Chapter 23

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The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful. Lan Wangji was going through his usual routines, practicing on his guqin, reading books, studying and meditating. All the while, his eyes were always being distracted from whatever task he had been doing and attracted towards the bed where Wei Ying was so beautifully spread open for him.

Lan Wangji found it hard to do anything at all properly. His member throbbed with his repressed desires and he found it harder and harder to ignore the pain. He was holding himself back with all his will but as hours went by and the day was closer to the evening than to the morning, he knew he was losing this fight. If he did not do something soon, he would probably assault Wei Ying. Because the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple was the source of all the blood raging through his veins and his quick heartbeat and breathing.

It did not help at all that his beloved had also been watching him intently all day in turn. Whenever Lan Wangji's eyes went to the figure on the bed, he immediately met Wei Ying's eyes. At times, they were pleading and he was worried that his beloved would ask to be released again, but nothing like that happened. Wei Ying had been unusually quiet all day.

It was actually making Lan Wangji more and more nervous and worried. He had never seen the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple calm like this. Although perhaps the restrains had something to do with him not bouncing all around. But his mouth had not been sealed so why was he not saying anything? It was driving the Second Jade insane.

Way after he had fed lunch to his beloved, he rose from his meditation pose – he had not been meditating anyway, he had been distracted by his thoughts and the sight of his Wei Ying in his room – and went closer to the bed. His beloved's eyes followed him as he was crossing the empty space which separated them.

"Wei Ying, do you need anything?" Lan Wangji asked the same question he had asked worriedly at least twenty times today. The Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple only shook his head as all those other times. They were not getting anywhere like this.

"Why do you not speak to me?" Lan Wangji inquired, half intrigued and half desperate.

There was a long pause during which Wei Ying was watching him intently again and his eyes looked pensive. There was no smile on his lips, for once, he looked to be carefully considering his answer, his expression was serious.

After what must have been only several heartbeats but felt like hours to Lan Wangji, Wei Ying finally opened his mouth and asked a question of his own. His voice was tentative to say at best, there was no confidence behind his words and Lan Wangji was sure that if he could, he would have tried to hunch into himself. Which was strictly speaking not possible due to the restrains. It did however not discourage him from trying it seemed.

"Was it not you who wanted me to be quiet?"

Lan Wangji's mind stopped working altogether, too shocked to even breathe. He had not realized that his yesterday's annoyance and fears had hurt Wei Ying this much. He had only not wanted to hear his beloved say that he wanted to leave him, he had never intended for Wei Ying to stay silent altogether. The world was crumbling around him and he felt like he was falling into a bottomless pit. And perhaps he deserved it, it had not even been the first time when his actions had hurt his beloved, he should think more when doing something.

His ears were completely red when he stammered out: "I... the silencing spell... Not for you to stay silent..."

He felt like a fool, just standing in his own room and facing the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple while not being able to say a full sentence. Wei Ying was observing him, looking somewhat more relaxed which Lan Wangji guessed was a good sign. Finally, he managed to form a full sentence and he was out of breath from relief: "I did not want you to leave."

There was a silence in the room and Lan Wangji was left completely at the mercy of his beloved's stare. If Wei Ying would not understand what he wanted to convey, he did not know if he would be able to explain any better.

Suddenly, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple started laughing loudly, scaring the living light out of the Second Jade. Had Wei Ying gone mad or something? Luckily, it was only his beloved finally understanding the situation as it was it would seem.

"Lan Zhan," he forced out between gasping for breath and continuing to laugh, "we have both been such fools, had we not? I thought you had gotten annoyed with me and wanted me to shut up, that you were punishing me for always being a pest. But here you are standing, telling me that you were only afraid that I would leave if you did not tie me up?"

He sounded so disbelieving that Lan Wangji had an urge to explain himself further: "Wei Ying is beautiful like this."

"I see. You have said the same thing this morning. So you like to see me tied up like this? So naughty, Lan Zhan! What would your uncle say if he saw?"

Lan Wangji's face became serious at once: "He will not."

Wei Ying still continued to laugh and there were now tears spilling out of his eyes: "Of course he does not know. I am your little secret, right?" The glint in his eyes now shifted towards mischievous and Lan Wangji knew that his next words would be teasing. Not that he wanted to stop him, he had learned his lesson. "So, Lan Zhan, tell me, does seeing me like this not do anything to you? I cannot tell from when you are so serious all of the time. Do you like it?"

And here it was. Wei Ying had seen right through him. Lan Wangji felt that the warmth of his blush had spread from the top of his ears to the back of his neck as well. He was as embarrassed as he had never been before. But for some reason, it felt good and he did not regret it. He even thought about how he could tease Wei Ying back.

And he found just the thing in a heartbeat. He approached the bed even more, he was looming above it and Wei Ying's hand was brushing the front of his robes. Right where his long neglected and throbbing member was hiding beneath it.

His beloved's fingers brushed the fabric, sending pleasant sensations up and down Lan Wangji's spine as it rubbed against his sensitive areas. Then the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple touched his hard manhood and his eyes went wide, just as Lan Wangji's own. His beloved recovered quickly it seemed as the next second, he was already teasingly moving his fingers around and searching where to put them so he would be able to hold Lan Wangji's length in his palm.

The Second Jade took half a step to the side to give his beloved a better access and then he knew nothing more. His vision became blurry and his breathing laboured as Wei Ying was moving his hand skilfully. He started moaning and his cries were louder and louder as he was nearing his release. He came hard with one last gasp and fell onto his knees.

When he finally found it in himself to move at least a little bit, he lifted his head and looked up at his smiling loved one. Wei Ying seemed excited and content, grinning widely and happily. There was the boy Lan Wangji had fallen in love with. He smiled back, trying to communicate all his emotions and love with his eyes. He was still not able to say even one word, too shaken from the pleasure that Wei Ying's hand had just supplied.

"Was it good Lan Zhan? I can do even more things with my mouth. But let us save them for next time."

"Mn," was all that Lan Wangji managed to reply.

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