Chapter 13

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Lan Wangji started walking to the door, eager to be back in the Jingshi already and clean Wei Ying up so he would be able to get rid of the last remains of Jiang Wanyin's assault on his body. He however stilled again just before crossing the doorsill. He had known there had been something which he had forgotten and it hit him only now.

If he took Wei Ying away just like this, Jiang Wanyin was sure to go straight to Lan Qiren or any other Gusu Lan sect elder and tell them that Lan Wangji had taken his brother for himself. Perhaps, out of a petty revenge, he would even claim that the Second Jade had been the one to commit the atrocious acts that he himself had done. Someone would then surely come and take Wei Ying away from Lan Wangji's arms. He could not have that.

The best would be to be the first one to report Jiang Wanyin's misconduct to his brother and uncle, making sure that the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir would be punished without delay. That would however also mean that Lan Wangji would not be able to keep Wei Ying all to himself. He could imagine that upon learning the truth about the two siblings' relationship, the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader and his wife would want to deal with this matter themselves, calling both brothers back to the Lotus Pier.

That was not a good option either. In both cases, Lan Wangji would lose Wei Ying. His mind was going in circles, desperately trying to find a third option. After what felt like an eternity, he still came out of his musing empty handed. He was in too much distress and too angry to be able to think clearly and calmly at the moment. He needed more time.

That being the case, there was only one thing left to do. He turned around and pinned down the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir with a stare again. Jiang Wanyin was still in the same position, visibly struggling to breathe properly and get up. The rage in his eyes was unmistakable but it did not bother Lan Wangji in the slightest. He was not above using blackmail if it meant protecting Wei Ying and having all the time he wanted alone with him.

In an almost pleasant voice, he addressed the cultivator on the ground: "I am the one responsible for the punishments. If you do not want everyone to know about this, you will say that Wei Ying is sick again and that I am taking care of him."

Jiang Wanyin gulped down and nodded. Lan Wangji knew he had nothing to fear for the immediate future. The Yunmeng Jiang sect heir would not go around announcing his own crimes to the whole cultivation world. He was not sure for how long they would both be able to keep up this pretence, after all, last time Wei Ying had been supposedly ill, it had only taken four days for Lan Qiren to demand the boy go to the infirmary. Still, it would be four days when he would be able to think of a better excuse to keep Wei Ying in the Jingshi and everyone else outside of it.

He hurried through the Cloud Recesses, conscious of the fact that it would be extremely awkward to run into anyone; and also extremely dangerous for his plans. Luckily, Wei Ying was still unconscious and he did not as much as stir or whimper in his arms. Every few steps, Lan Wangji looked down at him to check, just in case anything changed. He would have liked to continued looking at his beloved's perhaps too peaceful face the whole time but he had to watch where he was going.

There were only several disciples and servants he encountered on his way, it was still time for the lectures so everyone else was taking part in them. The servants knew how to mind their business and not come close to him when he seemed like he did not want to be disturbed.

The disciples were a little harder to avoid. He was the second young master of the Gusu Lan sect so of course eyes were usually drawn to him. For that, he tried to act as normally as he possibly could given his highly disturbed and emotional state. The disciples fortunately seemed to have taken the clue and only glanced at the bundle of blankets in his arms in astonishment and continued their way. No one questioned him and no one came to him. Lan Wangji was grateful for the rules which dictated discretion, he now needed that more than anything.

Every time anyone came into view, he adjusted his hold on Wei Ying so the other's face would be hidden in his chest and it would really look like he was carrying a blanket. With his heart in his throat and worries about who he could come across or that someone may really approach to ask him what he was doing, he was quickly making his way towards the Jingshi.

He was now grateful that his home was a little farther away from any other buildings, it was actually closer to the back mountains than to the residential areas of the Cloud Recesses. He knew they would not be disturbed there, safe for his brother and uncle, anyone else scarcely came by there. And even then, they usually did not disturb his peace of mind by coming too close unless absolutely necessary. They would be safe there, Wei Ying would be safe there. Only the two of them and no one who could hurt him anymore.

His heart was racing faster and faster as he was coming closer to his home. He was worried that someone may try to catch up to him before he would be able to hide his loved one away from the world. At the same time, he was more and more excited by the prospects of finally having Wei Ying only to himself. He would never let him go, they could finally be together for eternity and show their love to each other without fearing for anyone's interference.

At last, the Jingshi was visible at the end of the path and Lan Wangji hastened his steps even more, he was outright running now. After all, he had to get Wei Ying to safety quickly and there was no one around to see him breaking the rules and reprimand him.

It was a bit of a struggle to open the door with his hands occupied but it was only a little inconvenience. He relaxed as soon as the door was safely closed behind them and he could finally breathe freely without having to fear anyone seeing him. He leaned down and kissed the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's forehead.

"We are home, Wei Ying."

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