25: All For Nothing

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"Citizens stay indoors, I-Island is now under lockdown protocol. Please do not venture outside. Citizens stay indoors, I-Island is now under lockdown protocol. Please do not venture outside. Citizens stay-"

Black mechanical sentries roamed up and down the empty streets of I-Island, shutters closed and the curtains of the buildings drawn over the windows to keep out any unwanted eyes. The sentries were no taller than four feet with sleek designs that didn't give off a hostile vibe. But given this was I-Island, who knew what the automatons had in store for those who broke the rules. Two rotating wheels at the base of their design allowed the bots to effortlessly stop, turn and patrol down the other way in surveillance for anybody or anything that moved within their cone of vision.

One such bot patrolled up and down a sidewalk, their cone being obstructed by a large cement street barricade blocking their path at the end of their route. The moment the bot reached the barricade and turned to roam the other way was the perfect moment for a set of white bunny ears and green "ears" to quietly sneak their way up to the other side of the barricade. The ears popped up to reveal Midoriya and Miruko's eyes peeking over the cement.

"Damn, might as well have the robots patrol through the buildings at this point with how many there are." Miruko noted. "This will be fun."

The sentry bot jostled over something that caught Miruko's attention, looking to see the wheels roll over small metallic casings. "Small caliber rounds. Somebody was shooting a gun out here."

"I don't see any blood on the street or on the sidewalk." Midoriya added. "From what I could see at least. It's dark out here, and with the streetlights off it makes it harder to see anything of that color. Hmm..."

The two heroes crouched back down and turned to face each other. "What's the plan?"

"Well for starters we gotta be wary about any kind of security measures that have out here." Miruko said. "Right now what I'm assuming is happening is in fact a takeover, otherwise wouldn't we see some form of human security out here with the bots? Yeah I get it's I-Island and all that crap but still, I would have expected some kind of security detail other than these buckets of scrap. And if it is a takeover, next I'd assume that the place for us to be would be that big ass tower. If I know anything about games, big ass towers are usually where the main stuff is. So let's get there, and while we're there we may as well save all those people that might be trapped inside for the banquet."

"Banquet what banquet?"

"Oh yeah, with the invitation for I-Island we were also invited to some cringe banquet dance thingy. Fancy people crap, I wasn't interested."

"Okay but, what about me?"

"You were knocked the hell out I wasn't gonna wake you up for some lame dance."

"What?! Rumi come on what if my classmates were there?"

"I.E. Bakugo?"

"....okay I can't argue with that but I meant the others."

"Well if they are there then I'm sure this will be much easier for us." Miruko stated. "Hell, they might be hogging up all the fun without us so let's get going why don't we-"

"HALT!" The two gasped when a cone of red light flashed over their position, the source coming from a stray patrol bot that had snuck up on them from the front. The light was dull at first but shifted into a brighter setting to clearly highlight them. "HALT!"

"U-Um, hi?"

"Intruders detected." A vent on each side of the bot hissed open with twin barrels aimed and ready. "Intruders detected."

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