wanted to let go of him.

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