19: Things Change

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"-tell him. Just tell him, easy. No need for anything dramatic or flair or anything like that just tell him. Yeah, yeah I could do this, I could do this. I'm not scared. I'm not scared of anything-"



"Apologies for intruding on...whatever it is that you were doing-" The Vice President greeted, wondering why Midoriya was pacing back and forth around the corner of their homeroom a few minutes before homeroom bell would ring. "-but you are okay right? Seeing as how you're talking to yourself out here in the hall with no one else around."

"No yeah totally I am perfectly, a-okay heh." Midoriya assured. "Just um, practicing something that's been a long time coming don't worry about me."

"Hmm, very well then. Again I apologize for intruding, just wanted to see if you weren't in some sort of craze or other worrying state of mind. Is that a Miruko pin fastened to your collar?"

"Yeah, something that uh, m-my mom got for me as part of a set. None of the teachers have said anything about it so far, we'll see if Aizawa will. Probably."

"More than likely, which is a shame too since it's such a lovely pin. Hate to see it be taken down but such are rules and regulations."

"Yeah, true. I'll see you in class then." Yaoyorozu nodded and turned to make her way to class, leaving Midoriya by himself in the hall as he resumed his back and forth pacing. Hands swayed to and fro, clapping at the end of the swing and repeating the process while he conjured up the words in his mind as to what exactly he's going to say when the moment arrives.

Thanks to Miruko, he knows what needs to be done. No longer can he abide by living in the same cycle of treatment over and over again, things have changed. His current way of living and his current way of trying to achieve his dream to be the best has changed now, it's no longer the same hopes and the same methods as it was many moons ago. It's actually possible now for him to be where he wants to be and with this new possibility opens up the hidden path to getting there. However, on that path is an obstacle that he knows needs to be cleared out lest it deters him from a smooth and easy train ride to his destination. He knows that as a hero in training it really never will be a smooth and easy train ride but if this helps in making it so, then he'll take it.

This isn't a threat and he needs to ensure that his words do not come across as that, a threat. Knowing their way of seeing the rest of the world Midoriya figures that practically anything he says will automatically come off as a threat or a challenge to them but no matter how it may be seen he knows that it's best to stand his ground to the end. No longer will he take the dirt and crap and any other sort of negativity that comes his way all because of the difference in status at birth. Hopefully from this day moving forward things will be better, and if not better they will certainly be much more different than what they were before. He can thank Miruko in helping light the way for him to see that.

Speaking of Miruko, is it strange for him to say it's merely been a little over a day's worth of time that's passed and already he misses her? It felt odd waking up in his apartment room filled with All Might merchandise than compared to waking up in a guest bedroom knowing there was a sleeping Rabbit down the hall from his room. That's not saying that he despises the presence of his mother no he'd never say that, but it did feel a tad bit down this morning when he didn't see a pair of white ears over a beautifully muscular woman's body. Especially with these feelings about her that swirled around his heart like electrons around a nucleus. Except these electrons were anything but negative.

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