24: Stress-Relief

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Warning: NSFW.





A swipe of the hotel room key against the pad and a click of the latch led to Miruko opening the door and stepping inside with quirked eyebrows, shutting the door behind her with a gentle kick of her foot. "Oh-ho, you're so pissy right now that you're gonna answer with a straight up 'WHAT' instead of a yes or some other nice thing you always say? Wow, didn't think I'd hear that from you."

"Sorry, didn't mean that." Midoriya answered from the edge of the bed as he removed his right shoe and tossed it aside. Miruko rounded the foot of their bed and noticed how several pieces of his hero outfit had been discarded and placed aside, messily for that matter. "Just annoyed is all."

"No really? I couldn't tell. Babe what's all this why are you taking off your outfit?"

"I um, I'm not in the mood to go see anything anymore. I think I just wanna stay here in the room."

"Seriously? You were so excited to go see everything earlier then Bakugo comes around so now you're not in the mood to go see stuff. This was supposed to be for us."

"I mean you can still go see what there is out there I don't know why you need me to be there with you." Midoriya answered as the last accessory of his outfit was now removed. Laying on the bed beside him were his gloves, his accessory pouch and his hood with metallic mask, his shoes toppled over on the ground beside him. "They have little tablets there that you can use to get better information I'm sure even someone like you can understand it enough."

Miruko scoffed with a jutted hip and an incredulous look at her boyfriend. "I'm sorry, somebody like ME? You wanna explain to me what the fuck you mean by that?"

"No I didn't, I didn't mean to say it like that-"

"Hoh! Haha, okay, okay buddy I get you. You think I'm stupid."

"I don't think-"

"Oh I'm sorry, let me change that up for you Mr. Smart-Ass. You KNOW, I'm stupid, because you just know everything about me and assume that I don't have the fucking capabilities to understand what exactly I'm looking at. And you know what don't you get pissy with me you fuck you're the one who gets a hard-on for your boyfriend everytime he comes around and you forget how to act."

"Hey it's not MY fault that Bakugo decides to be so arrogant and disrespectful to me whenever he sees me I'm just trying to live my life as how it is and he decides to make it Hell for me." Midoriya argued. "And could you stop using vulgar words so much it's like majority of your vocabulary."

"So it's a problem now?"

"It's always been a problem I just didn't say anything because I've been able to put up with it for so long. Now you're just getting annoying Rumi."

"I'M getting annoying?! What about you?! You and your constant trying to go back to Bakugo thinking things are going to be different the next time you see him but knowing he isn't going to change!"

"Oh what so I can't hope for things to be better?!"

"I hope you wouldn't be so stupid that's what!"

"Why am I stupid?!" Midoriya asked as he stood and approached Miruko, standing over her with tempers high as she glared up at him. "What's so stupid to be hoping for something better?!"

"Because when it comes to Bakugo it's clear that you shouldn't hope for anything in the first place and THAT'S what makes you stupid!" Miruko stated. "You hope for something that could never happen no matter how much you want it to and you're just wasting your life trying to change what can't be changed!"

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