III: A Rather, Erotic, Welcome

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"Today's the dayyyy!" Miruko said to herself as she bounced all over her room in happiness. The morning sun poured generously through her windows as music bumped through her speakers in synchronization to the elated feeling inside of her soul.

"I'm a racing car, passing by
Like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go, Go, GO

Day 1 of the internships, has finally arrived. Within the hour Izuku Midoriya will walk through her front door and begin his time as her temporary student. Though, he probably won't be walking so much as he will be crawling. He may be out of school at the moment, but he's in her classroom now. The rules will change.

No more lousy mathematics. He wants numbers? He can count the amount of punches that rock his jaw and kicks that destroy his stomach. He wants history? He can think back to the previous day's lesson and remember just where he went wrong and how to change it for the better. He wants English? He can......well, that's about as far as Miruko can get with school subjects.

Her very first student, the thought alone making her leg having a spasm just as it did previously. She's never liked the idea of working in teams before for her previously said statements. They're crutches. Just another excuse for failing when it mattered most. But the idea of momentarily taking the future of somebody else into her hands was both majestic and a bit nerve wracking. Their future was now under the responsibility of her gaze. So when it comes to Midoriya, who does she see him to be in the future? Certainly not someone that's susceptible to just changing his name because somebody told him to.

Oh by the way I was just joking, you didn't have to put your hero description as that. You can just stay as regular Deku for now.

WHAT?! B-But, why'd you make me go through the trouble of changing it?

Cause I felt like it and it was funny. You know how stupid it would be if the news media started with 'This just in, the Baby Bunny Hero blah blah blah'. HAA! I bet that would sound so stupid.

But, yours is, the Rabbit Hero which is just the adult version of mine.


No, wait. Please! PLEASE I'M SORRY-


To make a story short, he got a first hand taste of what this week will keep in store for him.

Miruko can see the potential of Midoriya being somebody with upstanding confidence. As much as All Might's? Maybe, if he tried hard enough that is. What she hopes to attain most out of everything is to beat out that quiet behavior of his and fill it in with a more confident one. He doesn't have to be running around with a smile on his face or popping jokes every now and then to brighten up the entire area. She just prefers if he wasn't so, small. Not small as in height but small as in how he displays himself. He'd be a lot better looking if he had shoulders back, with head perked up all the time. That would be a significant change.

As far as the training goes she's going to make sure he goes to bed every night with bruises on his face and tears soaking his pillow. She's not cruel, she just wants him to toughen up some and not be a, for lack of a better term in her opinion, a 'crybaby bitch'. One thing she's learned from the media first hand is that they do not care about somebody's feelings. They are there to get the job done and get the questions answered even if it means causing an emotional distress on the interviewee. Miruko's had her fair share of those vultures and putting it short they've had their fair share of her too. She doesn't mind paying for the broken microphones and cameras, pocket change for somebody like her.

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